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Conservation & Stewardship If a leaky faucet fills a coffee cup in 10 minutes, how much water will it waste in a year? Enough for: A) A glass of water.

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Presentation on theme: "Conservation & Stewardship If a leaky faucet fills a coffee cup in 10 minutes, how much water will it waste in a year? Enough for: A) A glass of water."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conservation & Stewardship If a leaky faucet fills a coffee cup in 10 minutes, how much water will it waste in a year? Enough for: A) A glass of water B)A bath C) 52 baths Be on the lookout for hidden water leaks in your house. Secret hiding places include: behind the walls, in faucets, in toilets...and even outside at the end of a hose.

2 Did You Know Even a tiny leak can waste a lot of water. For example, a leak that fills up a coffee cup in 10 minutes will waste over 3,000 gallons of water in a year. How much water is that? You'd have to drink 65 glasses of water every day for a year to get that much water! 20% of all the toilets in American homes are leaking right now....And usually people don't even know it. In one year, a leaky toilet can waste over 22,000 gallons of water. That's enough to take three baths every day!

3 Conservation & Stewardship You say, “I’m a kid! What difference can I make?” Do you take a shower? Do you brush your teeth? Do you flush toilets? Do you wash your hands? Do you pour bottles of water out when they’re only half used? Do you wash clothes? Do you wash your parents’ car? Do you wash dishes? If you answered, “YES” to any of these….YOU can make a difference!

4 Conservation The careful use of a natural resource

5 Stewardship The act of good management; the act of protecting and conserving resources

6 Your Task: Choose 1 Acrostic Must include: *Word *Definition *Examples *Terms or phrases that relate *Pictures *Color 4 Sqaure Must include: *Word *Top left: Definition *Top right: Picture of Stewardship *Bottom Left: Examples 3-4 *Bottom Right: Non-examples 3-4 *Color


8 STEWARDSHIP DefinitionPicture Examples Non-examples

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