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Geography of the Nile River Review of pgs. 68-73.

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1 Geography of the Nile River Review of pgs. 68-73

2 What conclusion (or truth) did Herodotus come up with after his journey on the Nile River? Pg. 68 – Herodotus realized that “there would be no Egypt without the Nile River”. He also stated that Egypt was the gift of the Nile.

3 List Fact about the Nile River Pg. 69 World’s longest river at 4000 miles (New York to Alaska) Flows north and empties into Mediterranean Sea. 2 sources – Blue (more violent) and White Nile Contains a delta and is protected by deserts and mountains. Travel on river in both directions in Egyptian section. Nubian section is treacherous.

4 How is the average amount of farmland on either side of the Nile River different in the Egyptian and Nubian sections? Pg. 69-70 Egyptian section – 6 miles on each side Nubian section – 2 miles on each side

5 What was the name of the God of the Nile River? Pg. 70 The name of the God was Hapi (pronounced Hop - ee)

6 How are the “black lands” and “red lands” different from each other? Pg. 71 Black land – fertile dark soil used for farming – called “Kemet” by the Egyptians. Red land - non-fertile reddish soil that makes up the deserts that surround Egypt.

7 Why was Egypt and Nubia not invaded often by outsiders? Pg. 71 The Sahara and Eastern Deserts protect Egypt to the East and West. Mountains protected Nubia on both sides. Why would deserts offer good protection to Egypt?

8 Why could the Nile River be described as a “highway of trade” in ancient times? Could travel in both directions. Float north with the current. Sail south by using the offshore wind and sails. Goods and resources steadily moved year- round.

9 How did the Nubians adapt to difficult travel along the Nile River? They became famous traders by using land routes. Had valuable metal resources of gold, copper, and iron to trade to Egypt and Mesopotamia.

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