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IEEE Kerala Section Guidelines and Best Practices Kerala Section (R10 Distinguished Large Section, 2009)

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE Kerala Section Guidelines and Best Practices Kerala Section (R10 Distinguished Large Section, 2009)"— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE Kerala Section Guidelines and Best Practices Kerala Section (R10 Distinguished Large Section, 2009)

2 IEEE Kerala Section Overview  Geography and Demography  History of Section  Current status  Operational strategies  Conclusion 2/17

3 IEEE Kerala Section Geography 3/17

4 IEEE Kerala Section 4/17 Demography  Located at the lower South-West coast of the Indian peninsula  Subtropical geography and high biodiversity  High density of population  Ancient maritime trade-links with Arab, European, Chinese, and South-east Asian regions

5 IEEE Kerala Section Demography (2)  Highly educated (100% literacy) and cosmopolitan, multi- religious culture  Leads the country in UN development indices that are comparable to Developed Countries Large-scale migration of educated manpower to Middle East, Europe and the US 5/17

6 IEEE Kerala Section 6/17 History  Started out in 1973 as a Sub-section of Bangalore Section  Became full Section in 1984  Gradual growth in Membership in the first 15 years  Rapid growth in membership, especially from students, for last 5 years

7 IEEE Kerala Section 7/17 Membership Growth

8 IEEE Kerala Section 8/17 Member Constituents

9 IEEE Kerala Section Membership As On Membership Grade31-Dec-0631-Dec-0731-Dec-031-Dec-0931-Dec-10 Change (%) Senior Life Members3346717% Life Members001110% Senior Members36433953589% Members24328331748162630% Associate Members11367396442-34% Grad Student Members0177304326313-4% Students1229145920142658295911% TOTAL1624203227183589400612% Annual Increase (%)7%25%34%32%12% 9/17 Section Membership

10 IEEE Kerala Section ChapterMembersChapterMembers Computer Society260Communication Society356 IA/IE/PEL67Power Engineering97 Signal Processing47Control Systems31 Technology Management Package14Circuits & Systems24 Consumer Electronics13Robotics & Automation20 Electron Devices13Computational Intelligence17 Aerospace & Electronics Systems12Engineering in Medicine & Biology15 Solid-State Circuits12Instrumentation & Measurement15 Information Theory11Vehicular Technology15 Microwave Theory & Techniques9Antennas & Propagation12 Professional Communication8Education Society11 Broadcast Technology6Social Implications of Technology10 Components, Packaging & Manufacturing Technology4Oceanic Engineering9 Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation4Systems, Man & Cybernetics9 10/17 Society Membership

11 IEEE Kerala Section 11/17 Section Organisation ChaptersAffinity GroupSubsection CS ComSoc PE IA/IE/PEL LINK WIE GOLD Malabar Subsection

12 IEEE Kerala Section Best Practices (1)  Membership Enhancement  Subsection development  GOLD for conversion of graduate members  Development of Technical Societies  Conduct of Technical programmes  Volunteer recruitment and training processes  Student Activities  LINK, a model innovated at Section and adopted by R10  Led to enhanced communications and membership growth 12/17

13 IEEE Kerala Section Best Practices (2)  Linkages with other professionals bodies  Joint weekly lectures with other societies such as IE(I), CSI and IETE (continuing unbroken for the last 25 years)  Fundraising  Conducting Joint programs cost-effectively  Sponsorship from Govt, Industry  Self-generation through technical activities 13/17

14 IEEE Kerala Section Strategies (3)  Enhancing Section visibility  Fully operational office with competent staff  Newsletter  Website  SMS Alerts for programmes  Sister section arrangement with Syracuse and Tennessee sections  Conduct of International events  Close linkage with local Government  Programs on leading-edge technologies  Utilizing visiting experts for lectures 14/17

15 IEEE Kerala Section Strategies (4)  Miscellaneous  Continuous and harmonious leadership at Section level  Focus on HTC activities  Adaptation of own practices (eg., Recital of IEEE Code of Ethics at important meetings)  Blend of industry and academia in Section ExeCom  Section leadership participation in IEEE global/R10 levels  Continued contributions from members-at-large (past Section Chairs) 15/17

16 IEEE Kerala Section Conclusions  Kerala Section has been a smaller section in the initial period, but growing fast  The Section has made significant strides in its operations, offering value to members  With Subsections at Malabar and Cochin (under process), the Section hopes to consolidate its position 16/17

17 IEEE Kerala Section 17/17 Thank You

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