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Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Alan Brinkley, AMERICAN HISTORY 12/e Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West.

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1 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Alan Brinkley, AMERICAN HISTORY 12/e Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West


3 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Essential Questions 1.What national issues emerged in the process of closing the western frontier? 2.Why does the West hold such an important place in the American imagination? 3.In what ways is the West romanticized in American culture?

4 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Key Tensions Native Americans Buffalo Hunters Railroads U. S. Government CattlemenSheep Herders RanchersFarmers

5 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Key Tensions Ethnic Minorities Nativists Environmentalists Big Business Interests [mining, timber] Local Govt. Officials Farmers Buffalo Hunters Lawlessness of the Frontier “Civilizing” Forces [The “Romance” of the West]

6 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West Introduction Introduction  Myth and Reality Cowboy of the West (The Palma Collection / Getty Images)

7 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Societies of the Far West The Societies of the Far West –The Western Tribes  Caste System

8 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Societies of the Far West The Societies of the Far West –The Western Tribes  Caste System—what was the hierarchy  Plains Indians— Role of women? Buffalo Runners (Library of Congress)

9 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Societies of the Far West The Societies of the Far West –The Western Tribes  Caste System  Plains Indians  Economic Importance Importance of the Buffalo of the Buffalo The Bison (Royalty-Free / CORBIS)

10 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Societies of the Far West The Societies of the Far West –The Western Tribes  Caste System  Plains Indians  Economic Importance of the Buffalo  Indian Weaknesses—Why did the whites eventually prevail?

11 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Societies of the Far West The Societies of the Far West –Hispanic New Mexico  How did Anglo-American dominance affect the nature of Hispanic culture in New Mexico from the 1840s to 1900?

12 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Societies of the Far West The Societies of the Far West –Hispanic New Mexico  Taos Indian Rebellion Taos, New Mexico (Royalty Free / CORBIS)

13 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Societies of the Far West The Societies of the Far West –Hispanic New Mexico  Taos Indian Rebellion  Hispanic Resistance

14 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Societies of the Far West The Societies of the Far West –Hispanic California and Texas  What factors led to the decline of Mexican-American economic and social dominance in CA and TX? What was the socio-economic status of most hispanics by the end of the 19 th century?

15 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Societies of the Far West The Societies of the Far West –Hispanic California and Texas  Decline of Mission Society  Declining Status of Hispanics

16 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Societies of the Far West The Societies of the Far West –The Chinese Migration  In what fields did Chinese work until 1869?

17 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Societies of the Far West The Societies of the Far West –The Chinese Migration  Racism—Why?  Building the Transcontinental Railroad

18 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Societies of the Far West The Societies of the Far West –The Chinese Migration  Racism  Building the Transcontinental Railroad Transcontinental Railroad  Establishment of “Chinatowns” “Chinatowns” Early Chinatown (Library of Congress)

19 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Societies of the Far West The Societies of the Far West –Anti-Chinese Sentiments  Why was Anglo-European hostility toward the Chinese so high in California? What actions resulted from this hostility? How did the Chinese Americans respond? A Chinese Family in San Francisco

20 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Societies of the Far West The Societies of the Far West –Anti-Chinese Sentiments  Anti-Coolie Clubs  Chinese Exclusion Act A Chinese Family in San Francisco

21 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Societies of the Far West The Societies of the Far West –Anti-Chinese Sentiments  Anti-Coolie Clubs  Chinese Exclusion Act  Chinese Resistance A Chinese Family in San Francisco

22 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc The “Chinese Question”  Exclusion Act (1882) - Oriental Exclusion Act - Chinese Exclusion Act

23 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Black “Exoduster” Homesteader s

24 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Blacks Moving West

25 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Societies of the Far West The Societies of the Far West –Migration from the East  Homestead Act— What was the vision? Norwegian Settlers in 1890s (Library of Congress)

26 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Societies of the Far West The Societies of the Far West –Migration from the East  Homestead Act  Government Assistance

