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Hydrocarbons Molecules which contain the elements HYDROGEN and CARBON ONLY Increasing molecular size Decreasing Flammability Increasing boiling point.

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2 Hydrocarbons

3 Molecules which contain the elements HYDROGEN and CARBON ONLY Increasing molecular size Decreasing Flammability Increasing boiling point Increasing viscosity Obtained from crude oil by FRACTIONAL DISTILLATION:

4 Hydrocarbon Families Hydrocarbons are divided up into families A family of hydrocarbons which all fit the SAME GENERAL FORMULA and which all have SIMILAR CHEMICAL PROPERTIES is called a HOMOLOGOUS SERIES AlkanesCycloalkanesAlkenes

5 Alkanes All members are in STRAIGHT CHAINS and have only SINGLE carbon-to-carbon bonds All members of the family have an individual name 1 st part of name tells you how many carbon atoms are in the hydrocarbon: Meth = 1 But = 4 Hept = 7 Eth = 2 Pent = 5 Oct = 8 Prop = 3 Hex = 6 2 nd part of name tells you which family the hydrocarbon belongs to: -ANE = Alkanes

6 Mnemonic Number of Carbon atomsPrefixMemory Aid 1Meth-Monsters 2Eth-Eat 3Prop-People 4But-But 5Pent-People 6Hex-Hate 7Hept-Having 8Oct-October 9Non-November 10Dec-December

7 Methane Each carbon atom forms 4 bonds Each hydrogen atom forms 1 bond C H H HH

8 Formulae CH 4 CH 3 CH 3 CH 2 CH 3 CH 4 C2H6C2H6 C3H8C3H8 Full structural Shortened structural Molecular

9 General Formula C n H 2n + 2 E.g. If there are 5 carbon atoms, the number of hydrogen atoms is 2 x 5 + 2 = 12 Each family member differs by a CH 2 unit:

10 Properties This REGULAR INCREASE in a CH 2 unit means that as you move through the family, there is a gradual change in PHYSICAL PROPERTIES e.g. boiling point The CHEMICAL PROPERTIES in each member of the family are all very SIMILAR e.g. flammability

11 Titan: Saturn’s largest moon

12 Cycloalkanes Are another HOMOLOGOUS SERIES of hydrocarbons This time, each member forms a RING shape Cyclopropane C3H6C3H6 C4H8C4H8 Cyclobutane C n H 2n CH 2 CH 2 CH 2

13 Alkenes Are another HOMOLOGOUS SERIES of hydrocarbons Each member is in a straight chain Each member contains a carbon-to-carbon DOUBLE BOND C C HH HH Ethene - The first member of this family C n H 2n

14 Members of the Alkene Family C C H HH H Ethene Propene C C C HH H H H H C CC C HH H H HH H H Butene C2H4C2H4 C3H6C3H6 C4H8C4H8 CH 2 =CH 2 CH 3 CH=CH 2

15 Saturated vs Unsaturated Saturated: Alkanes, cycloalkanes Unsaturated: Alkenes Only carbon-to-carbon SINGLE bonds No other atoms will join on to the molecule C C C HH H H H H Contains at least one carbon-to-carbon DOUBLE bond Other atoms can join on to the molecule

16 Addition Reactions Hydrocarbons with a C=C can react with other atoms to let them ADD ON. This is called an ADDITION REACTION The new atoms join on to EITHER SIDE of the DOUBLE BOND 1 2

17 Test for Unsaturation Bromine solution can be used to distinguish between alkanes and alkenes, or cycloalkanes and alkenes Alkane Hydrocarbon Test with bromine solution Saturated / unsaturated Cycloalkane Alkene Saturated Unsaturated Stays brown / red Changes from brown / red to colourless Br 2 (aq)

18 Supply vs Demand Less produced Lots produced High demand Low demand

19 Cracking Is used to make smaller, more useful molecules from larger molecules High temperatureBond breaks (random)

20 Cracking in the Lab Can be done in the laboratory: Aluminium oxide Alkane Cracked gas

21 Isomers Hydrocarbons with the SAME NUMBER of atoms but DIFFERENT structures are called ISOMERS Isomers can be of hydrocarbons in the SAME FAMILY: Or in DIFFERENT FAMILIES: C C C HH H H H H C 4 H 10 C3H6C3H6

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