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2 Good Morning Welcome to your Headquarters Housekeeping/Lunch Plans Items for Sale- GFWC Florida-- Executive Director, Chrissy Fry Introductions

3 Motivation

4 Tag Line

5 CHECK LIST A Check List is in your notebook Tips on things to work on between now and the DD/JDD meeting at convention. To help you get focused and started in the right direction

6 GETTING TO KNOW YOU! PLEASE Verify and update on the information form any changes Name Address/Email/Phone Numbers I also would like your: Birthday (month and date) Your current GFWC Florida club

7 NAME BADGES OR TAGS First Name or Nick Name Full Name Title

8 WHO ARE YOU? You are an elected officer You represent your district You are your district’s liaison to the state federation YOU ARE GFWC FLORIDA

9 GFWC FLORIDA PRESIDENT Mary Powell 2016-2018 GFWC Florida Director of Junior Clubs 2016-20158 Kelly Holmes

10 Mary Powell

11 “A Better World for Every Girl” 2016-2018 GFWC Florida President’s Project

12 Kelly Holmes


14 2016-2018 Director's Project- Florida Guardian Ad Lidem Program (GAL) The Florida Guardian ad Litem (GAL) Program is a partnership of community advocates and professional staff providing a powerful voice on behalf of Florida's abused, abandoned and neglected children. Their mission is "I am for the child." How can we help? -Encourage members to become a Guardian Ad Lidem -Volunteer to support local events, programs, and those serving as guardians. -Raise money for your local Guardian Ad Lidem Foundation -Support and take action on legislative initiatives relevant to the GAL program. Project Goals: - We have developed a donation form for all monies raised by GFWC Florida to be accounted for but still go back to the local community that you designate. -Plan to have a hands on project at each state meeting based on needs of local programs around the state. -Provide clubs with tools to easily contact their local program to volunteer. -Provide information to clubs through social media regarding relevant legislative initiatives. Stay tuned for more details at Convention.

15 What is my job?

16 WHAT DID I SIGN UP FOR?: Advance the work of GFWC Florida Assist all state officer’s and chairmen in the promotion of programs Arrange and conduct the annual meeting and all workshops Collect club reports and present a resume of the work of the district at the ADM Send a list of the newly elected club officers by June 1 Visit each club in your District Encourage new clubs and reinstatement of former clubs.

17 Live documents on the Website Check Frequently Sign up for Membership Monday Follow GFWC Florida Facebook Page

18 Information Available

19 AND THERE’S MORE? District will hostess a state meal function and you will bring greetings and sit at the head table at that meal function You will be asked to submit an article about the district to the GFWC Florida Clubwoman You will work with the membership chairman on the formation of new clubs GET YOUR DISTRICT EXCITED!


21 Finances and Budget

22 Budget/Remittance/Dues The 2016 Budget will be voted on at Convention. As a BOD you will be voting on this Monday morning after installation at the Post Convention meeting. Membership Dues control this budget. Income Controls this budget. (Vendors, Sales)

23 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES! Each District Director will be allotted $200.00 for reimbursable expenses  Each Junior District Director will be allotted $100.00 for reimbursable expenses  Subject to change

24 DISTRICT MONEY EACH CLUB SHOULD SET ASIDE MONEY TO ASSIST THE DIRECTOR/Junior Director SET A REGISTRATION FEE  $1.00 OR $2.00 per member per meeting  Woman’s Clubs give to DD  Junior Clubs give to JDD .50 per member

25 Getting Started And Getting Organized

26 GETTING ORGANIZED Setting up Files or Notebooks  Each club in your district  District Communications  Installations  Ideas for Speeches  Receipts for Expenses

27 Important Dates Next up is……. Convention Spring Workshop Summer Planning

28 District Appointments and Choosing Wisely Friends…….

29 APPOINTMENTS District Secretary District Treasurer District Chairmen Chaplain District Arts Chairman President’s Project

30 INFORMATION YOU NEED TO TRANSITION A Current list of Club Presidents in your District

31 YOUR FIRST RESPONSIBILITY CONVENTION – Registration and Meals Installation Rehearsal Sunday afternoon Installation is on Sunday, May 22, 2016 Husband and Guests Board of Directors Meeting Monday Morning May 23, 2016

