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1 Kingdom Monera (Archaebacteria and Eubacteria).

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Presentation on theme: "1 Kingdom Monera (Archaebacteria and Eubacteria)."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Kingdom Monera (Archaebacteria and Eubacteria)

2 2 Characteristics Prokaryotes Unicellular Autotrophic or heterotrophic

3 3 Two Kingdom in 6 kingdom system Archaebacteria -live in extreme conditions (such as hot springs or salt mines) Eubacteria -common bacteria

4 4 Types Gram positive vs. Gram negative

5 5 Shapes 1.Cocci = _______ 2.Bacilli = _______ 3.Spirilli = _______

6 6 Grouping _______= clusters (ex. staphylococcus) _______ = filaments (ex. streptobacillus) _____ = two

7 7 Structures _________ - made of peptidoglycan (polysaccharides cross-linked by short chain of AA); different from plant cell wall(cellulose) ________ – protective layer around cell wall which helps them stick to surface. ______ – hair-like extensions which help to attach to a surface. ________ – circular DNA ________ – whip-like tail

8 8

9 9 Nutrition Autotrophic (Cyanobacteria) Photosynthetic Chemosynthetic Heterotrophic -decomposers = feed on dead organisms

10 10 Respiration _______ _______ – cannot survive in the presence of oxygen ________ _______ – can live with or without oxygen (ex. E.coli) ________ _______ – Must have oxygen to survive. (ex. Mycobacterium tuberculosis-lives in the lungs)

11 11 Reproduction ___________ (asexual) One cell splits into two cells that are identical to parent cell __________ (sexual) One bacterium transfers a copy of its DNA to another bacterium through a ______. Results in new genetic combination.

12 12 Pathogenic bacteria Pneumonia, food poisoning, strep throat, TB, syphilis, gonorrhea

13 13 Beneficial bacteria Food production Yogurt, cottage cheese, cream cheese, sour cream oMedicine Insulin, water treatment

14 14 Self-quiz teria/bacteria.htm

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