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 Anotace  Didaktický materiál je určen především žákům 4. ročníků maturujících z anglického jazyka. Prezentace obsahuje téma určené k ústní části maturitní.

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Presentation on theme: " Anotace  Didaktický materiál je určen především žákům 4. ročníků maturujících z anglického jazyka. Prezentace obsahuje téma určené k ústní části maturitní."— Presentation transcript:


2  Anotace  Didaktický materiál je určen především žákům 4. ročníků maturujících z anglického jazyka. Prezentace obsahuje téma určené k ústní části maturitní zkoušky.  Očekávaný výstup:  Studenti by měli být schopni aplikovat získané znalosti jak v jejich ústním, tak písemné projevu.


4  Geography  History  Big cities  Sport and Nature  What is „outback“?  Schools of the air  Famous people

5  is divided into states and 2 territories  a great part of the surface is desert  population is about 20 milion inhabitants  the capital city is Canberra  has more than 2000 national parks

6  Situated between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean in the southern hemisphere  Smallest continent in the world  The sixth largest country  The highest mountain is Mt. Kosciusko

7  Consists australian continent,the island of Tasmania and a lot of smaller islands  Neigbours include Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, The Solomon Islands, New Zealand

8  The island was discovered by Captain James Cook in 1770  Tasmania was settled in 1803 and became a separate colony in 1825  The original inhabitants were Aborigins

9  The biggest cities are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide  The biggest and the oldest one is Sydney with its famous Opera House and Bridge Harbour

10  Brisbane is an important financial and centre  There is a port and international airport  Melbourne is nation´s financial and commercial centre  There are many parks in Melbourne

11  Very popular in Australia  Australians like water sports as surfing, swimming or rowing  Famous swimmer is the Olympic winner Ian Thorpe

12  Australia hosted the Summer Olympic Games in Sydney in 2000.  Australian Open is held annually in Melbourne.  Very popular are rugby, australian football, cricket, netball, field hockey

13  Australia has many  Unique animals like kangaroo, koala, emu, kiwi, wombat dingo or platypus.  There are a lot of species of snakes and spiders.

14  Most of Australia is semi-arid or desert  Typical plants of is eucalyptus and the national flower is wattle.

15  This part of the continent is practically empty and far away from cities  Much of it is desert and semi-arid land  The outback is characterized by cattle or sheep „stations“ and they are similar to ranch

16  Children from families living here can´t travel to school every day, so many of them use a special school „ School of the air“  They study at home and comunicate with teachers by radio or the internet  Teachers prepare lessons for them and send them by post or email

17  Russel Crowe (an actor)  Ian Thorpe (a swimmer)  Mel Gibson (an actor)  Nicole Kidman (an actor)  Kylia Minogue (a singer)  AC DC ( a music band)

18  Slide 3 – 13 Vlastní tvorba  Zdroj obrázků: › ›

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