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Language Learning for Busy People These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute.. Pre-Intermediate: Interview Skills 3 Educational.

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Presentation on theme: "Language Learning for Busy People These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute.. Pre-Intermediate: Interview Skills 3 Educational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language Learning for Busy People These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute.. Pre-Intermediate: Interview Skills 3 Educational Background

2 These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. Pre-Intermediate --- Interview Skills 3 Warm up: Opening chat--- 5 minutes Review previous lesson’s content ---5 minutes Check if your student has completed self-study of the lesson. The class activities are designed to help them practice the language from the lesson. Thus, it’s extremely important that they go over different sections of the lesson before class.

3 These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. Class Activities: (30-35 minutes) Objective: Today’s lesson will discuss great vocabulary and phrases to talk about your educational background. It looks how to talk about your educational achievements and how to stand out in an interview. Class Activities

4 These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. 1) Read the dialogue with the student, line by line. Switch roles after the first run. Pay attention to student’s pronunciation, give feedback and help when needed. --- 5 minutes Dialogue

5 These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. * What was her BA in? Her minor? * What was her volunteer activity? What did she do with them? * What else did she do as an extracurricular activity? * When did she complete her BA? * What are some of the reasons she thinks she was able to graduate with distinction? Dialogue Comprehension---3 minutes Ask the student the following questions. The answers are in the dialogue:

6 These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. Key Vocabulary Check---5 minutes Fulfilling Minor Pushed me Distinction Bookworm Paid off My friends always call me a _______________ because I’d rather stay home and read than go out to a movie. My English teacher always __________________ to study abroad. So next year, I’m finally going to the UK to study! Being a teacher is a very ______________ job. It’s wonderful to be able to help so many people! I didn’t hang out with my friends very much in college…. But all my studying really ______________. I have a great job now! My parents were so proud of me when I graduated with ______________. It made all my studies worth it. My main focus in college was Psychology but I also took many writing classes and got a _______________ in English Studies as well.

7 These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. Fluency Builder---- 15 minutes There are different ways to talk about your educational background or qualifications and in different settings (personal, academic, professional). NameDegreeSubjectUniversity TomBAHistoryUniversity of California SallyMBA-----Harvard University JaneBSBiologyUniversity of Florida EricMAPsychologyOxford University PaulPhDEconomicsMIT - Tom has a BA in History from the University of California. - Tom graduated from the University of California with a BA in History. - Sally has an MBA from Harvard University. - Sally graduated from Harvard University with an MBA. - Jane obtained a BS in Biology from the University of Florida.

8 These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. Fluency Builder Formal Informal Formal Informal Degrees of Formality was awarded obtained completed received holds got has Example: Eric __________ an MA in Psychology from Oxford University.

9 These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. Fluency Builder NOTE: 1. We say a BA, a BS, and a PhD. All of these degrees beginning with a consonant sound. However, we must use an when talking about an MA or an MBA. Although the word begins with the consonant “M”, the word actually begins with a vowel sound, “em”. 2. Universities are usually named one of two ways -- either the University of California or California University (two different universities). We must use the word “the” before University of ____________________ when talking about a school. However, we do not use the word “the” with ____________________ University. I went to the University of Nebraska. I went to Oxford University.

10 These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. Fluency Practice--- 5 minutes Conduct a mock interview with the student. Focus the interview on their educational background and qualifications. Encourage the student to describe their educational background using these different patterns. Listen for their use of “a” or “an” and “the” when talking about their degree and university.

11 These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. The End --- Review --- 5 minutes * Review today’s class. Encourage the student on where he/she did well; give feedback to where he/she needs to pay more attention. * Assign homework, i.e. the ‘Exercise’ part of today’s lesson. Student should complete it and submit it online. They will see an automatic score. * Have them listen to the dialogue again and see if their understanding has improved. * Remind students that they can save different vocabulary terms in the app or online and review them as flashcards. * Tell the student what the next lesson is.

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