27 1887 Land Promotion Poster for the Dakota Territories

28 What is the Message of this Picture? What is the Message of this Picture?

29 The Reality--A Pioneer’s Sod House, SD The Reality--A Pioneer’s Sod House, SD

30 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Changing Western Economy The Changing Western Economy –Labor in the West  Limited Social Mobility— How was labor shaped by Racial prejudice? Immigrant Orange Pickers in Los Angeles (Library of Congress)

31 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Changing Western Economy The Changing Western Economy –The Arrival of the Miners  Life Cycle of a Mining Boom Mining Towns, 1848- 1863

32 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Changing Western Economy The Changing Western Economy –Labor in the West  Limited Social Mobility  Racially Stratified Working Class Working Class Immigrant Orange Pickers in Los Angeles (Library of Congress)

33 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Changing Western Economy The Changing Western Economy –The Arrival of the Miners  Life Cycle of a Mining Boom Mining Boom  Comstock Lode in Nevada A Train arrives at a Mining Town (Library of Congress)

34 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Changing Western Economy The Changing Western Economy –The Arrival of the Miners  Life Cycle of a Mining Boom  Comstock Lode  Boomtown Life— What was life like for Men and women here? San Francisco, 1852 (Library of Congress)

35 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Changing Western Economy The Changing Western Economy –The Arrival of the Miners  Life Cycle of a Mining Boom  Comstock Lode  Boomtown Life  Gender Imbalance

36 Legendary Gunslingers & Train Robbers Jesse James Billy the Kid

37 Dodge City Peace Commission, 1890

38 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Changing Western Economy The Changing Western Economy –The Cattle Kingdom  Describe the origins, purposes Practices of the “long drive” And “open range” periods of The cattle industry The Cattle Kingdom c. 1866-1887

39 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Changing Western Economy The Changing Western Economy –The Cattle Kingdom  Mexican Origins  Chisholm Trail Cowboys on a “Long Drive” (Library of Congress)

40 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Changing Western Economy The Changing Western Economy –The Cattle Kingdom  Mexican Origins  Chisholm Trail  Competition with Farmers

41 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Changing Western Economy The Changing Western Economy –The Cattle Kingdom  Mexican Origins  Chisholm Trail  Competition with Farmers  Political Gains for Women—Why did women gain suffrage in the west before the east?

42 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Romance of the West The Romance of the West –The Western Landscape  “Rocky Mountain School”—awe at the landscape  Albert Bierstadt and Thomas Moran Panorama of Lake Chelan WA, 1908 (Library of Congress)

43 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Romance of the West The Romance of the West –The Cowboy Culture  Myth of the Cowboy— (like Natty Bumpo?) Cowboy of the West (The Palma Collection / Getty Images)

44 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Romance of the West The Romance of the West –The Idea of the Frontier  Romantic Image of the West  Owen Wister’s “The Virginian” Mountain Valley (Royalty-Free / CORBIS)

45 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Romance of the West The Romance of the West –The Idea of the Frontier  Romantic Image of the West  Mark Twain—characters who rejected organized society, escape into natural work  Frederic Remington—painter, sculptor; cowboy as natural aristocrat in natural world  Theodore Roosevelt—The Winning of the West— romanticized account of the spread of white civilization

46 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Romance of the West The Romance of the West –Frederick Jackson Turner  Turner’s Frontier Thesis “The existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession and the advance of settlement westward, explain American Development.” Frederick Jackson Turner

47 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Romance of the West The Romance of the West –The Loss of Utopia  Psychological Loss

48 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Dispersal of the Indians The Dispersal of the Indians –White Tribal Policies  “Concentration” Policy—When and what was it?

49 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Dispersal of the Indians The Dispersal of the Indians –White Tribal Policies  “Concentration” Policy  Poorly Administered Reservations

50 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Dispersal of the Indians The Dispersal of the Indians –White Tribal Policies  “Concentration” Policy  Poorly Administered Reservations  Decimation of the Buffalo— What were the causes? Hunting Bison on the Plains (Library of Congress)

51 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Dispersal of the Indians The Dispersal of the Indians –The Indian Wars  Indian Resistance—Identify some of the major battles between Native Americans And US at the end of the 19 th c. Chief Little Crow, 1851 (Library of Congress)

52 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Dispersal of the Indians The Dispersal of the Indians –The Indian Wars  Indian Resistance  Sand Creek Massacre  “Indian Hunting”  Little Bighorn Tombstones at Little Bighorn (Royalty-Free / CORBIS)

53 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Dispersal of the Indians The Dispersal of the Indians –The Indian Wars  Indian Resistance  Sand Creek Massacre  “Indian Hunting”  Little Bighorn  Chief Joseph  “Ghost Dance”—Why was it so threatening to the community nearby?  Wounded Knee—Why has it become a symbol in this struggle for Native American civil rights?

