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Unit 1 Exam Review. Match the unit ti what it measures: Grams Liters g/mL meters density length mass volume.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 Exam Review. Match the unit ti what it measures: Grams Liters g/mL meters density length mass volume."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 Exam Review

2 Match the unit ti what it measures: Grams Liters g/mL meters density length mass volume

3 1.Mr. S. sets up an experiment to see how the mass of a ball affects the distance it rolls off a ramp. Identify the independent variable. a.distance traveled by the ball b.height of the ramp c.mass of the ball d.weight of the ball

4 2. Mr. S. sets up an experiment to see how the mass of a ball affects the distance it rolls off a ramp. Identify the dependent variable. a.distance traveled by the ball b.height of the ramp c.mass of the ball d.weight of the ball

5 3.Mr. S. sets up an experiment to see how the mass of a ball affects the distance it rolls off a ramp. Identify the constant. a.distance traveled by the ball b.height of the ramp c.mass of the ball d.weight of the ball

6 4.Mr. S. normally uses praise as a reward to train his dog. He wants to know the best way to train his dog, so he sets up an experiment to find out if there is a better way to get his dog to respond to commands. What is his independent variable? a.amount of times the dog follows the command b.type of reward c.praise d.type of dog

7 5.Mr. S. normally uses praise as a reward to train his dog. He wants to know the best way to train his dog, so he sets up an experiment to find out if there is a better way to get his dog to respond to commands. Identify the dependent variable. a.amount of times the dog follows the command b.type of reward c.praise d.type of dog

8 6.Mr. S. normally uses praise as a reward to train his dog. He wants to know the best way to train his dog, so he sets up an experiment to find out if there is a better way to get his dog to respond to commands. What is his control trial? a.type of reward b.trials done with new rewards c.trials done with praise d.the leash that he uses

9 The force that holds the electrons to the atom is: Electromagnetic attractive force of opposite charges attracting

10 The force that holds the nucleus together is: The nuclear strong force- a force of attraction due to the mass of particles. It is very strong over a very short distance.

11 Most of the atom is made up of: Empty space. The nucleus is a tiny piece in the center of the atom that holds all of the mass. The electron cloud is most of the volume of the atom, yet the electrons do not fill the space.

12 Fill in the following table: Sub-atomic particle MassChargeWhat happens if one is removed/ad ded? Proton Neutron Electron 1 amu 0 amu +1 0 New element Isotope ion

13 How many protons, neutrons and electrons are in an ion of Chlorine-37 -1 Protons: 17 Neutrons: 20 Electrons: 18

14 How many protons, neutrons and electrons are in an ion of Caclium-40 +2 Protons: 20 Neutrons: 20 Electrons: 18

15 The nucleus has an overall _____________ charge. POSITIVE

16 How many protons does a neutral atom of nitrogen have? 7

17 How many neutrons does a neutral atom of nitrogen have? 7

18 How many electrons does a neutral atom of nitrogen have? 7

19 How many electrons does an ion of Nitrogen have? What is the charge? 10 -3

20 What are valence electrons? Outer most electrons They are equal to the group number

21 How many valence electrons does oxygen have? 6

22 What is the charge on the ion oxygen will form? -2

23 Name 5 elements in the same period as Magneisum Sodium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine or argon

24 Name 5 elements in the same group as Magneisum Beryllium, calcium, strontium, barium, radium

25 What part of the atomic structure gives an atom its reactivity? The electron arrangement, specifically the valence electrons.

26 How many protons, neutron, and electrons in an isotope of phosphorus-32? Protons: 15 Neutrons: 17 Electrons: 15

27 What is an ion? How it is formed? An ion is a charged particle formed when an atom either gains electrons or loses electrons to become stable to follow the octet rule.

28 What are cations? Positive ions formed when metals lose electrons.

29 What are anions? negative ions formed when non-metals gain electrons.

30 What is mass number? The weighted average of all of the isotopes of a substance based on a proportion of the relative abundances of the different isotopes. Always a decimal. Listed on the periodic table.

31 What is atomic mass? The mass of a single atom. Protons + neutrons= mass number. Always a whole number.

32 Most elements are (metals/non- metals/ semi-metlas) METALS

33 Which period is lead in? The 6th

34 Which group is lead in? Group 4A or 14

35 What group are the noble gases? Why are they called noble gases? Group 8A or 18 They do not react- they have full valence shells

36 What group are the halogens? What do you know about them? Group 7A or 17 They are the most reactive non-metals with 7 valence electrons

37 What group are the alkali metals? What do you know about them? Group 1 They are the most reactive metals with 1 valence electron

38 Metals bond with non-metals to form ______________ Ionic compounds

39 Non-metals bond with non-metals to form ______________ Covalent compounds

40 In ionic bonds, electrons are ______________ Transferred from the positive ion to the negative ion

41 In covalent bonds, electrons are ______________ Shared between two atoms

42 Name the following as ionic or covalent: S and O Na and F P and Cl N and O Al and Br Li and O C I C C I I

43 Write the formula for aluminum oxide Al 2 O 3

44 Write the formula for sodium oxide Na 2 O

45 Name the following compounds: CaBr 2 MgF 2 Na 2 S CuCl 2 CuCl Fe 2 O 3 Calcium bromide Magneisum fluoride Sodium sulfide Copper (I) chloride Copper (II) chloride Iron (III) oxide

46 Physical or Chemical Change? PHYSICAL

47 Physical or Chemical Change? chemical

48 Physical or Chemical Change? chemical

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