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Welcome to Campus High School Senior Parent Meeting September 1, 2016 `

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Campus High School Senior Parent Meeting September 1, 2016 `"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Campus High School Senior Parent Meeting September 1, 2016 `

2 Class of 2017 Campus High School National Blue Ribbon School 2013 Principal Mr. Regier

3 Our Vision for Campus (what can we be?) 1.Graduation rate of 93% by 2017. 2.80% of our students will score at grade level or higher on State Assessments. 3.Average score of 23 on ACT. 4.Provide a safe, nurturing environment for our students.

4 Construction Construction is in full swing. Science rooms- 3 additional Physical Education – 2 classrooms including Sports Medicine Lab. Safe Rooms - North: Wrestling room. - South: additional classrooms Secured Entrance New weight room in old pool area Pool will be built next to the city pool

5 Valley State Bank

6 Senior Class Sponsor Mrs. Lauren Kliewer 554-2236 x-1105 Senior Class t-shirt order forms available after the meeting

7 COMMON GOAL May 21, 2017 2pm Koch Arena

8 Graduation Supplies Monday, October 3 rd @ 12:55pm $60 deposit Deadline for ordering Graduation supplies is December 12, 2016 Delivery in March 2017

9 Project Graduation 2017 Tammy McCarty 316-680-0939 May 21 st 11pm-5am @ CHS

10 Credits required for grade level, class of 2017+ 0-5 Freshmen 6+ Sophomore 13+ Junior 20+ Senior Students can achieve 8 credits per year. Must have a seminar credit for each semester at CHS.

11 Diploma tracks We have 4 diploma tracks at Campus. Basic diploma Qualified Admissions Kansas Scholars International Baccalaureate

12 Basic Graduation Requirements 4 English (.5 speech) 3 Math 3 Science 3 Social Studies 1 Physical Education 1 Fine Art 12 Electives 27 for Class of 2017 and beyond


14 Kansas College Qualified Admission Requirements 4 English( must take 11 th and 12 th College Bound English or 11 th /12 th Honors English) 3 math(Alg I, Geom, Alg II) Math & ACT math sub-score of 22 or take a 4 th math class in HS. 3 Science, one unit must be Chemistry or Physics. 3 Social Studies 1 Physical Education 1 Fine Art **Courses completed in middle school/junior high do not count towards qualified admissions.

15 Qualified Admissions Performance Requirements Complete the pre-college or Kansas Scholars Curriculum with at least a 2.0 GPA. And one of the following: ACT score of 21, SAT score of 980, graduate in top 1/3 of class, And achieve a 2.0 GPA on any college qualified credit taken in HS.

16 Kansas Scholars Curriculum 4 English (11 th and 12 th College Bound) 4 Math (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, College Algebra, Trigonometry, AP Statistics, AP Calculus) 3 Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) 3 Social Studies 1 Physical Education 1 Fine Art 2 credits of the same Foreign Language

17 ATHLETICS and ACTIVITIES eligibility Participation and grades/attendance are related KSHSAA eligibility requirement: Student must pass 5 classes in the previous semester to participate. Eligibility this fall is dependent upon grades last semester. Mr. Elliot is the administrator in charge of activity eligibility. 554-2236 X1006 relliott

18 Come to school every day 5 absences per class per semester. Absences above 5 may be made up at a time assigned by the administration. Parental authorization is required to avoid a truancy detention- call or write a note. 80% of success is showing up every day.

19 WATC Blocks of Courses Students can begin taking blocks of classes after sophomore year. Senate Bill 155 pays tuition costs. Juniors & Seniors half day at Campus/WATC Students must be on track with core classes

20 Applying to College Start online: Application deadlines Application requirements Submit application Send transcripts (Campus, college credits already earned) Application fees (can be waived if on F/R, AVID, Trio)

21 Once Accepted Turn in a copy of acceptance letter and scholarship offers! Information used for Senior Awards – May 14, 2017

22 How do students earn scholarships? Grade Point Average ACT Score Involvement Letters of Recommendation

23 Show Me the MONEY! FAFSA changes Application opens October 1 (previously January 1) Prior-Prior year tax return Use the DRT (Data Retrieval Tool) to attach 2015 return Will help you plan earlier for college expenses and make educated decisions on the best choice college for your student

24 Financial Aid Night WSU Financial Aid Officer October 3, 2016 7pm in the CHS Commons Drawing for a $1000 scholarship for 1 senior to attend Wichita State University

25 Can my Senior still take the ACT? Yes, the ACT is offered at CHS 6 times per year. (Saturdays) National dates: 2016-2017 – September 10Due by Aug 5 – October 22Due by Sept 16 (to meet priority deadlines for admissions/scholarships) – December 10Due by Nov 4 – February 11Due by Jan 13 – April 8Due by March 3 – June 10Due by May 5 – Pick up a registration packet in the counseling office or register online at – $42.50 Can take ACT 12 times

26 Why take the ACT? Repetition- learn how to take the test. Much is gained from each experience. Students who begin taking the ACT before their senior year score on average 2 points better than those who wait. If college attendance is dependent upon a scholarship then it makes no sense to miss an opportunity to test-every test missed is gone forever. Students on free/reduced lunches can get 2 free ACT tests beginning junior year.

27 ACT: Power Prep, Inc. Power Prep Class September 23, 2016 Part One: 9:00am-11:30am Lunch 11:30-12:30 Part Two: 12:30pm-3:00pm Cost $25 per student Sign up in the Counseling Office—limit of 50 students

28 Common traits of successful seniors They come to school They stay involved They turn in assignments

29 Problem checklist Things seem a little fishy? Talk to your student and call the teacher first. Consult the school handbook, check PowerSchool regularly. Know the late work turn in policy for each dept. Encourage your student to communicate with their teacher. Arrange for a conference with the teacher/E-mail the teacher through powerschool. Arrange for a meeting with administration/teacher.

30 Help is always available Students can get extra help in seminar. Teachers are available before and after school and by appointment. Campus High School tutoring program- available to all students Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after school in room C-16. Begins Sept 6. No Appt. necessary.

31 What can you do to help your student? Help them transition to the adult world… – THEY need to fill out college applications – THEY need to request their transcripts – THEY need to talk with their teachers and advocate for themselves.

32 National Honor Society Open to 10 th, 11 th and 12 th graders with a teacher recommendation and 3.5 GPA. Great organization for leadership opportunities. All students with a 3.5 GPA will be invited to apply during the spring semester.

33 Campus Administration Myron Regier- Seniors Assistant Principals – Bruce Lolling-Freshmen – Glenda Cowell- Sophomores/Activities – Joe Sailors- Juniors/IB Program – Richard Elliot- Athletics – Contact information 554-2236

34 Campus Guidance Department Walter Zemanick- Junior counselor, Department Director Mardy Moree- Senior Counselor Todd Hook- Sophomore Counselor Jeff Michael- Freshman Counselor Sheri Tucker- Registrar Pam Burkett- Office Manager 554-2240

35 Questions, call or email me: Mardy Moree, @CHSSeniorNews 554-2240

36 Helpful Websites

37 Miss something? This power point is available at homepage, click on Campus High School Counselors Corner.

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