54 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Helen Hunt Jackson In 1879 attended lecture of Chief Sitting Bear about Indian removal In 1879 attended lecture of Chief Sitting Bear about Indian removal Moved, wrote, spoke against US Indian policy Moved, wrote, spoke against US Indian policy Wrote Century of Dishonor-- caused a national sensation by exposing broken treaties, dishonest deals, unfulfilled promises, and the federal government's corrupt mismanagement of its Indian wards Wrote Century of Dishonor-- caused a national sensation by exposing broken treaties, dishonest deals, unfulfilled promises, and the federal government's corrupt mismanagement of its Indian wards

55 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Helen Hunt Jackson In 1884 Wrote Ramona— fictional book In 1884 Wrote Ramona— fictional book Was “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” for Indians, but didn’t have same effect Was “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” for Indians, but didn’t have same effect However, some historians claim did influence Dawes Severalty Act in 1887 However, some historians claim did influence Dawes Severalty Act in 1887

56 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Dispersal of the Indians The Dispersal of the Indians –The Dawes Act  What was the basic objective of the Dawes Severalty Act? How did it try to accomplish this goal?

57 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Dispersal of the Indians The Dispersal of the Indians –The Dawes Act  Elimination of Tribal Ownership  Assimilation

58 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Rise and Decline of the Western Farmer The Rise and Decline of the Western Farmer –Farming on the Plains  Key Role of the Railroad—Why can it be said that the western railroads were public projects, though they had private ownership? Map of the Northern Pacific Railroad (Royalty-Free / CORBIS)

59 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Rise and Decline of the Western Farmer The Rise and Decline of the Western Farmer –Farming on the Plains  Key Role of the Railroad  Barbed Wire Barbed Wire (© Creatas/ PunchStock)

60 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Rise and Decline of the Western Farmer The Rise and Decline of the Western Farmer –Farming on the Plains  Key Role of the Railroad  Barbed Wire  Drought Drought (© Creatas/ PunchStock)

61 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Rise and Decline of the Western Farmer The Rise and Decline of the Western Farmer –Farming on the Plains  Key Role of the Railroad  Barbed Wire  Drought  Hard Times for Farmers


63 The Traditional View of the West

64 William “Buffalo Bill” Cody’s Wild West Show

65 “Buffalo Bill” Cody & Sitting Bull

66 Legendary Female Western Characters Calamity Jane Annie Oakley

67 The Fall of the Cowboy Frederick Remington

68 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Rise and Decline of the Western Farmer The Rise and Decline of the Western Farmer –Commercial Agriculture  How were market forces changing the nature of American agriculture at the end of the 19 th c?

69 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Rise and Decline of the Western Farmer The Rise and Decline of the Western Farmer –The Farmers’ Grievances  Farmers’ Grievances –What were the main grievances of the late 19 th c farmer?

70 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Rise and Decline of the Western Farmer The Rise and Decline of the Western Farmer –The Farmers’ Grievances  Farmers’ Grievances –Railroads –Credit Institutions –Prices

71 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West The Rise and Decline of the Western Farmer The Rise and Decline of the Western Farmer –The Agrarian Malaise  Isolation Oregon Barn (Glen Allison/ Getty Images)

72 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Patterns of Popular Culture: Patterns of Popular Culture: The Wild West Show Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West Poster for Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show (Library of Congress)

73 Copyright ©2007 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc Where Historians Disagree: Where Historians Disagree: The “Frontier” and the West Chapter Sixteen: The Conquest of the Far West Los Angeles, 1877 (Royalty-Free /CORBIS)

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