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Decisions, Actions and Recommendations the 27 th General Assembly of APMP 8-9 December 2011 Kobe, Japan.

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Presentation on theme: "Decisions, Actions and Recommendations the 27 th General Assembly of APMP 8-9 December 2011 Kobe, Japan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decisions, Actions and Recommendations the 27 th General Assembly of APMP 8-9 December 2011 Kobe, Japan

2 Decisions Decision GA27-1: The 27 th GA unanimously elected Dr Laurie Besley, Chief executive of NMIA, as the Chairperson of APMP for a three-year term from GA 2012 to GA 2015. Decision GA27-2: The 27 th GA elected Dr Tim Armstrong, Director of MSL, New Zealand, as APMP EC member and the APMP Treasurer. Decision GA27-3: The 27 th GA unanimously approved extending Dr Jia-Ruey Duann’s office term as EC member for one more year until GA 2012. Decision GA27-4: The 27 th GA unanimously approved Dr Mego Pinandito, Director of KIM-LIPI, Indonesia as DEC chair for a three-year term from GA 2012 to GA 2015.

3 Decisions Decision GA27-5: The 27 th GA unanimously approved three new TC chairs for a three year term from GA 2011 to GA 2014: – Mr Sun Qiao, NIM, China as TCAUV Chair – Dr Toshiyuki Takatsuji, NMIJ, Japan as TCL chair, and – Dr Huang-Tien LIN, Chunghwa Telecom, Chinese Taipei as TCTF Chair, Decision GA27-6: The 27 th GA unanimously approved extending three TC chairs’ term for one more year until GA 2012: – TCEM chair Dr Ilya Budovsky – TCPR chair Dr Seung Kwan Kim – TCT chair Dr Juntaro Ishii

4 Decisions Decision GA27-7: The 27 th GA approved the budget plan for FY11/12, noting that the “TC Initiatives” budget for FY11/12 will be increased to $40,000. Decision GA27-8: The 27 th GA approved changing APMP’s fiscal year (currently from 1 October to 30 September) to be from 1 January to 31 December starting from the year of 2013. The budget for FY11/12 will cover the period from 1 October, 2011 to 31 December, 2012. Decision GA27-9: The 27 th GA approved the APMP Work plan, 2012.

5 Decisions Decision GA27-10: The 27 th GA approved the APMP-APLMF MoU. The GA authorized APMP Chairperson to sign the MoU. Decision GA27-11: The 27 th GA selected CMS, Chinese Taipei as the host organization for the 29 th GA in 2013. Decision GA27-12: The 27 th GA decided to grant to member institutes in Arrears for more than 6 years a period of 12 months, from the date of adoption of the present Decision, to pay for membership fees in arreas. If the payment is not concluded within 12 months, membership will be automatically suspended. Decision GA27-13: The 27 th GA decided to open the APMP Award for Developing NMIs from 2012.

6 Actions Action GA27-1: The 27 th GA entrusts the DEC to review this definition for the purposes of this award after 2012. Action GA27-2: The 27 th GA decided that APMP will participate in the 2 nd Inter-RMO Workshop on Supporting Developing NMIs.

7 Recommendations Recommendation GA27-1: The 27 th GA recommends defining Developing NMIs (DNs) of APMP as those with, in principle, less than 300 CMC entries. The GA clarifies that this definition is only for the DN Award purpose of 2012 and is not related to the level of dotation to the APMP nor the DEC membership.

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