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Pupil Accounting and MSDS Submission for Special Education Staff Genesee Intermediate School District Debi Hartman September 27, 2012 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Pupil Accounting and MSDS Submission for Special Education Staff Genesee Intermediate School District Debi Hartman September 27, 2012 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pupil Accounting and MSDS Submission for Special Education Staff Genesee Intermediate School District Debi Hartman September 27, 2012 1

2 AGENDA 1.Count Dates 2.Requirements for Membership 3.Days and Hours of Instruction 4.Legislative Update 5.PAM Revisions 6.ECDD FTE Calculations 7.MSDS 8.Exit Codes 9.Timelines & Auditing 10.Section 53 Reporting Evaluation 2

3 2012 – 13 COUNT DATES  1st Wednesday in October  October 3, 2012  2 nd Wednesday in February  February 13, 2013  If not in session, use the day immediately after with approval of the State Superintendent  Block scheduling – O.K. 3

4 Requirements for Membership A special education pupil may be counted in state school aid membership if a district insures that all of the following occur:  A special education pupil is less than 26 years of age on September 1, is enrolled in and receiving instruction in a special education program approved by the Department, and/or receiving transition services as described in an individualized education program and has not earned a high school diploma. (a special education certificate of completion is not a high school diploma.)  may have a GED and count for membership 4

5 Requirements for Membership The pupil is a resident of the district. If the pupil is not a resident, there are exceptions and special provisions that must be met and verified. 5

6 PUPIL RESIDENCY Priority and Focus Schools  A pupil may enroll in another district because the pupil’s school was identified as a Focus or Priority School under NCLB.  Must have agreement 6

7 SCHOOLS OF CHOICE  Genesee County Collaborative SOC  Application period in May  Can not exclude special education students.  Section 105  Application through 1 st week of school  Can accept from any district  Can not exclude special education students.  Section 105c  Application through 1 st week of school  Can accept from any district  Must have an agreement for spec. ed. students 7

8 Requirements for Membership  Pupil must have enrolled in the district prior to or on the count date. The pupil must be present on the count date.  If absent on the count day, the district must verify the pupil returned to school for all class periods for instruction.  If the absence was excused –  Must attend within 30 calendar days  If the absence was unexcused –  Must have been enrolled and attendance prior to count day and must attend within 10 school days. 8

9 SUSPENDED OR EXPELLED PUPIL ON COUNT DAY A pupil who was enrolled and in attendance in a district before the pupil membership count day or supplemental count day but was expelled or suspended on the pupil membership count day or supplemental count day shall only be counted in membership if the pupil resumed attendance within 45 days after the pupil membership or supplemental count date. SAA 6(8) (PAM Section 3) 9

10 DAYS and Hours of Pupil Instruction  1098 hours for grades K-12  DAY REQUIREMENT  MINIMUM 170 DAYS of instruction but no fewer days than offered in 2009-10 (number of days provided plus any snow days)  ECDD Ages 2.5-5 = 144 days and 360 hours  ECDD Nonclassroom Services Ages 0-5= 72 hours  SCI/SMI = 200 days and 1150 hours 10

11 Days and Hours of Pupil Instruction Forgiven Days / Hours  The first 6 days or equivalent number of hours that scheduled pupil instruction had to be cancelled beyond the control of the district, may be counted as hours of instruction  Weather  Mechanical problems  Health  Death  Not countable: strikes, hunting, funerals, athletic tournaments  6 Forgiven DAYS and HOURS for ECDD 11

12 Days and Hours of Pupil Instruction  School calendar should indicate the day and time professional development is scheduled. Up to 38 hours of teacher P.D. may be counted as instructional time.  May prorate for ECDD program  The hours of cancelled pupil instruction that may be “forgiven” does not apply to cancelled teacher P.D. 12

13 Days and Hours of Pupil Instruction Forgiven Hours After April 1, not more than an additional 6 days or the equivalent hours may be forgiven due to unusual and extenuating circumstances. Approval of State Superintendent required. 13

14 Attendance Records  Electronic Attendance – state guidelines  Must be signed by the teacher on a weekly basis at a minimum  Must be printed and signed weekly for the full week prior to count day (M-F), count week and 30 calendar days after the count date  District must have an electronic attendance procedure. 14

