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Roles for xxx Team Developer Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd M&E Consultant Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd International BIM Competition.

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1 Roles for xxx Team Developer Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd M&E Consultant Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd International BIM Competition 2016 Computational Design and Building Informatition Modelling (BIM) for Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) Architect Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd BIM Consultant Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd Design Consultant Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd Builder Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd C&S Consultant Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd Specialists Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd Please replace with infographics/images that describes the Form and Spatial relationships and delete this text 18 - 20 OCTOBER 2016 Singapore Expo | Hall 3 & 4 | Max Atria Build Smart for a Future Ready Singapore About the Pavilion Concept: What is the design rational for the Pavilion Design? 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample Form: How does the form relates to the surrounding site context? 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample Space: How is the public, semi-public, semi-private, private spaces being arranged? 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample Connectivity: The pedestrian connectivity, accessibility and evacuation considerations 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample Computational approach: What is the strategic approach with the computational approach for data management (data extraction, deposit, update, changes monitoring, options generation and etc) 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample BIM approach: How BIM facilitates production in efficiency gain and communication enhancement through digital platform with 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample DfMA: How is Design for Manufacture and Assembly being incorporated in the design considerations?1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample. Sustainability: How are the considerations of Sustainability, Constructability and Productivity are achieved? How BIM facilitates production in efficiency gain and communication enhancement through digital platform with 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample Constructability: 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample Productivity: How to maximize the efficiency and minimize the wastage during construction for the pavilion? 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample Summary: How technology affects the collaboration and communication and design approach? 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample Note: 1.Please replace the grey box with rendered image or illustration for Pavilion Design 2.Overall Pavilion Bird Eye’s view to show relationship with site context Please replace with infographics/images that describes the Concept for the Pavilion and delete this text Please replace with infographics/images that describes the sustainability approach with Environmental - climate studies/ solar shading/ ventilation Social and Economical approach and delete this text Please replace with infographics/images that describes the BIM applicable for climate studies/ solar shading/ ventilation or other environmental sustainability simulations and delete this text Please replace with infographics/images that describes the computational approach for the pavilion and delete this text Note: 1.Please replace the sample text with actual information and delete this note. 2.Font size at 14, calibri Conceptual Diagram : Sample explanation text on design concept 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample Form and Space : Sample explanation text on Form and Spatial relationship 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample Computational: Sample text on computational approach 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample Location Plan 1:1000 Note: 1.Please replace with 1:1000 Scale Location Plan with simple shadow analysis 2.Title Font size at 18, calibri BIM : Sample explanation text BIM 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample Sustainability : Analysis on sustainability aspects 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample Birdeye’s View: Sample explanation text 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample

2 Roles for xxx Team Developer Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd M&E Consultant Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd International BIM Competition 2016 Computational Design and Building Informatition Modelling (BIM) for Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) Architect Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd BIM Consultant Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd Design Consultant Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd Builder Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd C&S Consultant Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd Specialists Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd Please replace with infographics/images that describes the DfMA approach and delete this text 18 - 20 OCTOBER 2016 Singapore Expo | Hall 3 & 4 | Max Atria Build Smart for a Future Ready Singapore Please replace with infographics/images that describes the Computational design and BIM applicable for Construction Details and delete this text Construction Details: Sample explanation text Construction Details 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample Site Plan 1:500 1 st Floor Plan 1:200 2 nd Floor Plan or Mezzanine Floor 1:200 Roof Plan 1:200 DfMA : Sample explanation text De1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample Note: 1.Please replace with 1:500 Scale Location Plan with simple shadow analysis 2.Title Font size at 18, calibri Note: 1.Please replace with the 1:200 floor plans and delete this text 2.Please name Floor Plans according to your design with simple annotation and design explanation with Font size at 14, calibri Note: 1.Please replace the grey box with rendered image or illustration for Pavilion Design 2.Selected Perspective views to express the pavilion design Perspective View: Sample explanation text 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample

3 Note: 1.Please replace the grey box with rendered image or illustration for Pavilion Design 2.Internal Perspective View to express the flexible Exhibition space with imaginary exhibition items and events Roles for xxx Team Developer Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd M&E Consultant Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd International BIM Competition 2016 Computational Design and Building Informatition Modelling (BIM) for Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) Architect Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd BIM Consultant Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd Design Consultant Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd Builder Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd C&S Consultant Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd Specialists Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd 18 - 20 OCTOBER 2016 Singapore Expo | Hall 3 & 4 | Max Atria Build Smart for a Future Ready Singapore Please replace with infographics/images that describes the Computational design and BIM strategies for Construction Planning and Sequence and delete this text Construction Planning and Sequence: Sample explanation text Construction Details 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample Long Section 1:200 Cross Section 1:200 Front Elevation 1:200 Rear Elevation 1:200 Left Elevation 1:200 Right Elevation 1:200 Internal Perspective View: Sample explanation text 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample Note: 1.Please replace with the 1:200 Elevations and sections and delete this text 2.Please name the elevations and sections according with simple annotation and design explanation with Font size at 14, calibri

4 Note: 1.Please replace the grey box with rendered image or illustration for Pavilion Design 2.Sectional Perspective View to illustrate the technical maturity or Night view to further express the Pavilion design Roles for xxx Team Developer Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd M&E Consultant Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd International BIM Competition 2016 Computational Design and Building Informatition Modelling (BIM) for Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) Architect Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd BIM Consultant Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd Design Consultant Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd Builder Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd C&S Consultant Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd Specialists Sample Text Singapore Organisation Pte Ltd 18 - 20 OCTOBER 2016 Singapore Expo | Hall 3 & 4 | Max Atria Build Smart for a Future Ready Singapore Summary and Conclusion: Sample explanation text Construction Details 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample Sectional Perspective View / Night View: Sample explanation text 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Sample 5Sample 6Sample 7Sample 8Sample 9Sample 10Sample 11Sample 12Sample 13Sample 14Sample 15Sample 16Sample 17Sample 18Sample Construction Details 1:50 Note: 1.Please replace with the 1:50 and 1:20 Construction details for Roof Panels, Joints in relationship with structural and services considerations with night lightings 2.Please name the details according with simple annotation and design explanation with Font size at 14, calibri Construction Details 1:20 Construction Details 1:50 Please replace with infographics/images that describes the Computational design for options comparisons for the optimum solutions delete this text

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