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SENECA COUNTY GENERAL HEALTH DISTRICT 2015 Real Estate Inspection Seminar February 18, 2015.

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2 SENECA COUNTY GENERAL HEALTH DISTRICT 2015 Real Estate Inspection Seminar February 18, 2015

3 TYPES OF REAL ESTATE INSPECTIONS Radon Testing Sewage Treatment System Inspection Private Water System Inspection


5 Radon Testing Real Estate Complete Application & Set Appointment – begin the test on Mondays end test of Fridays Place 2 Activated Charcoal Kits Cost - $ 75.00 Results will be e-mailed

6 Sewage Treatment Systems

7 Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3701-29 Sewage Treatment Systems The following rules have been final filed and will be effective 1/1/2015. 3701-29-01 Definitions 3701-29-02 Scope, responsibility for compliance, and applicability of rules 3701-29-03 Registration of installers, service providers, and septage haulers 3701-29-04 Survey to determine compliance 3701-29-05 Fees and fee categories 3701-29-06 General provisions and prohibitions 3701-29-07 Soil evaluation and soil evaluators 3701-29-08 Subdivisions and new lots 3701-29-09 Site review and permits for STS installation and operation 3701-29-10 STS designers and designs 3701-29-11 Flow estimation and waste strength 3701-29-12 Tanks, pumps and controls, and building sewers 3701-29-13 Product standards, review, and operation and maintenance Appendix A Appendix A to 3701-29-13: Low Pressure Dosed Sand Filters Appendix B Appendix B to 3701-29-13: Timed Dosed Sand Filters 3701-29-14 Effluent quality standards 3701-29-15 General soil absorption standards Appendix A Appendix A to 3701-29-15: Technical standards for use of Leaching Trenches for Soil Absorption Appendix B Appendix B to 3701-29-15: Sand Mound Appendix C Appendix C to 3701-29-15: Drip Distribution Systems 3701-29-15.1 Low pressure distribution 3701-29-16 Site drainage Appendix Appendix to 3701-29-16: Drainage to Manage the Level of Seasonal Water in Soils 3701-29-17 Gray water recycling systems and alternative toilets 3701-29-18 Privies, holding tanks, and portable toilets 3701-29-19 STS operation and maintenance management and system owner education 3701-29-20 Septage and sewage management 3701-29-21 STS abandonment 3701-29-22 Variances and more stringent standards 3701-29-23 Verification of compliance and enforcement

8 OAC 3701-29-06 (C) All sewage and human excreta generated from within a dwelling or building shall be conveyed to an approved septic treatment system (STS) or a sanitary sewerage system

9 HSTS Unapproved Sewage Treatment System

10 OAC 3701-29-06 (E) A STS shall comply with the following performance requirements and prohibitions (1) Shall be maintained in proper working condition

11 Aeration motor missing OAC 3701-29-06 (E)(1) Shall be maintained in proper working condition

12 3701-29-06 (E)(2) Shall comply with the conditions specified in an installation and/or operational permit issued by the board of health

13 3701-29-06(E)(3) No STS or part thereof shall create a public health nuisance or safety hazard

14 3701-29-19 STS Operation and maintenance management, and system owner education (A) The board of health shall develop a program for the administration of O & M management for STS and GWRS and system owner education in compliance with division (A)(7) of section 3718.02 of the Revised Code and this chapter. (2) Boards of health shall work with interested stakeholders to develop a timeline and process for phasing in O & M management for prior installed systems and should consider risk factors such as system age, complexity and risks to public health when establishing the criteria and process for phasing in prior installed systems, except as provided in paragraph (B) of this rule.

15 Operation & Maintenance April 2015 Real Estate Inspections Lot Splits Replacement systems New construction

16 Operation & Maintenance April 2015 When contracted to perform a septic inspection, The SCGHD will require the seller to purchase an operation and maintenance permit When sold the seller will transfer the operation and maintenance permit to the buyer

17 Operation & Maintenance April 2015 How to work with the realtor?

18 Operation and maintenance April, 2015 After a septic inspection, the realtor will be notified of the type of O and M permit required The realtor will instruct the seller to contact the SCGHD to purchase the permit and transfer it to the buyer after the sale The realtor will instruct the buyer about the transfer of the O & M permit

19 Operation & Maintenance April 2015 The Health Department will require a signed O & M permit from the seller before the Real Estate Report is Released. After the sale, the seller will transfer the O & M permit to the buyer No sale, seller retains the O & M permit

20 Operation & Maintenance Permit Cost STS with gravity distribution to leachfield one inspection per year $ 100 expires every 5 years Aeration Treatment Systems two inspections per year $ 200 expires every 5 years

21 Operation & Maintenance Costs The homeowner will hire a service provider to inspect the STS as authorized by the O & M permit – list provided by the SCGHD The homeowner can inspect certain types of STS’s, but not aeration treatment systems An inspection report will be filed with the SCGHD

22 Operation and Maintenance April 2015 The use of a home inspector to inspect the sewage treatment system. OK But, remember

23 3701-29-03 Registration of installers, service providers, and septage haulers ( A) Except as provided in paragraph (M) of this rule, only persons registered by the board of health as an installer, septage hauler, or service provider shall perform the duties defined in paragraph (FFF),(JJJJ), or (OOOO) of rule 3701-29-01 of the Administrative Code. (OOOO) “Service provider” means any person who services, monitors, evaluates or samples, but does not install or alter, sewage treatment system or gray water recycling systems….

