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A Tour of the Cell Chapter 4 Cell Organelles Wakefield 2015.

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1 A Tour of the Cell Chapter 4 Cell Organelles Wakefield 2015

2 Cells Made primarily of H, O, C, & N Though it also needs trace elements Contains about 60% water Extracellular and Interstitial Main solid consists mainly of proteins Macromolecule Structure Carbohydrate – C, H, O Protein – C, H, O, N Lipid – C, H, O, P Nucleic Acids – C, H, O, N Water – H, O

3 Cells Cells are very diverse Vary in length 2 micrometers to more than 3 feet Structure defines its function which are also very diverse

4 Microscopy Resolution A measurement of the clarity of the image The minimum distance between 2 points Magnification A ratio of an object’s image size to its real size Contrast The difference in brightness between the light and dark areas of an image

5 Cells Robert Hooke discovered the cell in the late 1600’s The smallest part of any living organism Contains all parts necessary to survive in changing environments

6 Microscopy Light Microscope (LM) Visible light passes through the specimen then magnified by glass lenses Uses prepared slides Wet mount Dry mount

7 Microscopy Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Used to study the internal structure of the cell Aims an electron beam through a very thin section of a specimen which has been stained with heavy metals to enhance the structure Uses magnets as lenses rather than glass Focuses on a monitor for viewing Disadvantage – specimen must be dead

8 Microscopy Scanning electron Microscope (SEM) Used to study detailed topographical images of a specimen Uses electromagnetic lenses to scan the surface of the sample – Usually coated with fine film of gold Disadvantage – specimen must be dead

9 Cytology – the study of the cell

10 Prokaryotic Cells vs. Eukaryotic Cells All cells have generalized features: Cytosol – semi-liquid fluid in which organelles are suspended – found in both pro & eukaryotic cells Organelles – small organs of cell – most found only eukaryotic cells Plasma Membrane – double layer of phospholipids which surrounds cell – found in both pro & eukaryotic cells Inclusions – Non-functioning parts of cell


12 NUCLEUS – CONTROL CENTER Located near the center of the cell Found in both plants & animals Found only in eukaryotic cells Contains the organism’s genetic material The cell (and organism’s) “blueprint” DNA – Deoxyribonucleic Acid Chromatin Genes Chromosomes

13 NUCLEOLUS – 1 OR MORE SMALL BODIES IN CENTRAL AREA OF NUCLEUS Located near the center of nucleus Found in both plants & animals Found only in eukaryotic cells Site for ribosome production which will migrate to cytoplasm

14 NUCLEAR ENVELOPE – (aka) NUCLEAR MEMBRANE Located surrounding the nucleus Found in both plants & animals Found only in eukaryotic cells Consists of a double-layer selectively permeable membrane with relatively large pores (nuclear pores) Serves to protect the nucleus and determines what enters & leaves nucleus

15 CHROMATIN– DNA (when it is not dividing) Located inside the nucleus Found in both plants & animals Found only in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells – just not within a membrane bound nucleus Consists of DNA (Genetic Material) Appears as loose bumpy granular material scattered throughout the nucleus

16 CHROMOSOME – DNA (when it is dividing) Located inside the nucleus Found in both plants & animals Found only in both prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells Consists of DNA (Genetic Material) Appears as shortened thick structures resembling X’s or curved lines – condensed chromatin material


18 PLASMA MEMBRANE – (aka) CELL MEMBRANE Surrounds the outside of the cell’s cytoplasm Found in both plants & animals Found only in eukaryotic cells & prokaryotic cells Consists of phospholipid bi-layer With a hydrophobic & hydrophilic side Functions to determine what enters and leaves the cell – is selectively permeable – selects which materials can pass across the membrane

19 PLASMA MEMBRANE – (aka) CELL MEMBRANE Specializations – Microvilli – tiny fingerlike projections that greatly increase the cell’s surface area Enhances cell’s absorption ability Small intestines

20 PLASMA MEMBRANE – (aka) CELL MEMBRANE Specializations – Membrane Junctions – varies structurally Tight Junctions Impermeable Bind cells together like a zipper Desmosomes Anchoring junctions which prevent cells from tearing apart (i.e. – skin to skin or skin to muscle)

21 PLASMA MEMBRANE – (aka) CELL MEMBRANE Specializations – Membrane Junctions – varies structurally Gap Junctions Connects adjacent cells with tubular connexons which look like hollow cylinders Found in the heart, embryonic cells Functions mainly in cell to cell communication

22 CYTOPLASM – Located outside the nucleus and inside the plasma membrane Found in both plants & animals Found in prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells Consists of 3 major elements Cytosol Organelles inclusions

23 Plasmodesmata Channels (in plants) which function to connect the cytoplasms of adjacent plants Similar to the desmosomes and gap junctions in animals

24 CYTOPLASM – 3 major elements of cytoplasm Cytosol – semitransparent fluid which suspends the organelles Organelles – “little organs” of cell where all cell functioning occurs Inclusions – non-functioning units of the cell such as lipid droplets,, melanin (color pigment), etc.

