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African Wildlife Foundation Two+ Decades in the Virunga Volcano Region ABCG Congo Basin Meeting October 17, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "African Wildlife Foundation Two+ Decades in the Virunga Volcano Region ABCG Congo Basin Meeting October 17, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 African Wildlife Foundation Two+ Decades in the Virunga Volcano Region ABCG Congo Basin Meeting October 17, 2001

2 Quick Chronology: Mountain Gorilla Project (1978-1990): coalition of AWF, WWF-I, FFI, established in Rwanda; –Habituation of mountain gorillas for tourism –Protected area authority support (e.g, training, anti-poaching) –Community outreach and environmental education International Gorilla Conservation Program (1991- ongoing): same consortium, but regional program active in Rwanda, DRC, and Uganda –Works with and through protected area authorities –Close collaboration with surrounding communities –Multi-level focus: field, institutional development, community, policy, international support AWF’s Virunga Heartland (1998- ongoing): IGCP primary implementation strategy, and adding: –Enterprise/private sector expertise of CSC program –Landscape scale tools and approaches of Heartland program

3 Vision for the Virunga Heartland Protect the endangered mountain gorilla and the other rare animals and plants inhabiting the cool tropical forests of the Virunga mountains.

4 African Heartlands Large African landscapes of exceptional wildlife and natural value extending across state, private, and community lands. AWF works with landholders, governments, and others in the African Heartlands to conserve wild species, communities, and natural processes Conservation Service Centers (CSCs) CSCs work with a diversity of customers, including communities, and operate where conservation priorities are highest and particularly in AWF’s African Heartlands.

5 Rwanda Democratic Republic of CongoUganda The International Gorilla Conservation Programme


7 Goal of IGCP: Conservation of the mountain gorilla and its afromontane and medium altitude forest habitat in northwestern Rwanda, southwestern Uganda and eastern DR Congo

8 IGCP Strategic Objectives: 1. National Authorities effectively managing afromontane forests 2. Innovative regional conservation approaches explored and implemented 3. Communities of interest supportive of conservation 4. Supportive policy and legislation implemented in each country.

9 Ranger-based Monitoring (RBM) in the Virunga Volcano Region IGCP Innovations

10 Ranger-based Monitoring (RBM) : Is a simple, low-technology data collection system implemented by rangers; Generates ecological and human use data that informs management response (e.g., redirect patrols to areas where increased risk of poaching is detected); Indicates areas where targeted research will be helpful for effective management; Active in all 3 countries, facilitating regional management.


12 AWF now working with IGCP to: Broaden scope to larger landscape scale, including looking at the needs of a range of other conservation targets –E.g., Albertine Rift planning with WCS, WWF, ITFC, et al. Bringing in enterprise/private sector expertise of AWF’s CSC program –Seconding enterprise specialist to work with IGCP team, based in Rwanda

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