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Anotace Didaktický učební materiál je určen pro žáky 3. ročníku maturitních oborů SOŠ. V první části je uvedena charakteristika doby, kdy autor žil, v.

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Presentation on theme: "Anotace Didaktický učební materiál je určen pro žáky 3. ročníku maturitních oborů SOŠ. V první části je uvedena charakteristika doby, kdy autor žil, v."— Presentation transcript:


2 Anotace Didaktický učební materiál je určen pro žáky 3. ročníku maturitních oborů SOŠ. V první části je uvedena charakteristika doby, kdy autor žil, v dalších částech přehled hlavních událostí jeho života a tvorby. Materiál inovuje výuku využitím interaktivní tabule. Metodický pokyn Materiál je určen především k prezentaci, osvojení učiva, žáci také procvičují porozumění textu a rozšiřují si slovní zásobu.


4  The greatest dramatist the world ever had  He lived and worked in 16th century England in the Renaissance period  In the Renaissance era people began to believe in their own senses  They admired the greatest works of ancient artists and philosophers  As a Renaissance humanist, Shakespeare acknowledged man as the centre of the universe

5  The time of the Tudors  Henry VIII separated England from the influence of the Roman Catholic Church and established the Church of England  England of his time is known as Merry England because of its rich cultural life  Theatres were popular places for people as there they could hear honest comments about life

6  Born on April 23rd, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon as one of eight children  His father was a glove-maker  Shakespeare went to local school and was brought up as an orthodox Protestant  He managed to remain open-minded and free-thinking  In 1582 he married Ann Hathaway, they had three children  In 1587 he moved to London  Later he returned to Stratford and bought a house  He died in 1616

7  Shakespeare started as an actor and after some time a writer of plays  Shakespeare with his companions managed to win the patronage od the Lord Chamberlain Lord Chamberlain´s Men  In 1599 this company established The Globe Theatre

8  Theatres and acting were part of local town and village culture  Performances gave people a release from the problems of everyday life  Plays were usually performed in the courtyards of inns  The audience could sit around three sides of the stage  The roles of women were played by men (there were no actresses at all)  Each actor played two or three roles in one play

9  1591: Henry V  1593: Richard III, The Comedy of Errors, The Taming of the Shrew  1596: Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night´s Dream  1597: The Merchant of Venice, The Merry Wives of Windsor  1599: Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It  1601: Hamlet  1602: Twelfth Night  1604: Othello  1605: King Lear  1606: Macbeth

10  Shakespeare wrote tragedies, comedies, historical plays and sonnets  All his themes, conflicts and characters are still topical  They are realistic and depict characteristic features of people  He is appreciated because of his love of man and his understanding of human weaknesses  In his best comedies he focuses on the pleasant aspects of life  Love is his favourite topic

11  Theme: Hatred causes tragedy to innocent people  THE PLAY IS OFTEN CALLED THE ULTIMATE TRAGEDY  PUT THE SENTENCES IN THE CORRECT ORDER:  After falling in love, Romeo and Juliet are married secretly but Juliet´s father has promised her to Count Paris.  Thinking her death to be real, he drinks poison and kills himself.  Romeo, son of Lord Montague, and Juliet, daughter of lord Capulet, meet on a ball and fall in love.  Unfortunately, they are born into families that hate each other.

12  The families, very important members of the Verona community, consider each other its bitter enemy.  This tragedy then draws the two families together, at last.  To avoid the marriage she drinks a poison which will make her appear dead for 48 hours.  Romeo, who was supposed to be warned about the plan but wasn´t, arrives to find his Juliet dead.  Juliet then awakens to find her true love dead and takes her own life with a dagger.

13  1. Romeo, son of Lord Montague and Juliet, daughter of lord Capulet, meet on a ball and fall in love.  2. Unfortunately, they are born into feuding families.  3. The families, very important members of the Verona community, consider each other its bitter enemy.  4. After falling in love, Romeo and Juliet are married secretly but Juliet´s father has promised her to Count Paris.  5. To avoid the marriage she drinks a poison which will make her appear dead for 48 hours.  6. Romeo, who was supposed to be warned about the plan but wasn´t, arrives to find his Juliet dead.  7. Thinking her death to be real, he drinks poison and kills himself.  8. Juliet then awakens to find her true love dead and takes her own life with a dagger.  9. This tragedy then draws the two families together, at last. 

14  Shakespeare´s most popular play  The quotation ´To be or not to be, that is the question´ is well-known  It is the story of Hamlet, a Danish prince, who is told about his father´s death by the ghost of his father. He wants to take revenge for the death.

15  Theme: Jealousy is fed and flourished by intriguing Iagos ….  Othello is a passionate, sincere and honest man  Iago intrigues to gain promotion to lieutenancy  He manipulates Othello to such a height of  suspicion and jealousy that Othello strangles Desdemona  After realizing she was innocent, he commits suicide  TASK: FORM NOUNS FROM UNERLINED ADJECTIVES AND ADJECTIVES FROM UNDERLINED NOUNS _____________ PASSION _________ SINCERITY _________ HONESTY HIGH ________ SUSPICIOUS __________ JEALOUS ___________ INNOCENCE

16  The tragedy of the father who banishes his youngest daughter Cordelia who does not flatter like her sisters  King Lear is later banished by his two older daughters whom he had divided his kingdom  Cordelia comes to help him but is imprisoned and hanged by her sisters  King lear dies of grief

17 English literature for graduation exam. 1. vyd. Havlíčkův Brod: FRAGMENT, 1999, 97, 102-103. ISBN 80-7200-377-1 NĚNIČKOVÁ, Janka. William Shakespeare´s legacy. Friendship: For learners of English. 2003, XXXVII, č. 3, s. 4-5. ISSN 1335-2709. Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Dr. Anna Štiplová.

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