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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPING SELF-MANAGEMENT SKILLS FOR WORKPLACE AND POST-SECONDARY SUCCESS Southwest ABE Spring 2015 Regional April 10, 2015 Springfield, MN Elizabeth."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEVELOPING SELF-MANAGEMENT SKILLS FOR WORKPLACE AND POST-SECONDARY SUCCESS Southwest ABE Spring 2015 Regional April 10, 2015 Springfield, MN Elizabeth M. Andress Hubbs Center, St. Paul Public Schools ABE

2 WHO’S WHO? Presenter: Elizabeth Andress – ACES Trainer Group – Intermediate ESL and Job Skills Teacher Who teaches… – GED? Adult diploma? – Low/Intermediate ABE? – Low-level ESL? – Intermediate/Advanced ESL? – Multi-level? – In a “1-room schoolhouse” setting? Who’s a manager or coordinator? A volunteer? Who did I miss?

3 OBJECTIVES You will be able to… Identify the skills in the Self Management category of the Transitions Integration Framework (TIF) and how they relate to your students Find, modify and use activities in the Complete TIF that develop students’ Self Management skills Recognize Self Management skills in a lesson-in- action Integrate more Self Management skills into your own teaching

4 ACES ACES ACADEMIC, CAREER, & EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS MISSION To ensure that ABE programs are able to provide effective contextualized instruction integrating post- secondary education and training readiness, employability skills, and career readiness at all levels. MISSION To ensure that ABE programs are able to provide effective contextualized instruction integrating post- secondary education and training readiness, employability skills, and career readiness at all levels.

5 TRANSITIONS INTEGRATION:  Deliberately including skills in what and how we teach Self-Management skills Set realistic goals Manage materials Manage time Work independently

6 NOTE RE: ADULT DIPLOMA Employability, Career Development and Digital Literacy Competency Completion Options Section Two: Self-Management Completion Option: Staff verification through participation in advising and through adult diploma program participation (demonstration of competencies in ACES TIF Self-Management) AND… Strong self-management skills will be essential to accomplish the adult diploma

7 SELF-MANAGEMENT: MATCHING SKILLS & SUB SKILLS Read the Self-Management (SM) skills on your handout. Read through each of the SM sub skills below. Match each sub skill to a SM skill. Write the number of the skill (1, 2, or 3) in the small box to the left of each sub skill. Check your answers with the SM snapshot.


9 OUR STUDENTS Think about a student in your class – by name – who has aspirations for college, training or a livable wage job beyond ABE. What Self Management Skills from the TIF does that student need? What of these skills does she/he currently have?  Carry this perspective into our work today and into your on-going work of integrating transitions skills into your teaching – the needs are real and the stakes are high!

10 TIF: TRANSITIONS INTEGRATION FRAMEWORK Complete TIF contains: Categories & definitions Skills & sub skills Sample activities ranging from simple to complex Sample technology ideas to practice skills Ideas to contextualize for community, school, or work Transitions Integration Framework Outlines the skills needed for successful transitions. Serves as a guide for integrating transition skills into instruction. 10

11 11 Self-Management (SM): Self-management refers to steps, strategies, and skills that individuals can use toward the achievement of goals. Some examples include organizing study materials, setting goals, and monitoring progress. Teaching self-management will prepare learners to succeed in environments where there is little guidance, structure and monitoring. Skill 1: SWBAT… Set realistic goals and work independently to achieve them Sub Skills: a.Identify steps to achieve a goal b.Identify potential obstacles c.Use strategies and resources to overcome obstacles d.Monitor progress in achieving one’s goal and make adjustments as needed e.Persevere and stick with a task until completion f.Evaluate the quality of the outcome or product of a task SM Skill 1- Sub Skill a: Identify steps to achieve a goal Complexity Sample ActivitiesMatch goal statements* to corresponding pictures. Choose a goal one wants to accomplish and write a goal statement. Scan resources, provided by the teacher, related to that goal for mitigating factors (e.g., cost, schedule, experience) to obtaining/pursuing the goal. Write down three action steps one must take to obtain that goal (I need to ___). Identify a goal* in a particular area of life. Scan resources (provided by the teacher and related to that goal) for mitigating factors (e.g., cost, schedule, pre-requisite skills) to obtaining/pursuing the goal. Write down action steps one must take to obtain that goal. Discuss with others how one can complete the action steps. Identify a goal* in a particular area of life. Conduct an online search of resources (related to that goal) to find mitigating factors (e.g., cost, schedule, test scores) to obtaining/pursuing the goal. Write down action steps one must take to obtain that goal. Create a timeline for action steps. Discuss with others the feasibility of pursuing that goal. Technology Activities: Identify what is needed (services and hardware) to get home Internet access using pictures. Sequence these pictures and identify resources (people, organizations) who can help at each step. Identify what is needed (services and hardware) to get home Internet access. Create an individualized step-by-step plan. Research different service plans for home Internet access. Determine the best plan based on individual needs and create a step-by-step plan. Contexts Community  Learn to sew, bake a cake, drive a bus  Hobbies, community involvement School  Learn more English, take a college class  Education, occupational training Work  Find a job, learn new skills at work  Career