24 Operation and maintenance April 2015 Service providers will be instructed to provide the names of the seller, the buyer and the inspection report to the SCGHD. The service provider will be required to direct the seller to the SCGHD to purchase the O & M permit The SCGHD will release the report after it has been reviewed and has acquired a valid O & M permit


26 Private Water Systems

27 Types of Water Systems in Seneca County Wells Hauled water storage tanks Cisterns Springs Ponds

28 Hauled water storage tank or Cistern

29 Spring A private water system where ground water flows naturally from rock or soil onto the land surface or into a body of water or a shallow aquifer that is intercepted at a depth of ten feet or less

30 Spring

31 3701-28-8 Requirements for all private water systems (A) If the department or board of health determines that any private water system, any part thereof, or any appurtenance thereto, is being maintained in such a fashion, has deteriorated to such an extent, has been abandoned, that a safety hazard exists or contaminants might enter ground water or the potable water supply so as to constitute a public health hazard, the department or board of health shall order such work to be performed on the private water system as is deemed necessary to prevent contamination of the ground water or the supply to protect public health or safety.

32 Buried well 3701-28-10 (W)(1) Casings and tops of wells shall be protected against contamination at all times 3701-28-10 (P)(4) … well casing height above finished grade shall be a minimum of twelve inches

33 Well Pits


35 Continuous Disinfection 3701-28-15 (B) the following private water systems shall be provided with continuous disinfection provided in this rule. (1)Ponds; (2)Springs; (3)Cisterns;

36 Water source isolation distance to septic systems OAC 3701-28 Private Water Systems Rules 3701-28-07 (J) A water source shall be located according to the following minimum isolation distance requirements: – (2) Sewage Tanks50 ft. – (3) Sewage absorption fields50 ft.

37 Water source isolation distance to septic systems Sewage Treatment System Rules 3701-29-06 (3) A STS shall maintain the following minimum horizontal isolation distances – (b) A STS soil absorption component shall be at least fifty feet (50 ft.) from any surface water impoundment, lake, river,… – (c) All components of a STS shall be at least fifty feet (50 ft.) from any water supply source and vertical open and closed loop geothermal heating and/or cooling system

38 Fees Inspection Fee(s) Septic & Water Combined $145.00 Private Sewage Treatment System $95.00 Private Water System $50.00 (this fee includes total coliform/fecal coliform bacteria sample only) (Reinspection for water is $25.00 plus lab fee; Reinspection for septic is $50.00) Voluntary Radon Testing $75.00 Additional Water Sample Lab Fee(s) Rush Fee(s) (Normal report time for Lead, Nitrite and Nitrate is ten (10) days) Lead $12.00 per sample 5 day report 2 (X) sample fee Nitrate screening $1.00 per sample Nitrate/Nitrite combined $15.00 NOTES________________________________ Nitrate $15.00 per sample ________________________________ Nitrite $15.00 per sample ________________________________ Total fee is due when completed application is returned to the Seneca County General Health District. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant; no exceptions.

39 PH# 419-447-3691 SENECA COUNTY GENEAL HEALTH DISTRICT FAX# 419-448-5782 71 S. Washington St., Suite 1102, Tiffin, Ohio 44883 Application for Real Estate Inspection This application, upon completion and remittance of the proper fee(s), authorizes the Seneca County General Health District to perform an inspection of the private water and/or sewage treatment system on the property listed below. Applicant:________________________________________________________ Phone:______________________ Current property owner:_________________________________________________________________________ Property Address:______________________________________ City: ________________ Zip Code: __________ Township_______________ Section #________ 1. Approximate year the house was built? _____________________ 2. Is the home currently occupied? ______ Yes ______ No 3. Does the septic tank have an aeration motor? ______ Yes ______ No 4. Is the septic tank cleanout at the surface of the ground? ______ Yes ______ No 5. Is the distribution and/or splitter box riser to the surface of the ground? ______ Yes ______ No ___ Not Applicable Note: The inspection cannot be completed by this department if any of the following conditions exist: 1) No one is present to provide access to the property. 2) The septic tank has been pumped within the last 30 days. 3) The tank and any other pertinent components of the septic system are not uncovered. 4) If the home has been vacant for 3 months or longer or if there is reason to suspect a septic system failure, a reinspection will occur after home is occupied for 3 months or longer depending on weather conditions. Inspection Fee(s) Septic & Water Combined $145.00 Private Sewage Treatment System $95.00 Private Water System $50.00 (this fee includes total coliform/fecal coliform bacteria sample only) (Reinspection for water is $25.00 plus lab fee; Reinspection for septic is $50.00) Voluntary Radon Testing $75.00 Additional Water Sample Lab Fee(s) Rush Fee(s) (Normal report time for Lead, Nitrite and Nitrate is ten (10) days) Lead $12.00 per sample 5 day report 2 (X) sample fee Nitrate screening $1.00 per sample Nitrate/Nitrite combined $15.00 NOTES________________________________ Nitrate $15.00 per sample ________________________________ Nitrite $15.00 per sample ________________________________ Total fee is due when completed application is returned to the Seneca County General Health District. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant; no exceptions. Name and mailing address/fax number the inspection report is to be forwarded to: Name___________________________________________________________________ Street___________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________ State ______________Zip Code__________ Fax ________________________________ Phone___________________________ *Note: Please allow two (2) weeks for the completion of this inspection/report.

40 Real Estate Reports The application says; Please allow two (2) weeks for the completion of this inspection/report

41 Real Estate Inspection Plan Ahead Water Samples Bacteria – 5 days Nitrate, Nitrite, Lead – 10 days Radon Testing 6 – 10 days Operation & Maintenance Whenever the SCGHD has a valid O & M permit

42 Questions?

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