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Phlebotomist’s Duties & Responsibilities  Prepare patients & site for specimen collection  Collect venipuncture & capillary specimens for testing  Transport.

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Presentation on theme: "Phlebotomist’s Duties & Responsibilities  Prepare patients & site for specimen collection  Collect venipuncture & capillary specimens for testing  Transport."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phlebotomist’s Duties & Responsibilities  Prepare patients & site for specimen collection  Collect venipuncture & capillary specimens for testing  Transport & dispatch samples efficiently  Prepare specimens for proper transport  Adhere to all HIPAA & confidentiality guidelines  Comply with safety rules  Quality customer service  Participate in continuing education  Document monthly workload  Perform quality-control  Perform instrument maintenance  Perform point-of-care (POCT) testing  Perform lab computer information operations  Proper instruction to patients for non-blood specimen collection  Train new technicians & students

2 CERTIFICATION VS LICENSURE  Certification  Mastered competencies in a certain area  Indicates completion of defined academic and training requirements  Satisfactory score on exam  CPT: Certified Phlebotomy Technician  Licensure  A document or permit issued by state  Can perform certain service after meeting education & experience  Successful completion of state or national exam.

3 Continuing Education  Must to keep knowledge base and skills up to date,  CEU’s: continuing education units  Must have for renewal of credential granted

4 Recognizing Diversity  Affect health beliefs and behaviors of patients and providers  Cultural awareness provides enhances potential for rewarding interpersonal experiences  Critical factors:  Beliefs & values shape a person’s approach to health & illness  Health-related needs according to living environment  Knowledge of customs and traditions  Attitude toward seeking help

5 Professionalism  Conduct & qualities that characterize a professional  Patient’s perception based on your conduct and appearance & grooming  Involves personal behaviors  Integrity  Compassion  Motivation  Dependability  Diplomacy/Ethical behavior

6 Patient’s Bill of Rights  Treated with respect  Refuse to have blood drawn  Results of blood work remains confidential  Obtain purpose of testing  All communications confidential

7 Confidentiality  HIPPA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act  Requires all health care providers to obtain patient’s consent before disclosing medical information to any unauthorized person  Safeguards the confidentiality of protected health information (PHI)

8 HIPAA Training  paa-for-plan-sponsors-group-health-plans- business-associates paa-for-plan-sponsors-group-health-plans- business-associates  When you get to the HIPAA violations videos, describe what violations have occurred  Whenever there is a quiz, take it and print a copy if you pass. If you failed it, go back to re-read the info and re-take the test and print a copy.

9 Communication Skills  e=building-better-working-relationships- relational-communication-and-listening&c=1 e=building-better-working-relationships- relational-communication-and-listening&c=1  Patient’s perception of healthcare facility derived from one-on-one interaction  Favorable impressions result when professionals respond properly  Must have good bedside manner  Communicate empathetically with patient

10 Barriers to Communication  Language limitations  Culture diversity  Age  Physical disabilities  Emotion  OGJP5vGA OGJP5vGA

11 Non-Verbal Communication  80% of communication is non-verbal (kinesics)  Kinesic slip: verbal and non-verbal messages don’t match  Facial expressions  Eye contact

12 Non-Verbal Communications  Proxemics  Study of person’s concept & use of space  Every patient has personal territory or comfort zone  Phlebotomists must enter intimate zone  Patient may feel threatened, insecure or out of control

13 Non-Verbal Communication  Touch  Different kinds with different meanings  Accidental touch  Social touch  Therapeutic touching designed to aid healing  Based on cultural background  Patient more aware of phlebotomist’s touch  Make sure touch a thoughtful expression of caring

14 Active Listening  Taking steps through feedback to ensure that listener interprets what speaker is saying  Don’t interrupt  Summarize what patient says  Promotes rapport with patients

15 Elements in Healthcare Communication  Empathy  Identifying with feelings or thoughts of another person  Putting yourself in place of another person  Validates patient’s feeling  Control  Feeling in control essential to patient’s sense of well-being  If patient refuses blood drawn, allow express statement of control.  Patient will often change their mind because they made the decision

16 Elements in Healthcare Communications  Confirmation  Each patient needs to accepted as unique individual with special needs  Avoid labels  Trust  The unquestioning belief by patient that phlebotomist is performing job as well as possible  Don’t emphasize skills while ignoring interpersonal communications  Do everything possible to win patient’s confidence

17 Proper Telephone Protocol  Answer promptly  Be helpful  Prioritize calls  Be prepared to record information  Know laboratory policies  Diffuse hostile situations  Try to assist everyone

18 Outpatient or Ambulatory Facilities  Primary source of healthcare  Offer routine care or specialized care under a PCP-primary care physician  Examples:  Doctor/Dentist Offices  Surgical centers  Outpatient areas of hospital

19 Inpatient Facilities  Key resource and center of US healthcare system  Patient usually stays overnight or longer  Examples:  Acute care hospitals  Nursing homes  Rehab centers

20 Healthcare Financing  Affordable Care Act (ACA)  About insurance market reform  Provide insurance option and increased access to affordable health care  No one can be denied coverage or charged more for pre-existing conditions  Third-party payer  Insurance companies  Government programs

21 Medicare vs Medicaid  Healthcare to people over 65 and disabled  Entitlement program earned through employment  Financed thru Social Security payroll deductions  Part A: hospital services  Part B: supplementary medical insurance  Federal and state medical assistance to low income  Not an entitlement – recipients must prove eligibility  Funded from federal grants; administered by state  Covers inpatient care, outpatient & diagnostic services, physicians

22 Managed Care: HMO vs PPO Health Maintenance OrgPreferred Provider Org  Group practices reimbursed on a pre- paid, negotiated, discounted basis  Must use doctors in network  Must get referral to see specialist  Independent groups offer services to employers at discounted rates in exchange for steady supply of patients  May use out of network facilities  Do not need referral to see specialist

23 Major Divisions of the Laboratory  Clinical Analysis  Hematology  Chemistry  Microbiology  Blood bank  Immunology  Serology  Urinalysis  Anatomical and Surgical Pathology  Tissue analysis  Cytology  Surgical biopsy  Frozen sections  Autopsies

24 Clinical Laboratory Personnel  Lab Director  Usually a Pathologist  Over all sections of Lab  Lab Administrator/Lab Manager  Usually a Medical Technologist  Share responsibilities with Lab Director  Technical Supervisors  Usually a Medical Technologist  Over one section of Lab

25 Clinical Laboratory Personnel  Med Techs  Bachelor’s degree  Must have license  Perform all levels of testing  Med Lab Technicians  Associate’s degree  Requires license  Lower level testing

26 Clinical Laboratory Personnel  Phlebotomist  Certification required  Blood collection  May process specimens

27 STAT Lab  Tests performed in response to medical emergencies  Part of upper level healthcare facilities

28 Reference Lab  Large, independent labs  Receive specimens from large numbers of facilities  Provide routine and/or specialized analysis of specimens  Fast turnaround time

29 CLIAA  Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act  All labs must be regulated using the same standards  Obtain a certificate from federal gov assuring that testing is reliable  Determines complexity  High, moderate, low complexity  Personnel qualifications

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