12 “ZOOM IN” ON SELF-MANAGEMENT: COMPLETE TIF SAMPLE ACTIVITIES Given one SM skill (1, 2, or 3), look at the sample activities provided for that skill. Look at the level that most closely corresponds to the level of your students. Find one sample activity to consider using with your students. (Consider tech examples as well.) Fill out the chart with the sub skill, level, activity description and “tweaks” you would make to the activity for your students. Share with the group.


14 EXAMPLE TIF Category: Self-Management TIF Skill/Sub Skill LevelActivity DescriptionHow will you modify it? Skill 1/ Sub skill_a Med.Tech. – identify what’s needed to get home internet access. Create step by step plan. Day 1 – Ss id what’s needed, how to find out, Ss share knowl. & investig. I type up list. Day 2 – Ss use their checklist, note I have / I need; plan steps

15 GIVE ME AN A! THE ACES PROCESS A C E S ssess instruction/materials/curriculum to identify where TIF skills are addressed omplement to intentionally integrate TIF skills valuate evidence of student learning after delivering lesson/using materials tudy and reflect What else do students need? What else do I need?

16 GIVE ME AN A! THE ACES PROCESS ACESACES ssess instruction/materials/curriculum to identify where TIF skills are addressed omplement to intentionally integrate TIF skills valuate outcomes after delivering lesson/using materials/trying the activity tudy and reflect What else do students need? What else do I need?

17 STEP 1: ASSESS 1. Read and ASSESS the Pre A-C-E-S Lesson to determine what SM skills and sub skills are being addressed Look at each lesson component and identify the SM skills and sub skills it addresses. (Refer to the “TIF at a Glance: SM Snapshot”) Note the skills and sub skills in the “Assess” column for each lesson component (e.g. SM 1a, 2b) 2. Share out the skills and sub skills your group identified in the lesson

18 PRE-ACES LESSON PLAN INTRODUCTION: VOCABULARY-BUILDING Study these vocabulary: WordPart of speech Meaning assignment chronological divider document due date functional lined paper organized pocket folder reference separate spiral notebook submit syllabus tab three-ring binder

19 PRE A-C-E-S LESSON: ASSESS Lesson Components AssessComplementEvaluate Study & Reflect Warm-Up Introduction Guided Practice Independent Practice Extension Assessment SM 2a NA

20 PRE-ACES LESSON PLAN GUIDED PRACTICE: READING Read Document Organization Guidelines silently. Circle all the vocabulary words you can find in the article. Read the words in context to help you understand the meaning. Talk about the article as a class. Ask the teacher any questions you have. Listen to the teacher read the article. Do you understand most of the ideas in the article?

21 Document Organization Guidelines 1. WHY is it important to keep class materials organized? You can: keep track of all assignments so they’re completed and turned in on time find materials quickly in class find materials at home when completing assignments or preparing for tests use class material for reference in future classes and jobs develop important skills for work and life – there are many documents at home and in the workplace 2. HOW should I organize my class materials? Choose a method and order that works for you.  Chronological = in order by date: Put each new document in the back of your binder. OR Put each new document in the front of your binder.  Functional = in order by type or use: Make a section in your binder for each type of document in class; put each new document in the correct section. Sections may be: Homework to do Homework to submit Current unit materials – readings, vocabulary lists, etc. Class notes Reference documents – syllabus, grammar, spelling, vocabulary, computer-use instructions, etc.  Other: Any method is OK as long as it works for you! (continued)

22 PRE A-C-E-S LESSON: ASSESS Lesson Components AssessComplementEvaluate Study & Reflect Warm-Up Introduction Guided Practice Independent Practice Extension Assessment SM 1a NA SM 2a


24 PRE A-C-E-S LESSON: ASSESS Lesson Components AssessComplementEvaluate Study & Reflect Warm-Up Introduction Guided Practice Independent Practice Extension Assessment SM 2a SM 1a SM 1e NA


26 PRE A-C-E-S LESSON: ASSESS Lesson Components AssessComplementEvaluate Study & Reflect Warm-Up Introduction Guided Practice Independent Practice Extension Assessment SM 2a SM 1a SM 1e SM 1d NA

27 STEP 2: COMPLEMENT 1. Look at the Post A-C-E-S lesson plan and select materials. 2. Then watch the video clip of the “Post- ACES” TIF-ed clip 3. How did the teacher COMPLEMENT the lesson with additional SM skills and sub skills? Refer to the TIF at a Glance SM Snapshot. Note the skills and sub skills in the “complement” column.