15 Legislative Update SCHOOL AID ACT 2012-13 KEY PROVISIONS 15

16 Kindergarten FTE (Section 6(4)(r) of SAA)  Full day kindergarten required for 1.0 FTE  Not a mandate  By the 5 th Wed. after count day, each district and charter school must report the number of instructional hours scheduled per K pupil for 2012-13 ????????????????????? 16

17 Foundation Allowance Best Practices  Foundation allowance – minimum increased $120 from $6846 to $6966  District s above $6966 – no increase  Basic foundation allowance remains $8019  Best Practices – extra $52/pupil  Must meet 7/8 best practices by June 1, 2013 17

18 Section 25 Wo!! Here we go!! The $ Follows The Student 18

19 Section 25 1.Pupil is counted for membership in District A. 2.Pupil enrolls in District B after the pupil membership count day. 3.District B will notify MDE (really the ISD at this time) and District A (where pupil was counted in membership). 4.Membership will be adjusted for District A (where pupil was counted pupil in membership) and District B (new educating district) prorated based on 1/180 for each school day in attendance. 5.District B will notify MDE (ISD) if pupil ceases to be enrolled. 19

20 Count Day Submission SAA Section 101  Count Day – October 3, 2012  Submit by 5 th week – November 7  Certify by 6 th week – November 14!!!  Supplemental Count Day – February 13, 2013  Submit by 5 th week – March 20  Certify by 6 th week – March 27 20

21 Other SAA Revisions  Section 107 - Adult Education  Adds testing before enrollment and upon completion of program, deletes requirement that assessments done every 90 hours of attendance.  PSA Closing - If a PSA not in its first or second year of operation, closes at EOY, the Feb count for that PSA is given to the district that enrolls and counts a pupil from that PSA the following October count. 21

22 Kindergarten Start Age  HB 4513, 2012 PA 198 amending MCL 380.1147  2012-13 school year, child who is a resident of the district who is 5 on or before December 1 may enroll in K  2013-14 - K start cutoff date is Nov. 1,2013  2014-15 - K start cutoff date is Oct. 1, 2014  2015-16 0 K start cutoff date is Sept. 1, 2015 22

23 Kindergarten Start Age  Parental waiver: parent of child residing in district born between the K start cutoff date and Dec. 1 must notify the district in writing by June 1 ( or it child becomes resident after June 1 by August 1) that they intend to enroll their child in K.  The district can make a recommendation on K enrollment but the parent has the sole discretion to determine whether or not to enroll the child in K.  Also applies to PSAs  The district/PSA school must report to the MDE by Dec. 31 how many children enrolled under the parent waiver provision. 23

24 Statewide Cyber Schools  Effective March 2013  15 new cyber schools to enroll up to 10,000 pupils after 3 years  Dec. 2013 – 5 cyber schools  Dec. 2014 – 10 cyber schools  After Dec. 2014 – 15 cyber schools 24

25 SAA Rewrite  $ follow pupil – not a voucher  Anys – Any time, Any Place, Any Way, Any Pace  Performance- based funding rather than seat time  December – present proposal to Gov.  October 2013 – New MI Education Financial Act goes into effect  Oxford Foundation 25


27 MDE Pupil Accounting Manual Revisions & Concerns,1607,7-140- 6530_6605-22360--,00.html 27

28 PUPIL ACOUNTING MANUAL  Under constant revision  Put in a notebook with tabs  Insert other documents  Print by sections – GISD Pupil Accounting website   Scroll to Pupil Accounting in the Quick Link area  “Required for Counting Membership” will be added to each section  Q&A function will be added 28

29 PAM Revisions  3 -Count day changes  Sept. 2012  5O-B – Seat Time Waivers  Sept. 2011  Is under another revision  5E – Non-public Part-Time 29

30 MORE CHANGES NEEDED  Section 2 – kindergarten hours  Section 5O – Under revision to include “blended learning” and the current STW application language.  Section 5P – Work-based – Student on a training agreement may work 24 hours in 1 week while school is in session. 30

31  If all the guidelines are not met, the pupil may be a partial FTE. i.e. If the pupil does not receive 2- 45 minute sessions in one week, the FTE may be prorated. (Gen.ed.0nly)  Not true with special education  If the pupil did have a full schedule, the FTE may be prorated. Homebound / Hospitalized 31

