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Early years and childcare Support offer 2016. 3 tiers of support: Universal support Targeted support Enhanced offer.

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Presentation on theme: "Early years and childcare Support offer 2016. 3 tiers of support: Universal support Targeted support Enhanced offer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early years and childcare Support offer 2016

2 3 tiers of support: Universal support Targeted support Enhanced offer

3 Universal support We are still available on the ‘phone and by email if you have concerns or need advice. Universal support is free to you and forms part of our statutory duty

4 Universal support Telephone and Email support Support and Advice to increase numbers where identified by Sufficiency survey Termly Early Years & Child care information sessions Early Years’ Exhibition Induction of new committee members via Email, Telephone, Webinar and Workshop Advice for new Childminder enquiries Termly Childminder information and support sessions Annual Visit for group provision (including a childminder with 2 assistants or co- childminders) Advice and guidance around Governance and Leadership via Email, Telephone (and Facebook) Advice for new Group enquiries Termly Children centre locality Meetings Early years’ Area SENCO- ‘top tips’ through to support in completing Integrated Assessment leading to EHC plan Advice and support to providers with Safeguarding issues relating to an individual child / member of staff / parent Advice offered to new Childminder Agencies Termly locality forum for Committee Members Advertising staff vacancies Access to Foundation Stage Forum Advice and support to new group providers up to first inspection Termly INCo Network MeetingAdvertising vacant places Access to Southampton Information Directory (SID) Information and support to new Childminders up to first inspection ECaT Universal TrainingAdvertising your provision Access to SIAS (Southampton Information Advisory Support) Service Disseminating best practiceMonthly Safeguarding PosterData Analysis EYFS, ECaT SignpostingTraining and Support re local and national Initiatives, EYPP inc Ofsted etc Email updates, termly newsletters and monthly bulletins

5 Annual review Offered to all group provision which includes childminders with 2 assistants or 3 co- childminders Individual childminders will have access to specific locality support sessions Annual review is based on current Setting Story A more reflective tool Complementing your Self Evaluation Form

6 Targeted support Local Authorities have a statutory duty to secure information, advice and training when a provider receives an Ofsted outcome of less than good Short- term targeted support could also be offered when A provider is moving premises or expanding There is a new, inexperienced leader, manager or chair of committee There are concerns around safeguarding

7 Enhanced support 3 rd tier of support Extra support for any provider eg Bespoke training sessions for the whole setting/group of providers Twilight sessions Support to EYFS in schools Extra support for new providers prior to registration

8 Targeted and Enhanced support- process ‘Request for support’ forms will be on SID Form to be returned to CYPIS generic email address Request discussed at monthly Early years and childcare management meeting (if urgent will be discussed individually) Response to person named on request form Consultation, if needed, to further clarify support Support commences Evaluation of support offered

9 Enhanced support If it is agreed that support can be offered via Enhanced support there will be a charge. For example Twilight sessions delivered by EYATs are currently £15 per person A half day of support, including bespoke training sessions, will cost between £78 and £150 plus any venue costs Full details of any costs would be detailed in the response

10 Targeted and Enhanced support- request for targeted or enhanced support Date of Request: Name and Address of Provider: Postcode: Ofsted URN or EY Number (if available): Main Contact Name for all Correspondence: Position : Telephone No. Mobile No. Contact E-mail Address:

11 Targeted and Enhanced support- request for targeted or enhanced support Please give a brief outline as to why support is being requested What steps (if applicable) have you undertaken to achieve your desired goal? What is the expectation on the duration of support being requested? (e.g. number of days/weeks/months/term): How will you know if the support you receive has been successful?

12 Targeted and Enhanced support - evaluation CUSTOMER FEEDBACK Were the agreed outcomes achieved? (if not, please give a full explanation of the reasons why the agreed outcomes have not been met) Was the support delivered considered to be professional? Was it delivered in a timely manner? Was it appropriate and useful (i.e. as evidence for Ofsted/ improvement & development of the setting)? Any other Comments: Other support needs identified:

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