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By Keaden Hoisington, Ryan Jackson, And Hudson Leach.

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1 By Keaden Hoisington, Ryan Jackson, And Hudson Leach

2  Cal was born October,31 1900.Cal was born in Keystenville,Missouri.  Cal died in 1977 october,17.Cal died of cancer in St. Peters burg Florida.

3 Yogi Berra Yogi Berra was born on May 12, 1925. His real name was Lawrence Peter Berra. He was born in St. Lois, Missouri. He is still alive at the age of 86. He is a retired baseball player. He was a outfielder for the Mets for a half season. Later he played for the Yankees. He was a catcher. In 1971. Yogi Berra married Carmen Berra. Together they raised three children. Tim, Dale, and Larry. That is why I studied him.

4 Together Lawrence Berra and Cal Hubbard both played hard. Both of our Missourians were in the Hall Of Fame in there sport. They also both played with pride. Cal Hubbard was born on October 31, 1900. He died of cancer on October 17, 1977. Yogi Berra was born on May 12, 1925. He is still alive now.



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