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Transition from Foundation Stage to Year One Phase Leader Mr Walters Year One Staff Miss Davies (Mrs Whittaker) Miss Murray Miss Dutson Mrs Crampton Mrs.

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Presentation on theme: "Transition from Foundation Stage to Year One Phase Leader Mr Walters Year One Staff Miss Davies (Mrs Whittaker) Miss Murray Miss Dutson Mrs Crampton Mrs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition from Foundation Stage to Year One Phase Leader Mr Walters Year One Staff Miss Davies (Mrs Whittaker) Miss Murray Miss Dutson Mrs Crampton Mrs Lawley

2 What we are going to cover: Introduction to Year One The New National Curriculum Teaching methods Reading Phonics Screening Check How we support your child How to support your child What to expect in the first week Question time

3 An introduction to Year One: We build upon key skills and learning from Reception. We recognise that Year One is different from the Foundation Stage and therefore we aim to manage the transition in a gradual, staged approach which is taken at your child’s individual pace allowing the children to adapt to the new expectations during the Autumn Term. Elements of English and Mathematics are introduced in Early Years which are then developed more extensively in Year One.

4 National Curriculum 2014 English – Reading and Writing The new English Curriculum includes the following areas; Word Reading and Comprehension Handwriting Composition Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation

5 National Curriculum 2014 Maths The new Maths Curriculum includes the following areas; Number and Place Value Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and Division Fractions Measurement Properties of Shape Position and Direction

6 Topic Past and Present London– The Great Fire of London and Paddington. Into the Woods - Gruffalo Amazing Animals - Dinosaurs Toys – Now and Then Topics may alter depending on children’s interests.

7 A typical week in Year One …

8 Reading In Year One children are responsible for changing their own reading book daily. Please listen to your child read every day and make a comment, even a few pages makes a huge difference! Guided reading – Every Monday afternoon, children will read a shared tect in a group and answer comprehension questions. Children will be moved onto a new book band when they are ready (fluency and comprehension)

9 Phonics Screening Check In Year One, the children are required to take the Phonics Screening Check in June. This checks the children’s ability to blend the sounds we have covered in real and unknown (alien) words. During the check each child will sit with a teacher and read aloud the 40 words contained in the check. We will share the results from the check by a letter at the end of the summer term. An additional Parent Workshop will be provided in Spring Term to cover this in more detail.

10 How we support your child: We build upon the skills taught in Reception and teach routines which encourage independence. Special educational needs (SEN) teaching assistants Grouped with children of similar needs (focus group) Social skills groups/ Talking Partners Fine and gross motor skills groups/Handwriting Transition to Year Two (End of Year One) Please check termly newsletters for more information of topics that will be covered.

11 Other Information… Forest School will be continuing in Year One and will follow the same dress code as Reception. Children can have either milk or orange juice for morning snack with a piece of fruit. There will be a charge for drinks, children can bring their own water if they prefer. Children are still entitled to free school meals, however can bring home sandwiches if they wish. This can be decided daily. Your child will be bringing home a transition pack containing an activity for you to do with your child and return in September. There is a letter explaining all of this so do not worry!

12 Uniform Girls: Winter Uniform Navy skirt, pinafore dress or grey school trousers (not stretch material) Pale blue blouse Navy V neck jumper/sweatshirt or cardigan Dark low heeled shoes - not trainers or boots Navy or white socks School Tie Boys: Winter Uniform Grey Trousers Pale blue shirt Navy V neck jumper/sweatshirt Dark shoes - not trainers or boots Grey or white socks School tie PE & Games Boys and girls wear black shorts, yellow t shirts and black pumps Both boys and girls may wear trainers for outside activities. Tracksuits can be worn on cold days

13 How to support your child Over the summer: Have fun and play! Continue reading Holiday Homework At school: Communicate with staff if your child is having difficulties (Class Teacher, TA’s, Mr Walters) Homework, spellings and reading at home Keep up-to-date with termly newsletters on the website

14 What to expect in the first week: Children will be issued reading books (Reception book band level. We will aim to hear them all read and assess their level over the following 2 weeks) More information will be provided regarding what is happening in Autumn Term When children are settled into their new classes, they will be bringing home both weekly spellings and homework. Please support your child by completing these activities. Priority is to settle the children into Year One

15 Thank you for listening. Do you have any questions?

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