25 MITOCHONDRIA – (aka) POWERHOUSE OF CELL In the cell’s cytoplasm Found in both plants & animals Found only in eukaryotic cells only Consists of a double layer membrane surrounding “sausage-like” structures which can move and wriggle about Functions to carry out the reactions which use O 2 to break down food into cellular energy (ATP) Found most in metabolically busy cells such as the liver & muscle cells

26 RIBOSOME – cell’s protein factories In the cell’s cytoplasm – tiny dark bilobed bodies of protein Ribosomal RNA – (rRNA) Some float free but most are attached to the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Found in both plants & animals Found in eukaryotic cells as well as prokaryotic cells Not membrane bound in prokaryotic cells Functions synthesize proteins for cell

27 ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM – (aka) ER In the cell’s cytoplasm Found in both plants & animals Found only in eukaryotic cells ONLY A “network” of tubules or “cisterns” Accounts for about ½ of cell’s membranes Location for ribosomes protein systhesis Functions to carry substances (primarily proteins) from 1 part of cell to another part of cell 2 forms – Rough ER & Smooth ER

28 ROUGH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM – (aka) ROUGH ER Rough ER Studded with ribosomes Site of ribosomsal protein synthesis Abundant in cells that export protein products Pancreas – insulin & other digestive fluids

29 SMOOTH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM – (aka) SMOOTH ER Smooth ER Plays no actual role in protein synthesis – Communicates with the Rough ER & functions in lipid metabolism Synthesis of lipids & steroid hormones Metabolism of carbs Detoxifies drugs & pesticides; Storage of Ca ions Abundant in: Liver Testes – to produce testosterone

30 GOLGI APPARATUS – (aka) GOLGI BODY Located in the cytoplasm of cell Found in both plant & animal cells Found in Eukaryotic cells only Functions to modify, package and transport prot eins 2 types – Transport Vesicles – modifies & packages proteins Secretory Vesicles – transports proteins from Golgi Apparatus to plasma mem brane

31 LYSOSOME – (aka) cell’s demolition sites Located in the cytoplasm of cell Found in animal cells Found in Eukaryotic cells only Functions to breakdown other materials Contain powerful “digestive” enzymes “digest worn-out or non-usable” cells or cell parts Exocytosis – transporting materials out of cell Abundant in white blood cells “digest” bacteria & other foreign substances

32 Cellular Digestive & Excretory Processes Endocytosis – cells taking materials INTO the cell Phagocytosis – taking in solid molecules Pinocytosis – taking in liquid molecules Exocytosis – cells passing materials OUT of the cell

33 PEROXISOME – Located in the cytoplasm of cell Found in both plant & animal cells – Eukaryotic only Contains powerful oxidase enzymes that use molecular O 2 to detoxify harmful substances Functions to disarm free radicals – highly reactive chemicals Can also convert H 2 O 2 to H 2 O Look like small lysosomes Abundant in the liver & kidneys

34 CYTOSKELETON – Located in the cytoplasm of cell Found in both plant & animal cells Functions to provide form & structure to cells Found in Eukaryotic cells only Made of protein components

35 CYTOSKELETON – Consists of 3 types of protein filaments Intermediate filaments – help form desmosomes to provide internal guy wires to resist pulling forces Microfilaments – such as actin & myosin – involved in cell motility and changes in cell shape (muscle cells) Microtubules – determine the overall shape of the cell and the distribution of organelles Important during cell division

36 CENTRIOLES – Located in the cytoplasm of cell – usually near the nucleus Found in both plant & animal cells Found in Eukaryotic cells only Rod-shaped bodies that lie at right angles to each other Made up of fine microtubules and form the mitotic spindle during cell division Some have cilia and/or flagella


38 Cilia & Flagella – Cilia - Microtubules used to move materials around outside of cell Usually many of these small projections surrounding the cell or at least the exterior surface of a cell Flagella – responsible for motility of the cell as a whole Usually only one or a few and are long whip-like structures

39 Vacuole Predominantly found in eukaryotic / plants Functions to Storage of water & other nutrients Breakdown wastes to be disposed of Hydrolysis of macromolecules Enlargement of vacuole is major mechanism in plant growth Can act as a pump to rid the plant of excess water Contractile Vacuoles

40 Chloroplasts Predominantly found in eukaryotic / plants Sit of photosynthesis – in leaf 7 other green organ of plants Contain the green pigment – chlorophyll Membranous system Thylakoid Granum Stroma a type of plastid Other examples are Amyloplast Chromoplast

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