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Chapter VI The Development for Britain after the Revolution Chapter VI The Development for Britain after the Revolution (1702-1760)

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2 Chapter VI The Development for Britain after the Revolution Chapter VI The Development for Britain after the Revolution (1702-1760)

3 I. Foreign Affairs 1. Foreign trade was further developed. wool trade; silk articles; cotton goods; slave trade 2. England became a sea power through the victory over Spanish Armada.Spanish Armada 3. England rallied Holland and Austria against France and Spain, because France was a great danger to England.

4 A. 1702,the Grand Alliance declared the war. For the first four years, the Alliance enjoyed unbroken success. The French were driven from Germany, and England took Gibraltar.Gibraltar B. 1713, the treaty of Utrechtthe treaty of Utrecht a safe arrangement to the English C. 1714, the war ended The war strengthened English sea and colonial power, while France was weakened.

5 4. The Seven Years’ war It’s the war between Britain and France concerning colonies, lasted from 1756-1763, which was carried on mainly in India and America, finally Britain won. 5. The French/Indian War (1754-1763) In America, England and France had conflicts in the Ohio valley and fighting started. In 1763, Treaty of Paris was signed.Treaty of Paris

6 II. House of Hanover 1. the Hanoverian succession A. Time: George I began the House of Hanover in 1714. B. Feature: a peaceful accession: no war, no internal upheaval C. Reason: the union of England and Scotland

7 D. Effects: a. the final step in the Revolution, established the principle that the monarch reigned by act of Parliament. b. a different set of European connections. The official connection with Germany was further strengthened. c. a new era of the working of the British constitution-- real power came to the parliament

8 III. Parliamentary Politics 1. The representatives to the House of Commons were not elected. 2. Political rights were not thought of as the rights of individuals but as the rights of property owners. public voting, bribery, intimidation

9 3. Robert Walpole was regarded as the first Prime Minister.Robert Walpole 4. The Parliament was controlled by the Whig and the Tory.

10 IV. Economy Agriculture was changing in organization & techniques. 1. development of capitalist farming( new method) 2. Production increased. 3. appearance of a labor reserve 4. the expansion of the domestic market 5. paved the way for the Industrial Revolution

11 Questions for Discussion  Why could England, the small island country, change itself and also the world?  Why did England start the war against Spain?  Why could England win the war against Spain, which had ruled the world for nearly a century?

12 The End

13 Back

14 the Straits of Gibraltar

15 the Treaty of Utrecht The treaty was signed in 1713 between Britain and Spain, France. According to the treaty, Spain agreed that England should keep Gibraltar as a navy base to protect her trade. France gave up claims to various parts of Canada and Handed over Belgium to Austria. Back

16 Treaty of Paris England made great gains:  France: Canada, American possessions east of the Mississippi, four West Indian islands and African possessions; not to fortify in India.  Spain: Florida, possession east of Mississippi  France’s power in India was destroyed, thus Britain became the chief colonial power. Back


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