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BY THE END OF THE LESSON YOU WILL BE ABLE TO... ● Know what a spreadsheet is ● Create graphs ● Use formulae ● Enter simple data to perform calculations.

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Presentation on theme: "BY THE END OF THE LESSON YOU WILL BE ABLE TO... ● Know what a spreadsheet is ● Create graphs ● Use formulae ● Enter simple data to perform calculations."— Presentation transcript:


2 BY THE END OF THE LESSON YOU WILL BE ABLE TO... ● Know what a spreadsheet is ● Create graphs ● Use formulae ● Enter simple data to perform calculations

3 WHAT IS A SPREADSHEET? – It's a powerful tool for organising information WHAT ARE THEY FOR? – They are used to carry out many calculations quickly WHAT CAN THEY DO? – Once you know how to do it, they can do almost any maths that you could need! STARTING AT THE BEGINNING

4 SO, HOW DO THEY WORK THEN? Rows (side to side) Numbered Columns (up and down) [Letters] Cell Every one of these boxes is a cell Every cell has a name to help you find the right one. It's name starts with the column letter and the row number. So, this cell is called what? D13

5 INTRODUCING DATA To introduce any data: – Select the cell – Write the value or formula – Press enter Type of data: – Text, date, money, numbers... – Formula → When you want a spreadsheet to do a calculation – Function

6 INTRODUCING FORMULAE ● In Maths, we write the '=' sign just before the answer. ● In a spreadsheet we write the '=' sign before the calculation Some maths symbols are different when you use a spreadsheet

7 You need to: ● Use '=' sign ● Write (or select) the cell you want add ● Use '+' sign and add another cell INTRODUCING FORMULAE: ADDITION

8 You need to: ● Use '=' sign ● Write (or select) the cell from you want to take off (minuend) ● Use '-' sign and select the cell with the value you want to take (sustrahend) INTRODUCING FORMULAE: SUBTRACTION

9 INTRODUCING FORMULAE: MULTIPLICATION You need to: ● Use '=' sign ● Write (or select) the cell you want multiply ● Use '*' sign and add another cell

10 You need to: ● Use '=' sign ● Write (or select) the cell with the dividend ● Use '-' sign and select the cell with the value you want to take (sustrahend) INTRODUCING FORMULAE: DIVISION

11 1.Enter this data as shown in the right cells 2.Click on cell B2, and enter the number 7 3.Highlight the column from B2 to B13 4.On the menu bar. Select: Edit – Fill – Down. The whole column will fill with 7's 5.Click on C2 and calculate the multiplication =A2*B2 6.Now fill column C using the same method that you used to fill column B with 7's TASK 1 – Multiplication table

12 BEN'S BURGER BAR BURGERS Burger2,50€ Cheeseburger3,00€ Double deluxe4,00€ Veggie burger3,50€ CHIPS Regular1,50€ Large2,50€ DRINKS Cola1,30€ Orange1,40€ Water0,80€ ICE CREAMS Vanilla0,75€ Strawberry0,80€ Double choco0,90€ TASK 2 – Bill Using the Ben's Burger Bar menu above, decide on meal choices for you and your partner. Write them out in Calc as a table like the one below Add and extra column to the table and calculate the cost of each person's meal Then, calculate the total cost for the meal What happens if you change someone's choices? Have you entered the formula correctly so that all the totals needed change?

13 ● You can change the aspect of tables and cells using the menu below. ● And also menu:FORMAT → Cell It's similar to Open Office Writer! CHANGING THE ASPECT OF A SPREADSHEET Font Size Bold/Italic/Und erlined Align Fon t colo r Cell color Cell border Merg e some cells

14 TYPE OF DATA You can choose what type of data you want to enter in a table. ● Select a cell and make right-click on it. Click on “Formatear celda” CATEGORY: type of data FORMAT: how the data is shown Other options: select number of decimals, a point to separate thousands...

15 TASK 3 – Change the aspecto of a table Try to copy this teacher's sheet as similar as posible NOTE! If you want to select several ranges which are separated one from each other, you can do it holding SHIFT while selecting the data. To make that, use: = PROMEDIO(celda nota 1ª:celda nota 2ª)

16 Spreadsheets can be used to create graphs. There are many differents types of graphs in Calc. You should use the most appropiate. HOW TO CREATE A GRAPH These are the steps to create a new graph: ● Select the data ● Open the assistant → Menu: insert → graph 1.Select the type of graph 2.Select the data (alredy done) 3.Select series 4.Enter a title or subtitle 5.Finalize Let's do it!

17 ● Find out how many boys and girls are in your class ● Select the data ● Open the assistant → Menu: insert → graph 1.Select the type of graph 2.Select the data (alredy done) 3.Select series (alredy done) 4.Enter a title or subtitle 5.Finalize TASK 4 - Graph Open a new spreadsheet and copy this table

18 ● You can use spreadsheets to create graphs that make easier to compare data. You want to compare how many boys or girls are in some classes from your high-school. Fill the table below with 3 more classes and create a graph TASK 5 – Graph with more than one serie What happened if in the second step (data range) you change the order of data from rows to columns?

19 Once you have created a graph, you can modify its appearance: ● If you double-click on a part of the graph, you could change the shape and color. ● If you make a right-click on the graph, you can change the type of graph and range. MODIFY A GRAPH

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