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Australia,Oceania & Antarctica Regional Atlas Questions and Answers.

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1 Australia,Oceania & Antarctica Regional Atlas Questions and Answers

2 1.Vast and sparsely populated, the region of Australia, Oceania, and Antarctica is perhaps the most diverse of the world’s regions. 2.Cold, icy Antarctica lacks a permanent human population, but the data being gathered there by scientists will broaden your understanding of the world’s climates and resources in the years ahead. 3.Miners in Southern Australia work in an opal mine. Australia’s white and black opals are highly regarded gemstones, and the country is one of the world’s leading producers of diamonds. 4.The native people of Australia and New Zealand are now minorities, and people descended from European immigrants dominate the population.

3 5.The archaeological evidence of aborigines was found in what year? 45,000 B.C. 6.1959: 12 countries sign the Antarctic Treaty to preserve Antarctica for peaceful scientific research and put all territorial claims on hold. 7.How many different island groups can be found in Oceania? 21 8.How many islands in this area are under United States control? 3; Northern Mariana Islands, Kiribati, and American Samoa 9.Which country has the highest life expectancy? Australia 10.Which country has the lowest life expectancy? Nauru 11. Use another demographic category to explain why the country in Question 10 might have the lowest life expectancy in this region: Life expectancy can fall due to problems like famine, war, disease and poor health; other factors are wealth, education, and medical care/services.

4 12.List the five species of plant and animal species that live in the Antarctic region: Algae, Lichens, Mosses, Birds, and Whales 13.“Maori women have traditionally worn tattoos around their chin and mouth to indicate ancestry and social status.” 14.Which European country colonized much of Australia and Oceania? Great Britain 15.“Starting in 1788, Great Britain used Australia as a colony for convicts sent from overcrowded British prisons.” 16.How do students in the Outback turn in assignments and communicate with their teachers? By use of mail, two-way radio, and e-mail. 17.“Australian English, called strine, has a unique vocabulary made up of Aboriginal words, terms used by early settlers, and slang created by modern Australians.”

5 18.As the end of school year nears many students – and teachers – might want to “chuck a sickie”. What does this mean in American English? To call off sick when you’re really fine 19.What is the most important economic activity in Australia and New Zealand? Agriculture 20.Australia is the world’s leading producer of wool. 21.What is a “station”? Australian cattle/sheep ranch 22.What is a “grazier”? Ranchers in New Zealand 23.“Surprisingly, the country has 20 times more livestock than people!” 24.Kangaroos, koalas, and wallabies are examples of which unique group of animals found only in this region? Marsupials

6 25.What are the two environmental reasons/causes for the decay of the Great Barrier Reef? Increased water temperature and environmental pollution 26.Why are conservation efforts at the Great Barrier Reef important for the environment and the economy? To save rare/unique plant and animal species and to protect the valuable tourism industry.

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