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The Orang-Utan They live in south-east Asia. They always eat fruit, often leaves and flower. They sometimes swings from branch to branch. They are disappearing.

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Presentation on theme: "The Orang-Utan They live in south-east Asia. They always eat fruit, often leaves and flower. They sometimes swings from branch to branch. They are disappearing."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Orang-Utan They live in south-east Asia. They always eat fruit, often leaves and flower. They sometimes swings from branch to branch. They are disappearing because their habitat is cut down by man. For wood and farming. After a century, 10%. Erwan The tiger It lives in Asia. It eats meat. They are killed for their body parts. They are used in the traditional chinesse medecines. There is no scientific proof that it really works. Dylan

2 The rhinoceros The Rhinoceros in live Africa. It eat grass. Rhinoceros are killed for their hans. They are an endangered species because of man. The koala It lives in Australia. It eats eucalyptus and leaves. It is Norcturnal, It sleeps during the day and eats at night. The cilies expension has destroyed 80% of their habitat in 200 years. Edson Elliott

3 The tigers : It always lives in Asia. It always eats meat. They are sometimes killed for their body parts. They are often used traditional chinese medicines. There is sometimes no scientific proof that it really works. The Orang-Utang: The big monkey often lives in South-East-Asia. It always eats fruits, leaves, flowers, insects and small animals. Orang-Utangs are disapearing because their habitat is cut down by man For wood and farming, after a century. Fiona Clara

4 The tiger: The tiger lives in Asia. It always eats meat. They are killed for their body parts. They are often kills its prey with a bite on the neck.They always are used in the traditionnel chinese medecines.There is no scientific proof that it really works. The loggerhead turtle: The loggerhead turtle lives in coartal waters of warm and temperate seas. It always crustaceans and small fish. The turtle disapparearing their eggs disappeared. 95% of their eggs are eaten by other animals or people! Julie Wanda

5 The Caiman It always lives South America. It always eats meat and fish. 10 million reptiles are killed every year. They are killed for their skin. Each year, it always brings £ 300 million, about € 450 million. Julien The Orang-utan This big monkey always lives in South East Asia. It always eats fruit, often eats leaves, flowers, insects and small animals. Orang-utan are disappearing because their habitat always is cut down by man for wood and farming. After a century, only 10% survived. Nicolas

6 The loggerhead turtle It lives in coastal waters of warm and temperate seas. The loggerhead turtle often eats crustaceans and sometimes eats fish. The turtles are disappearing because their eggs disappear. Animals and man take their eggs. Paul Valentin

7 The tiger The tiger lives in Asia. It always eats meat. They are killed for their body ports. They are used in the traditional chinese medicines. There is no scientific proof that it really works. Paul Valentin

8 The tiger It eats always meat. It often lives in Asia. They are often killed for their body parts. They are sometimes used in the traditionnal Chinese medecines. There is no scientific proof that it really works. The caiman It often lives in South America; It always eats fish and meat. 10 million reptiles are killed every year. They are killed fort their skin. Each year,it brings £ 300 million, about € 450 million. Quentin Christopher

9 The logger turtle It always live in costal water of warm and temperate sea. The turtle always eat crustaceans,shellfish and small fish. It disapearing because their eggs disappear. Animals and peoples take their eggs. The caiman It lives in South America. It always eats fish and meats. 10 millions reptiles are killed every year. Safia Justine

10 The Rhinoceros. The Rhinoceros always lives in Africa. It sometimes eats eaters and often plants. The Rhinos often killed for their horns. It often is an endangered species because of man. The Orang-utan The Orang-utan often in Asia, Island, Borneo and Sumatra. It often eats fruit, flowers, insects and small animals. The Orang-utan always does lives in trees and swings from branch to branch. They often are disappearing because their habitat is cut down by man. Alexia - Mathieu

11 The rhinoceros The Rhinoceros lives in Africa It always eats grass Rhinoceros are killed for their horns, They are an endangered species becaus of man. Fanny The Logerhead turtle It lives in coastal waters of warm and temperate seas, It often eats crustaceans and small fish, The turth are disappearing Because their eggs disappear. Claire

12 The tiger It lives in Asia It eats meat They always eat meat The bengal tiger is a carnivore They are used in the traditional Chinese medicines The Koala It lives in Australia It eats eucalyptus They always eat eucalyptus It is an aggressive animal who lives in forest The city destroys the forest. 80% of the forest has disappeared in 200 years Antoine Dylan Po

13 The bengal tiger It lives in asia, it always eats meat. They are killed for their body parts. they are sometimes used in the traditional Chinese medicines but there is no scientific procel that it really works. Nawel Léa

14 The rhinoceros It lives in africa, It alaways eats grass. rhinors are sometimes killed for their horns They are endangered species beaucause of man. Nawel Léa

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