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KLOA Meeting Correctable Errors & Simultaneous Fouls April 20, 2016.

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1 KLOA Meeting Correctable Errors & Simultaneous Fouls April 20, 2016


3 Correctable Errors Coach believes that there has been a misapplication of a rule by an official Coach makes a request Before the next live ball Double horn Discuss the believed misapplication of the rule at table error with both head coaches If no misapplication – Charged time out Judgement calls cannot be discussed Cannot use video, replay or wireless communication devices

4 Mistake by officials An official makes a mistake that results in a player or team being disadvantaged If an official recognizes the mistake, the official shall promptly correct the mistake. If a goal is scored and the mistake is brought to the intention of the official before the next live ball, the goal must be allowed or disallowed as required If the officials have sufficient time to correct before the next live ball, they must do so If officials do not have time to correct (the mistake is an incorrect restart), the correction must be made before the second live ball No goal can be disallowed after a faceoff occurs

5 Inadvertent Whistle / Flag If Inadvertent Whistle – Stop play immediately If Inadvertent Flag – Stop play at the earliest opportunity that does not disrupt a goal scoring opportunity Award ball to team in possession or entitled to the ball If loose outside crease, use AP. If loose in crease, award to defense


7 Identification Simultaneous fouls are fouls called on players of opposing teams during – A live ball Most live ball simultaneous fouls do not occur at the exact same time – A dead ball when sequence cannot be determined

8 Penalty During slow whistle or play on any foul committed by the team in possession or entitled to possession – Immediate Whistle No play on or flag down and all fouls are technical – Fouls cancel If the team in possession (or entitled to possession) commits – Only technical fouls – no penalty time served by that team – Any personal foul, all players serve penalty time All fouls “locked in” for the shortest penalty time

9 Award the Ball When penalty time is awarded and one team has less time – Award ball to the team with less time When penalty times are equal or all fouls cancel – Award ball to team in possession or entitled to possession – If neither team has possession, use AP or conduct the faceoff if a faceoff is pending Ball put in play at the spot where the ball was when the whistle blew – Restart out of the “box” at nearest spot if on the offensive end

10 Situation 1 B1 commits a live-ball technical foul (30 seconds to be served). Before ball is put back in play, A1 commits a technical foul Not a simultaneous foul situation B1 serves 30 seconds Award ball to team B

11 Situation 2 B1 commits a technical foul with Team A in possession of the ball in Team A’s defensive half of the field, flag down. Before the whistle resuming play, Team A commits two technical fouls (delay of game and conduct). Not simultaneous fouls Award ball to team A at center, B1 serves 30 seconds Award ball to team B for delay of game Penalize team A for conduct (30 seconds) Penalties are not releasable

12 Situation 3 Goalkeeper B1 has possession of the ball in his crease when A1 checks B1’s crosse. Official signals play-on. B1 intentionally slashes A1 on follow through of his outlet pass. Simultaneous fouls A1 and B1 serve penalty time – A1 – 30 seconds, B1 – 1 minute First 30 seconds non-releasable Ball awarded to team A outside the box

13 Situation 4 B1 commits a personal foul – flag down, slow whistle. B2 slashes A1 (second flag down). A1 slashes B2. Blow whistle, end the flag down when A1 slashes B2 B1, B2 & A1 serve 1 minute penalties (simultaneous) All penalties are non-releasable Award ball to Team A at the spot the ball was when the whistle was blown

14 Situation 5 While A1 is about to scoop the ball, B1 goes offside. At the exact same time, A2 pushes B2. Simultaneous technical fouls Whistle is blown immediately Fouls cancel Award ball according to alternating possession

15 Situation 6 A1 scores a goal. Team A calls timeout. During the routine equipment check during the time out, A1’s crosse is found to be 39” long. B2’s crosse is pinched and the ball does not come out. Disallow the goal (scored by an illegal crosse) Simultaneous dead ball fouls A1 & B2 serve 3 minutes, non-releasable There is no pending faceoff as there was no goal. Award ball using alternating possession

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