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© Imperial College LondonPage 1 Web Programme -Analysis and plan to complete transition ICT Web Team August 24 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "© Imperial College LondonPage 1 Web Programme -Analysis and plan to complete transition ICT Web Team August 24 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Imperial College LondonPage 1 Web Programme -Analysis and plan to complete transition ICT Web Team August 24 2005

2 © Imperial College LondonPage 2 Primary SitesResearch Sites Number of primary sites: 113Number of research sites: 159 % which are rebranded 83% which are rebranded 47 % which are in a CMS 47% which are in a CMS 35 % live in College CMS 39 % in development in College CMS 16 % live in College CMS 28 % in development in College CMS 15 % live in Faculty of Medicine CMS 8 % live in Dreamweaver environment 36 % in development in Dreamweaver 4 % live in Dreamweaver environment 11 % in development in Dreamweaver 1 % in initial planning stage 3% in initial planning or not started 39 Transition Status

3 © Imperial College LondonPage 3 Sites remaining for transition

4 © Imperial College LondonPage 4 Transition completion plan The ICT Web Team will move completed DreamWeaver sites into the CMS, providing that site owners will then maintain them in the CMS. The ICT Web Team will help site owners with sites in development in DreamWeaver to move them into the CMS. The relevant Faculty Web Officers and the ICT Web Team will support the departments of Electrical Engineering, Physics, and Humanities to complete their transition. The Main College website transition needs to be considered as 4 separate entities. Before transition, we need to have the “friendly url” and upgraded technical infrastructure in place. –The main College web pages – target for end Q106 but with a contingency to end Q206 –The subsites – can transition independently to complete by end 1Q06 –The Postgraduate Prospectus –new site in September 2006 –The Undergraduate Prospectus – new site in Spring 2007 Mopping up sites not yet transitioned e.g Mathematics and Computing The target for completion of all of the above (except Prospectus) is end 2Q06 The ICT Web Team will continue to support Research Groups, whenever required, to enable them to transition their sites. 4Q 2005 1Q 2006 2Q 2006 4Q05 thru 2Q06

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