28 WARM-UP Think – pair – share:  Why / what / how questions about students’ experience with organizing documents in their lives

29 POST A-C-E-S: COMPLEMENT Lesson Components AssessComplementEvaluate Study & Reflect Warm-Up NA Introduction SM 2a Guided Practice SM 1a Independent Practice SM 1e Extension NA Assessment SM 1d SM 2c

30 INTRODUCTION  Introduce key vocabulary – methods / tools to organize document  Show organizing tools  Show example of well-organized materials  Invite Ss who have organized materials to “show and tell”

31 POST A-C-E-S: COMPLEMENT Lesson Components AssessComplementEvaluate Study & Reflect Warm-Up NA Introduction SM 2a Guided Practice SM 1a Independent Practice SM 1e Extension NA Assessment SM 1d SM 2c SM 2a

32 GUIDED PRACTICE  Ss read Document Organization Guidelines, highlight target vocabulary  Triads discuss, work toward comprehension  Triads report out – one key point, one question  Discussion – choosing best method  Preview document organizing evaluation rubric

33 POST A-C-E-S: COMPLEMENT Lesson Components AssessComplementEvaluate Study & Reflect Warm-Up NA Introduction SM 2a Guided Practice SM 1a Independent Practice SM 1e Extension NA Assessment SM 1d SM 1a; 2a-2c SM 2c SM 2a

34 INDEPENDENT PRACTICE  Vocabulary worksheet  Card-sort activity – chronological, functional, etc.  Write about current organizing practice, using grid  Ss interview classmates about their organizing, using interview grid  Ss decide on tools/strategies they will use, using worksheet  Ss organize class materials per rubric standards, by due date; request help as needed

35 POST A-C-E-S: COMPLEMENT Lesson Components AssessComplementEvaluate Study & Reflect Warm-Up NA Introduction SM 2a Guided Practice SM 1a Independent Practice SM 1e Extension NA Assessment SM 1d SM 1a; 2a-2c SM 1a; 3a-b, 3d-f SM 1a-c, 1e; 2b SM 2c SM 2a

36 ASSESSMENT  Ss self-evaluate document organization using rubric  Ss evaluate a peer using rubric  Ss show binder to teacher/volunteer, explain methods, successes/difficulties, etc.  Teacher/volunteer completes evaluation rubric  [Review strategies, repeat evaluation periodically]

37 POST A-C-E-S: COMPLEMENT Lesson Components AssessComplementEvaluate Study & Reflect Warm-Up NA Introduction SM 2a Guided Practice SM 1a Independent Practice SM 1e Extension NA Assessment SM 1d SM 1a; 2a-2c SM 1d, 1f; 2c SM 1a; 3a-b, 3d-f SM 1a-c, 1e; 2b SM 2c SM 2a


39 SUMMARY – THE GOAL: TIF-ING YOUR LESSONS Use TIF at a Glance – what SM skills are you already teaching? What are 1 or 2 you can add? Use Complete TIF – use great sample activities, “tweak” to work for you, your students & level Many ways to develop self-management skills through classroom routines, norms, etc.

40 AND… This Self Management lesson is available in full on the Atlas ACES website – lesson plan and all materials, in Word so you can modify as you wish Video is online, too

41 Questions Discussion Reflection

42 ACES 6-PACK ABES*! THE MUSCLE BEHIND THE MISSION! *ADULT BASIC EDUCATION SUPPORT 1. ACES Resource Library 6-pack: – Pre & Post A-C-E-S Lesson Plan (3-pack) – TIF-ed Lesson Video – PowerPoint with Workshop Handouts and Activities – Bonus pack of TIF-ing methods 2. ACES Face-2-Face PLC s 3. ACES Hybrid PLCs 4. ACES Regional Workshops 5. ACES Webinars 6. ACES Collaborations

43 ACES RESOURCE LIBRARY – MANY RESOURCES AVAILABLE! ACES Transitions Integration Framework (TIF) at ATLAS website: Complete TIF with sample activities and technology activities ACES PLC and Support Materials Sample pre and post TIF-ed lessons, classroom videos for each category of the TIF, archived webinars, and more


45 Kimberly Johnson ATLAS/Hamline University THANK YOU!!

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