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To share main calculation strategies pupils should know by the end of year 6 for the 4 operations. To apply strategies to word problems. Discuss / share.

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Presentation on theme: "To share main calculation strategies pupils should know by the end of year 6 for the 4 operations. To apply strategies to word problems. Discuss / share."— Presentation transcript:


2 To share main calculation strategies pupils should know by the end of year 6 for the 4 operations. To apply strategies to word problems. Discuss / share resource ideas. Aims of the session

3 Addition: +,plus, sum, total, increase, and, increase, together, more Subtraction: -, take away, minus, difference between, decrease, reduce Multiplication: x, times, product, lots of, repeated addition, groups of Division: ÷, share, share equally,groups of, divisible by, What are the four operations

4 Number lines: Partitioning: Expanded method: Column method:

5 Subtraction Number line: Expanded method: Column method: What would you choose for 1007 – 989? 74 – 27=47 89-57= 32 80 9 50 7 30 2 741 - 327 = 34 3 1 7 4 1 - 3 2 7 4 1 4

6 Number lines : The Grid Method: Expanded Short Multiplication: Multiplication

7 Short multiplication: Gelosia:

8 Number line: Chunking: Short Division:

9 Long division:

10 SUPPORT FOR LEARNING The ‘Rucsac’ approach gives pupils a strategy to ‘unpack’ a word problem. RUCSAC R Read the question three times U Understand the key information C Choose the operations of calculation (+, -, x, ÷) S Solve the calculation A Answer the question; include units e.g. cm, £ C Check your answer. Does it seem reasonable?



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