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Criterion C: Action Plan Victor Camilo Pena Alvarado 10.2.

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Presentation on theme: "Criterion C: Action Plan Victor Camilo Pena Alvarado 10.2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Criterion C: Action Plan Victor Camilo Pena Alvarado 10.2

2 Lesson 1 Production Task Steps: 1. View indesign tutorials to remind some layout techniques Materials Needed: Computer with internet access to view the video tutorials Quality Control Checks: Make sure to pay close attention and practice what is seen using a practice document Safety Considerations: None of the implications of this task are dangerous, maeaning there is no need to include safety considerations Modifications: No modifications were made to the plan at this stage of development

3 Lesson 2 Production Task Steps: 1.View Photoshop tutorials to review some editing techiniques and special effects 2.Practice some effects on a test document Materials Needed: 1.Computer with internet access 2.Computer with Adobe Photoshop Quality Control Checks: Make sure to pay close attention and annote the video tutorials Safety Considerations: None of the implications of this task are dangerous, maeaning there is no need to include safety considerations Modifications: Since it is evident that the family members I need in order to take pictures for my reportage will not return in time for me to take pictures of them. I will have to take photographs of other objects and landscapes, and fill the rest of the reportage with photographs taken in the past.

4 Lesson 3 Production Task Steps: 1. Edit photograph that will be used as front cover Materials Needed: 1.Computer 2.Adobe photoshop Quality Control Checks: Make sure that the editing is as clean as possible, meaning that there are no smudges or traces of the work that has been done Modifications: I was able to finish editing the photograph in class, meaning that there is no need for an alteration in the plan. Safety Considerations: None of the implications of this task are dangerous, maeaning there is no need to include safety considerations

5 Lesson 4 Production Task Steps: 1. Edit at least one photograph Materials Needed: 1.Computer 2.Adobe Photoshop Safety Considerations: None of the implications of this task are dangerous, maeaning there is no need to include safety considerations Quality Control Checks: Make sure that the editing is as clean as possible, meaning that there are no smudges or traces of the work that has been done Modifications: I was able to finish editing the photograph in class, meaning that there is no need for an alteration in the plan.

6 Lesson 5 Safety Considerations: None of the implications of this task are dangerous, maeaning there is no need to include safety considerations Production Task Steps: 1. Edit at least one photograph Materials Needed: 1.Computer 2.Adobe Photoshop Quality Control Checks: Make sure that the editing is as clean as possible, meaning that there are no smudges or traces of the work that has been done Modifications: I was able to finish editing the photograph in class, meaning that there is no need for an alteration in the plan.

7 Lesson 6 Safety Considerations: None of the implications of this task are dangerous, maeaning there is no need to include safety considerations Production Task Steps: 1. Edit at least one photograph Materials Needed: 1.Computer 2.Adobe Photoshop Quality Control Checks: Make sure that the editing is as clean as possible, meaning that there are no smudges or traces of the work that has been done Modifications: I was able to finish editing the photograph in class, meaning that there is no need for an alteration in the plan.

8 Lesson 7 Safety Considerations: None of the implications of this task are dangerous, maeaning there is no need to include safety considerations Production Task Steps: 1. Edit at least one photograph Materials Needed: 1.Computer 2.Adobe Photoshop Quality Control Checks: Make sure that the editing is as clean as possible, meaning that there are no smudges or traces of the work that has been done Modifications: I was able to finish editing the photograph in class, meaning that there is no need for an alteration in the plan.

9 Lesson 8 Safety Considerations: None of the implications of this task are dangerous, maeaning there is no need to include safety considerations Production Task Steps: 1. Edit at least one photograph Materials Needed: 1.Computer 2.Adobe Photoshop Quality Control Checks: Make sure that the editing is as clean as possible, meaning that there are no smudges or traces of the work that has been done Modifications: I was able to finish editing the photograph in class, but I don’t have enough pictures to fulfill my entire reportage. For homework, I will have to select photographs from the past to edit and include in my final reportage at home.

10 Lesson 9 Production Task Steps: 1. Start Creating the InDesign layout Materials Needed: 1. Computer 2. Adobbe InDesign 3. Have layout ideas nearby Quality Control Checks: Make sure to follow layout ideas very closely and to make the lines clean and space all the objects evenly Modifications: No modifications were made at this point of development Safety Considerations: None of the implications of this task are dangerous, maeaning there is no need to include safety considerations

11 Lesson 10 Production Task Steps: 1. Start Creating the InDesign layout Materials Needed: 1. Computer 2. Adobbe InDesign 3. Have layout ideas nearby Quality Control Checks: Make sure to follow layout ideas very closely and to make the lines clean and space all the objects evenly Modifications: I was not able to finish creating the layout of the reportage in class, so I will have to finish editing the reportage at home Safety Considerations: None of the implications of this task are dangerous, maeaning there is no need to include safety considerations

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