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Cool. The Iliad Review Game.

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1 Cool. The Iliad Review Game

2 Question 1: Group 1 Which god makes Achilles’ new armor?

3 Question 1: Group 1 Hephaestus

4 Question 1: Group 2 Which character first injures Patroclus AND is later murdered by Menelaus?

5 Question 1: Group 2 Euphorbus

6 Question 1: Group 3 The river that fights Achilles is known as Xanthus to the gods. What is it known as to the humans?

7 Question 1: Group 3 Scamander.

8 Question 1: Group 4 Which god/goddess fools Hector when he’s running around the city walls, which leads to his death?

9 Question 1: Group 4 Athena.

10 Question 2: Group 1 List the 10 steps of the Aristeia .

11 Question 2: Group 1 Arming Scene Brilliance of armor and hero
Exhortation to followers Initial exploit Setback (wounding) Divine Inspiration Renewed exploits Double Simile The Kill Taunting the Victim

12 Question 2: Group 2 List the six steps of the Arming Scene in order from first to last.

13 Question 2: Group 2 1. Greaves 2. Breastplate 3. Sword 4. Shield
5. Helmet 6. Spear(s)

14 Question 2: Group 3 List three sets of fathers & sons, three sets of mothers & sons, and two sets of brothers.

15 Question 2: Group 3 There are a lot. I’m not going to type of all of them.

16 Question 2: Group 4 Who AND what does Achilles use as a sacrifice for Patroclus’ funeral pyre?

17 Question 2: Group 4 12 Trojans, dead dogs, slaughtered bulls, etc.

18 Question 3: Group 1 They hold me off at a distance, all the souls,
“Bury me, quickly – let me pass to the gates of Hades. They hold me off at a distance, all the souls, the shades of the burnt-out, breathless dead, never to let me cross the river, mingle with them… They leave me to wander up and down, abandoned, lost At the House of Death with the all-embracing gates.” (ll ).

19 Question 3: Group 2 “Never rest your hands from the great leveler war,
Not till you pack and cram the Trojan armies tight in the famous walls of Troy – whoever flees your onset. But once you’ve ripped away Prince Hector’s life, Back to the ships you go! We give you glory – Seize it in your hands!” (ll ).

20 Question 3: Group 3 “Neither his strength nor splendid build can save him, Not now, I tell you – nor all that glorious armor: Now, somewhere under our floods that gear will sink, Immersed deep in slime, and I, I’ll roil his body Round in sand and gravel, tons of spills of silt. Achaeans will never know where to find his bones, Never collect them now- I’ll bury that man so deep in mud and rocks!” (ll ).

21 Question 3: Group 4 “Enough. Let bygones be bygones now. Done is done.
How on earth can a man rage on forever? Still, by god, I said I would not relax my anger, Not till the cries and carnage reached my own ships. So you, you strap my splendid armor on your back, You lead our battle-hungry Myrmidons into action!” (ll ).

22 Final Score And the winners are…

23 Final Score Everybody!

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