32 Early Childhood Special Education  If the days of attendance during count week match the pupil’ schedule per their IEP, calculate FTE based on the number of hours/week annualized.  If pupil has an absence during count week:  Unexcused: pupil must be present on that same day within 10 scheduled school days in order to calculate FTE  Excused: pupil must be present on the same day within30 calendar days in order to calculate FTE 32

33 COUNTING MEMBERSHIP FOR PUPILS IN CLASSROOM PROGRAMS under R340.1754  Pupil has an active IEP as of the count day  Pupil was enrolled and in attendance in a bonafide spec. ed. program as of count day  Pupil’s receipt of instruction is documented with appropriate attendance records  Pupil was assigned to a certificated sped.ed.teacher  Pupil’s membership is calculated by the number of hours scheduled and provided divided by 450  A pupil 5 years of age who also attends kindergarten must have the membership split equitably between special education and regular education 33

34 COUNTING MEMBERSHIP FOR PUPILS IN NON-CLASSROOM PROGRAMS under R340.1755  Pupil has an active IEP/IFSP as of the count day that identifies services, complete with the frequency, duration and location of the services  IEP if the pupil is age 3 or above  IFSP if the pupil is birth through 2  IFSP must have box checked MI Spec. Ed. Eligible  Pupil was enrolled and in attendance in a bona fide spec. ed. program as of the count day  2 hour / week & 72 hours within 180 days  Pupil’s receipt of instruction is documented with appropriate attendance records  Pupil was assigned to a cert. spec. ed. teacher and receiving services on or before the count day 34

35 Section 5-O-B – SEAT TIME WAIVER  Superintendent Flanagan extended the Seat Time Waiver to all Michigan School Districts through their Intermediate School District in partnership with GISD  Follow rules/regs established by GenNET  Follow GISD processes for STW  Can apply for your own ONE YEAR WAIVER 35

36 Requirements for Counting Membership in a STW 1.Must meet pupil membership eligibility requirements. (Section 3 of PAM) 2.Must meet residency requirements as in Section 4 of PAM. 3.Pupil shall be enrolled and attending on the count date: a.Class Schedule for entire year b.Pupil logging into at least 1 program-sponsored on- line course on each count day and for 9 additional calendar days during the 30-day calendar day count period. Log-in records provided by the on-line vendor must be maintained by the district. 36

37 Requirements for Counting Membership in a STW 4. Each course shall count as one class on the pupil’s schedule and generate that portion of an FTE. 5. Teacher of record must be identified. 6.On-site mentor employed by the district must be assigned. 7.Weekly contact by mentor. 37

38 Is a STW an appropriate placement for a SE student?  Maybe  What does the IEP state?  Additional support services needed? 38

39 Special Education Pupil Transition Services New – A pupil may not work more than 24 hours a week when school is in session  Applies to Work-site based learning programs  Does not apply to transition community living experiences component as this is considered instruction and not “work” 39

40 Work-Site Based Learning under R340.1733(i):  Must be enrolled and assigned to a spec. ed. teacher as of the count day  A completed written training plan and written training agreement must be in place by the count day  The employer must maintain verifiable attendance records  A district employed staff member must visit the pupil and the pupils supervisor at the job site once every 30 calendar days  Federal and state regulations regarding the employment of minors shall be followed. A pupil is to work not more than 24 hours a week while school is in session. 40

41 Peer to Peer  Not for just students with ASD  Support elective course/credit program that incorporates applied (experiential) learning in a non-traditional manner  Peer to Peer pupil provides support to a special education pupil in a general education class or a special education class. 41

42 Homeless Update 42

43 MSDS Reporting and Timelines 43

44 MSDS Collections  Early Roster  Direct Certification Reports  General Collections (FTE +)  Student Record Maintenance  Graduation Rate Appeals  Assessment Updates  Early Childhood  Request for UIC  Teacher Student Data Link  FTE Audit 44

45 5 Collections in General Submission 1.Fall Pupil Membership Count 2.Special Education Child Count 3.Early – On (ISD only) (MICIS retired) 4.Supplemental Nutrition Eligibility Count 5.Assessment Enrollment Roster & Demographic Data 45

46 MSDS Headlines 1.Must certify by 6 th Wed. after count 2.Graduates may not be reported as continuing 3.Completers will receive warning if reported as continuing 4.LEP data – If primary Home language is English, also report a secondary language  Report even if not participating for all eligible students 5.Discipline Data – Incident ID should be unique for the student; different dates for start date characteristics 46

