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First day of school ‘A’ day Monday, August 22, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "First day of school ‘A’ day Monday, August 22, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 First day of school ‘A’ day Monday, August 22, 2016

2 Monday, 8/22 Unit 0: Science skills Welcome to Mrs. Cheyne AP1 Physics class!  Instructions for the day…  Check the seating chart and find your assigned seat.  Pick up a green sheet from the Physics bin and complete it.  Pick up a white warm-up sheet (further instructions will come). Upcoming important dates  Friday, 8/26 – summer assignment quiz due  Tuesday, 8/30 – science skills quiz, summer assignment due  Friday, 9/2 – science skills test

3 Review green sheets

4 Learning community activity What type of college would you like to go to? 1. Choose the most desirable school and go to the applicable area. 2. Find a partner in your group and a) Introduce yourself b) Find out what college they want to go to. c) When asked introduce them to the class (name and college).

5 Syllabus and norms  Class time  Intermission  Last 4 minutes of class

6 Using technology  You will know if you need a Chromebook at the beginning of the period if it is on the daily instructions.  If we need them after the beginning of the period I will call you by row to pick one up in the cart.  When we are done with them I will call you by your Chromebook number and you will return the Chromebook to the cart and plug it in.

7 Review user information Student name: Babe Ruth Student birthdate: February 6, 1895 Student ID#: 801234 User name: babe.ruth Student e-mail address: (first three letters of last name, last four digits of student id) Student password: 02061895Hi! (birthdate, upper case H, lower case I, exclamation mark)

8 Assigning your Chromebook  Write your name on the technology sheet  Write your assigned Chromebook number on your sheet

9 Create a Chromebook user  Click ‘add user’ – bottom left of the screen.  Login using your GCISD information…do not use your personal accounts (ex gmail). You will not be able to access GCISD only information if you do not use your GCISD e- mail, logins, passwords, etc.  Navigate to my Physics webpage – GCISD_GHS_Lisa Cheyne_Physics-2015/16.  Easy way…Google ‘Lisa Cheyne’

10 Review course syllabus  With your elbow partner complete the syllabus review activity form under today’s resources. (5 minutes to complete)

11 Subscribe to ‘Remind’ – 4th Period

12 Making a claim  CERR video

13 CERR Process  Review CERR rubric

14 Challenging a Claim Aristotle, the philosopher, made the claim that heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects. Your job is to evaluate this claim.

15 Experiment (collaborative) – 20 minutes  Design an experiment that can test this claim. Collect enough data to convince your teacher that this claim is correct or incorrect.  Individually, on a clean sheet of paper do the following:  Write out your experimental procedure using bullet points or numbered steps (don’t include trivial or obvious things such as “gather materials”  Create a labeled and logical data table to show the data you collected.

16 Write up your conclusion (Individual) – 15 minutes  Using the CER (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning) format, write a conclusion from your data.  Write a clear claim  Indicate how the data supports your claim  Attempt to explain why using what you know so far…  When you are finished check to make sure your name is on your paper and turn it in to the silver tray.

17 Galileo Galilei  Credited with being the first person to test this claim directly.  Father of the scientific method “Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.”

18 Was Galileo correct?  Moon Video

19 Homework  Highlight important information from you graphing CNs.  Complete the summaries for the CNs.

20 Cool Down  How do you think Galileo Galilei’s quote applies to the lab you performed today?  Are you able to do each of the ‘I can’ statements for today? When will you do your Physics homework? “Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.”

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