32 When Does My Term Begin? After the installation on 22 and you receive your pin. Past Director’s Pin?


34 GFWC GFWC New England GFWC Great Lakes GFWC Middle Atlantic GFWC Mississippi Valley GFWC South Central GFWC Southeastern GFWC Western States GFWC Southern Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina GFWC is broken into 8 regions. Regions hold Conferences in the fall of each year, and also meet at GFWC Conventions GFWC Headquarters is in Washington, DC. The building houses the President and Staff. The President and Staff are available to all members of GFWC by phone or email. For more information : WWW.GFWC.ORG GFWC Florida All Fifty States Florida has 14 Districts GFWC President, Staff, Executive Board and Board of Directors

35 Your First Meeting Spring Workshop and The Call Carole Weaver- Past DD for District 14 Winner of Current President of GFWC Florida

36 ‘THE CALL’ Comes from the District Director and sent to... Every Club (Woman’s, Juniors, Juniorettes) District Chairmen State Officers Past GFWC Florida Presidents Past GFWC Presidents Must be sent 45 days in advance of the meeting!

37 What’s In A Call Meeting Title Place of the meeting (directions) Registration Time and call to order time Cost of Registration Cost of Luncheon Deadlines for monies and how the checks are made out Name and Address of person receiving reservations Speaker

38 YOUR FIRST MEETING SPRING WORKSHOP You plan and are some suggestions: – Officer Training – Parliamentary Procedure – Leadership – New Projects & Programs – Membership – Fund Raising Ideas

39 SPRING WORKSHOP (continued) Allow former director to give out awards and certificates from Convention Talk about a District President’s Project Work closely with your JDD

40 What Other District Meetings do we need? Spring Workshop August – President’s Council Reporting Workshop – Early November February – District Art & Crafts – Woman’s/Junior Function – District Fundraisers

41 WHAT’S NEXT? Hostess Club Should already be chosen Duties are: – Provide the meeting place – Handle reservations – Provide morning coffee/juice and light refreshments – Table decorations – Program with the agenda – Name Tags – Luncheon/drinks/dessert – Optional – Door Prizes

42 PROTOCOL Head Table (optional) Printed Program or Agenda God before country Flag is ALWAYS on the speakers Right “As she faces the Audience” Introductions

43 Other Meetings Officers will also do an Annual Tour in November 2016 and 2017

44 ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETINGS 2016/2017 Fall Tour of Officers (ADM) November 2016 Specific dates/district info at convention

45 ADM District Responsibilities 1 Hotel Room for tour Officers for the night Before Meal the night before Tour Teams 1.President and First Vice President 2.President- Elect and Director of Junior Clubs

46 Speaking and Installing Jolie Frankfurth 2014-2016 GFWC Director elect of Junior Clubs

47 Installations/Speaking Bylaws – not all officer’s duties are the same. Protocol Leadership

48 Communication Cheryl Benton GFWC Corresponding Secretary 2014-2016 Past District 8 Director

49 Communication A Vital Part of the Job! Newsletters Brag Time at meetings Encourage the use of the web sites

50 Also in your notebook... Tri-folds Stats

51 The 1895 Society Preserving our Past & Ensuring Our Future This is an ongoing GFWC Florida Project



54 Jane Cunningham Croly Born December 19, 1829 Market Harborough, Leicestershire, England Market HarboroughLeicestershire England Died December 23, 1901(1901-12-23) (aged 72) New York City New York City Resting placeLakewood Township, New Jersey Pen nameJennie June OccupationAuthor, journalist SpouseDavid Goodman CrolyDavid Goodman Croly (m. 1856) ChildrenMinnie, Viola, Alice, HerbertHerbert

55 History and Legacy Let them share stories Let them come and install Send them encouragement Offer Suggestions and Recommendations Send Invitations Relax and Laugh with them

56 Role of an Officer Follow Bylaws Follow Protocol Follow GFWC Honor all Clubs and Members Be supportive, fair and trustworthy Protect the GFWC Florida Federation

57 Protocol Cheat Sheet


59 “BYLAWS” The LAW PERIOD! Teddy Hulse GFWC Florida Parliamentarian

60 BYLAWS FOR DISTRICT DIRECTOR & JUNIOR DISTRICT DIRECTORS reads... 1. advance the work of GFWC Florida; 2. assist all state officers and chairmen in the promotion of the programs; 3. arrange and conduct the annual district meeting and all workshops with the respective districts; 4. collect reports from clubs in the district and present a resume of the work at each annual meeting.