47 MSDS Headlines 1.Initial IEP may not be reported for child younger than 2.5 years. 2.If child is 2.5 years or younger there must be an IFSP date (not IEP date) 3.If child is 2.5-3 years = IFSP or IEP date 4.If child is 3years or older = IEP date 5.Special Ed Transition (Grade 14)  Must be 18 or older as of Dec. 1  Must have current IEP  May have gen ed FTE  Completed applicable MI K-12 assessments 47

48 Discipline Data  Report all removals of students with active IEPs lasting more than half the school day  In-School Suspension  Out of School Suspension  Unilateral Removal  Removal by Hearing Officer  Expulsion 48

49 Data Quality Issues for SE  Over reporting of Initial IEPs  Inaccurate discipline data for special eduation students  Reporting children with disabilities in ECDD with grade or Setting “14”  Must be code “30” 49

50 Exit Codes DIPLOMA  Student with or without IEP has met the state/district requirements for graduation  Ends eligibility for FAPE and SE Supports and Services  Can not count again Certificates  Not a diploma  Student remains eligible for SE Supports  May be called Certificate of _______  LEA may have guidelines 50

51 Exit Codes! Code 08 Enrolled in another public school district in MI Example Completed high school program – went to a post high program in another district Code 19 Expected to continue in the same school district Example Completed high school program- going to post high program in the same district 51

52 …and there’s more Exit Codes! Code 20 Special Education – Receive certificate of completion and exited the K-12 system  Student exited his/her educational program  Student has met the local criteria for certifcate  LEA may/may not have local criteria  NO state or federal guidelines for certificate  “Other completers” 52

53 …and there’s more Exit Codes! Code 21 Special Education – reached maximum age and exited the K-12 system Example Student is in a post high program and has reached the maximum age (26) for receipt of programs & services. They are no longer eligible. 53

54 What Does MI collect/Report and Why? IDEA-Required State Performance Plan Indicators Based Entirely on MSDS Data  Graduation  Dropout  Educational Environments (ages 6-21)  Educational Environments (ages 3-5)  Child find  Early childhood transition  District exit status  Primary ed. setting  Primary Ed. setting  Initial IEP  Initial IEP – Part C Transition timeliness 54

55 Pupil Accounting Timeline 55

56 Pupil Accounting Timeline  October 3Count day  November 7File uploaded to CEPI in MSDS  November 14Final MSDS Certification  November 16 Pupil Accounting Documentation due to Auditor at GISD 56

57 AUDIT PROCEDURES  Desk Audits  Every building – every count  Alpha Lists – MSDS Signed!  See checklist  Field Audits  H.S.– every two years  All in the fall  M.S.– every 2 years  ELS. – every 3 years 57

58 PROBLEM AREAS  Special ed balancing  Residency balancing 58

59 PUPIL COUNT PROCESS  A & B Worksheets or Easy IEP Pupil Accounting Report by Provider Section 52 and 53  Teacher signs  Calculate FTE correctly  Easy IEP Reports  Pupil Accounting Report Program Summary (by resident district)  Pupil Accounting Report by Building and Grade  FTE reported must match alpha lists 59

60 AUDIT PROCEDURES  Desk Audits  Alpha Lists from MSDS  Alpha lists must balance with Easy IEP Reports  Does everything balance?  Do not submit if it doesn’t balance@!!!  Due to GISD auditors by November 16, 2012  Field Audits  Will be scheduled by auditors 60

61 Section 53 Students Do we count them or miss them?  100% reimbursement of costs  Who coordinates this in your district?  GISD sends list to special ed in LEA. 61

62 Section 53 Students Do we count them or miss them?  Eligibility  Membership counts  Court or state agency placed from outside the county  Former residents of Departmen of Community Health (DCH)  Parent placed pupils  Pupils residing in DCH institutions 62

63 Section 53  Documentation  Court documents  Placement papers from agency  Address and school district of residence  Worksheet A 63

64 Extreme Wisdom  Pupil Accounting is a year round process  All Roads Lead to Accountability  Always balance your FTEs  Garbage in Garbage out  Communicate  Collaborate  Checklist with timeline 64

65 Questions? 65

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