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Steve Holmes DNP Meeting/Santa Fe November 6, 2010 Project X: A Multi-MW Proton Source at Fermilab.

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Presentation on theme: "Steve Holmes DNP Meeting/Santa Fe November 6, 2010 Project X: A Multi-MW Proton Source at Fermilab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steve Holmes DNP Meeting/Santa Fe November 6, 2010 Project X: A Multi-MW Proton Source at Fermilab

2 Strategic Context: Fermilab and the World Program The Tevatron has now ceded the energy frontier to LHC, following 25 years as the highest energy particle collider in the world. Fermilab operates the highest power long baseline neutrino beam in the world. but will face stiff competition from J-PARC To Soudan DNP Meeting, Nov. 2010, S. HolmesPage 2

3 Fermilab Strategic Plan The U.S. strategy for elementary particle physics over the coming decades has been developed by the DOE’s High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HEPAP). Fermilab is fully aligned with this strategy.  The Fermilab strategy is to mount a world-leading program at the intensity frontier, while using this program as a bridge to an energy frontier facility beyond LHC in the longer term. DNP Meeting, Nov. 2010, S. Holmes3

4 Mission Project X, a multi-MW Proton Source, Project X, is the key element of Fermilab’s strategy for future development of the accelerator complex. A neutrino beam for long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments –2 MW proton source at 60-120 GeV High intensity, low energy protons for kaon and muon based precision experiments –Operations simultaneous with the neutrino program A path toward a muon source for possible future Neutrino Factory and/or a Muon Collider –Requires ~4 MW at ~5-15 GeV. Possible non-HEP missions under consideration –Nuclear physics and nuclear energy applications DNP Meeting, Nov. 2010, S. Holmes4

5 Reference Design 3 GeV CW linac; 1 mA average beam current –Flexible provision for beam requirements supporting multiple users –Looking at options for <2 GeV to nuclear programs 3-8 GeV acceleration via a (1.3 GHz) superconducting pulsed linac Existing Recycler/Main Injector support the neutrino program DNP Meeting, Nov. 2010, S. Holmes5

6 Initial Configuration-2 Performance Goals DNP Meeting, Nov. 2010, S. Holmes Linac Particle TypeH - /protons(?) Beam Kinetic Energy3.0GeV Average Beam Current1mA Linac pulse rateCW Beam Power3000kW Beam Power to 3 GeV program2870kW Pulsed Linac Particle TypeH - Beam Kinetic Energy8.0GeV Peak Beam Current1mA Pulse rate10Hz Pulse Width4.3msec Cycles to fill MI6 Particles per cycle2.6  10 13 Main Injector/Recycler Beam Kinetic Energy (maximum)120GeV Cycle time (60 GeV/120 GeV)0.75/1.33sec Particles per cycle1.6  10 14 Beam Power at 60/120 GeV>2000kW Page 6 simultaneous

7 Reference Design Provisional Siting DNP Meeting, Nov. 2010, S. Holmes7

8 Nuclear Physics Facility Working groups established to outline experimental needs in five areas, including nuclear physics. 5th.html Concept under development for a possible Nuclear Physics experimental facility includes: –An ISOL module for production of short lived radioactive isotopes Based on 1-3 GeV/1 MW CW proton beam Low energy beam line for delivery of specific high Z, short and long lived, radioactive isotopes ( 225 Ra and 221 Fr) A research area containing instruments for trapping ions 10 12 to 10 13 ions per second –A second target station for materials irradiation and isotope production, General purpose facility for nuclear medicine and engineering studies of materials under intense irradiation conditions Production of longer lived isotopes for EDM experiments. 8DNP Meeting, Nov. 2010, S. Holmes

9 Collaboration Plan A multi-institutional collaboration has been established to execute the Project X RD&D Program. –Organized as a “national project with international participation”. Fermilab as lead laboratory International participation via in-kind contributions, established through bi-lateral MOUs. Collaborators assume responsibility for components and sub-system design, development, estimating, and potentially construction. –Collaboration MOU signatories: ANLORNL/SNSBARC/Mumbai BNLMSUIUAC/Delhi CornellTJNAFRRCAT/Indore FermilabSLAC VECC/Kolkata LBNLILC/ART DNP Meeting, Nov. 2010, S. Holmes9

10 Strategy/Timeline Balance of 2010: Complete all preliminary design, configuration, and cost range documentation for CD-0  Department of Energy briefing on November 16-17 Continue conceptual development on outstanding technical questions –Baseline concept for the chopper –Concept for marrying the 3-8 GeV pulsed linac to CW front end –Injection into the Recycler –srf development at all relevant frequencies The DOE has advised that the earliest possible construction start is FY2015 –We are receiving very significant R&D support for Project X and SRF development (~$40M in FY11, not including ARRA (stimulus)) Planning for a five year construction schedule  Project X could be up and running in ~2020 DNP Meeting, Nov. 2010, S. Holmes10

11 Summary Project X is central to Fermilab’s strategy for development of the accelerator complex over the coming decade –World leading programs in neutrinos and rare processes; –Potential applications beyond elementary particle physics; Nuclear physics and nuclear energy applications –Aligned with ILC and Muon Accelerators Project X design concept is well developed and well aligned with the requirements of the physics program: –3 GeV CW linac operating at 1 mA: 3 MW beam power –3-8 GeV pulsed linac injecting into the Recycler/Main Injector complex We are expecting CD-0 for Project X in early 2011 Project X could be constructed over the period ~2015 – 2019 DNP Meeting, Nov. 2010, S. Holmes11

12 Backup Slides DNP Meeting, Nov. 2010, S. HolmesPage 12

13 Mission Physics Requirements DNP Meeting, Nov. 2010, S. HolmesPage 13 Proton Energy (kinetic) Beam PowerBeam Timing Rare Muon decays 2-3 GeV >500 kW 1 kHz – 160 MHz (g-2) measurement 8 GeV 20-50 kW 30- 100 Hz. Rare Kaon decays 2.6 – 4 GeV >500 kW 20 – 160 MHz. (<50 psec pings) Precision K 0 studies 2.6 – 3 GeV > 100  A (internal target) 20 – 160 MHz. (<50 psec pings) Neutron and exotic nuclei EDMs 1.5-2.5 GeV >500 kW > 100 Hz

14 1  sec period at 3 GeV mu2e pulse (9e7) 162.5 MHz, 100 nsec400 kW Kaon pulse (9e7) 27 MHz800 kW Other pulse (9e7) 27 MHz800 kW Initial Configuration-2 Operating Scenario DNP Meeting, Nov. 2010, S. Holmes Page 14 Separation scheme

15 CW Linac Technologies DNP Meeting, Nov. 2010, S. Holmes15  =0.11  =0.22  =0.4  =0.61  =0.9 325 MHz SSR 2.5-160 MeV  =1.0 1.3 GHz Elliptical 2-3 GeV 650 MHz Elliptical 0.16-2 GeV SectionFreqEnergy (MeV)Cav/mag/CMType SSR0 (  G =0.11) 3252.5-1026 /26/1SSR, solenoid SSR1 (  G =0.22) 32510-3218 /18/ 2SSR, solenoid SSR2 (  G =0.4) 32532-16044 /22/4SSR, solenoid LB 650 (  G =0.61) 650160-52042 /42/75-cell elliptical, doublet HB 650 (  G =0.9) 650520-200096 /24/125-cell elliptical, doublet ILC 1.3 (  G =1.0) 13002000-300072 /9 /99-cell elliptical, quad

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