61 Bylaws Continued... 5. send a list of the newly elected officers of every club in the district by June 1 of each year to GFWC Florida headquarters, the president-elect and the corresponding secretary; 6. visit each club in the district; 7. encourage the organization of new clubs and reinstatement of former clubs.

62 GFWC FLORIDA OFFICERS President President-Elect - District Directors First Vice President – Chairmen/Reporting Second Vice President – Membership Recording Secretary *Corresponding Secretary-Manual information Treasurer Director of Junior Clubs *Finance Officer Member at Large *Parliamentarian

63 The “Mother” Federation GFWC Conventions Elections Legislative WHRC

64 Reports and Reporting Club Reports come to you for verification Reply, Respond, offer Assistance Acronyms Partnerships and Projects change with administration Information will come to you from 1VP on changes, updates and deadline

65 GFWC clubs and clubwomen are the fabric that binds not only the Federation, but the communities in which they live and work. By Living the Volunteer Spirit, GFWC clubwomen transform lives each day, not simply with monetary donations, but with hands-on tangible projects that provide immediate impact. With a grassroots approach that often thinks locally but impacts globally, GFWC, its clubs and members remain committed to serving as a force for global good, as it has done since its formation 125 years ago. With nearly 100,000 members in affiliated clubs in every state, the District of Columbia, and more than a dozen countries, GFWC members work in their own communities to support the arts, preserve natural resources, advance education, promote healthy lifestyles, encourage civic involvement, and work toward world peace and understanding.

66 Who We Are GFWC Nearly 100,000 members strong, the General Federation of Women's Clubs is united in its dedication to volunteer community service. While diverse in age, interests, and experiences, all clubwomen are united by a desire to create positive change in their communities. 2013-2014 By The Numbers Total Projects: 99,658 Volunteer Hours: 4,501,491.2 Dollars Donated: $13,880,047.51 In-Kind Donations: $10,915,295.90

67 Reports Remittance Form-Same for Juniorette, Juniors and Woman’s Clubs Woman‘s Clubs ONLY Honor Score and LBP Junior Clubs ONLY Mary Clark Juniorette Clubs –Through Chairmen and to GFWC Juniorette Director/Advisor

68 What are the GFWC ENDORSED Community Service PARTNERSHIPS? – Arts – Conservation- The Nature Generation (ACTrees for first part of 2015 reporting year.) – Education – HOBY (ESO separate report) – Home Life – Canine Companions*; Easter Seals; March of Dimes; Inside Knowledge; The Heart Truth; St. Jude Research Hospital – International Outreach- Operation Smile, Heifer, Unicef, Shot at Life – Public Issues- Kettering, USO, Sew Much Comfort

69 What are the Community Service Programs? The six (6) Community Service Programs (CSP’s) are: – Arts – Conservation – Education – Home Life – International Outreach – Public Issues

70 What is Cross- Reporting of projects CSPs, Membership or Leadership Fundraising Programs Comm. & PR

71 MEMBERSHIP-Challenge and Encourage Recognize the members 25/50 year members Recognize first time attendees/new members Elevator Speech – Make it your own, create thank you cards or make a phone call. Membership Manual and Orientation Material

72 Words of Wisdom Incoming 2016-2018 Officers

73 Questions??? Help is here today. The Legacy of the Federation The History of the Federation How will you share your story and add your chapter?

74 Collect Meaning History Why it is important

75 Written in 1904 as a prayer for the day by Mary Stewart, a high school principal in Longmont, Colorado, and a member of women's clubs of town and country. "I called it a 'Collect for Club Women' because I felt that women working together, with wide interests in large ends, which was a new thing under the sun and that, perhaps they had need for a special petition and meditation of their own" Keep us, oh God, from pettiness; let us be large in thought, in word, in deed. Let us be done with fault-finding and leave off self-seeking. May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face, wtihout self-pity and without prejudice. May we never be hasty in judgement and always generous. Let us take time for all things; and to grow calm, serene, gentle. Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straightforward and unafraid. Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences, that in the big things of life we are at one. And may we strive to touch and to know the great, common human heart of us all. And, oh Lord God, let us forget not to be kind! Mary Stewart April, 1904




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