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SPM Workshop “Best Practice“, Bruxelles, Feb 23 & 24, 2016 Many-years Observation of Suspended Sediment Concentrations in the German Wadden Sea Rolf Riethmüller.

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Presentation on theme: "SPM Workshop “Best Practice“, Bruxelles, Feb 23 & 24, 2016 Many-years Observation of Suspended Sediment Concentrations in the German Wadden Sea Rolf Riethmüller."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPM Workshop “Best Practice“, Bruxelles, Feb 23 & 24, 2016 Many-years Observation of Suspended Sediment Concentrations in the German Wadden Sea Rolf Riethmüller and Götz Flöser, Institute of Coastal Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany

2 SPM workshop, Bruxelles, Feb 24/25, 2016Rolf Riethmüller 2

3 SPM workshop, Bruxelles, Feb 24/25, 2016Rolf Riethmüller 24 samples collector Seapoint Setting Locations positioned at the edge of the gullies (3 m water depth at low water) limited power supply; limited data transmission little need of land-based infrastructure  flexibility in choice of operation area operation period March-November (ice-free season) The pile The underwater unit The pole The underwater unit

4 SPM workshop, Bruxelles, Feb 24/25, 2016Rolf Riethmüller Data flow: ongoing monitoring and delayed mode quality measures 4 Underwater Unit Data Logger Telemetrie Meteorology GPRS HZG Computer Centre (near) real-time monitoring 10 min median delayed mode processing 10 min median, 2Hz, HADCP profiles HSHS Turbidity East current Water level Maintenance HSHS Turbidity East current Water level Maintenance

5 SPM workshop, Bruxelles, Feb 24/25, 2016Rolf Riethmüller Maintenance: cleansing / repairing equipment 5 time schedule: spring/autumn:2 times per month summer:3 to 4 times per month Activities: cleansing repair/exchange equipment take 1 sample after maintenance recover 12 autosampler samples (sometimes) tidal phase: ≈ low (high) water (not always possible) HSHS Turbidity East current Water level

6 SPM workshop, Bruxelles, Feb 24/25, 2016Rolf Riethmüller Water sampling methods 6 PumpingSuction sampler Autosampler (pumping, rem. contr.) Vol. 1 dm 3 filling time 1 min Vol. 1 dm 3 filling time 30 sec Vol. 1.25 dm 3 filling time 30 sec well controlledPotential errors: correct timing sampling distance to sensor too early sampling incorrect minutes (e.g. MESZ/UTC) training of hired personell (field & lab work) Potential errors: first bottle filled with stuff from tube bottle swapping training of hired personel (field & lab work)

7 SPM workshop, Bruxelles, Feb 24/25, 2016Rolf Riethmüller Relate turbidity to sample SPMC Fit: SPMC Turbi = -16.8+1.95Turbidity Fit: SPMC Turbi =- 0.73+1.44Turbidity (exclud. Autosampler) Hoernum DybJade Bay Turbidity [FTU] SPMC sample [g m -3 ] Turbidity [FTU] Sqrt squared % differences =30% Sqrt squared % differences =23% Ship camp. Maintenance Auto sampler (exclud. Autosampler)

8 SPM workshop, Bruxelles, Feb 24/25, 2016Rolf Riethmüller 8 The need for turbidity sensor intercalibration Use Ship CTD as reference: Scale factor: 0.7 without scale factor with scale factor

9 SPM workshop, Bruxelles, Feb 24/25, 2016Rolf Riethmüller Biofouling 1.Increase in Amplitude 2.Max/Min shift in tidal phase 3.No effect in ADV (acoust.) backscatter Maintenancec

10 SPM workshop, Bruxelles, Feb 24/25, 2016Rolf Riethmüller No detectable biofouling effect in ADV (acoust.) backscatter BUT: high variability between optical and acoustical backscatter Turbidity ADV Bsc Biofouling

11 SPM workshop, Bruxelles, Feb 24/25, 2016Rolf Riethmüller Approach: select only tidal phases after slack waters and after maintenance:  most particles with high settling velocities removed from water column  well defined set of fine particles remain in the water column log10(SPMC Turb /g m -3 ) ADV BSC [counts] log10(SPMC Turb /g m -3 ) ADV BSC [counts] Biofouling SPMC

12 SPM workshop, Bruxelles, Feb 24/25, 2016Rolf Riethmüller Approach: select only tidal phases after slack waters and after maintenance:  Ratio of R = SPMC Turb /SPMC ADV @ slack water will not vary to much  Any significant excess over R indicates bio-fouling Biofouling SPMC Turb /SPMC ADV @ slack water Maintenance All Slack R >1 Biofouling – manually flagged Maintenance Turbidity HSHS

13 SPM workshop, Bruxelles, Feb 24/25, 2016Rolf Riethmüller Result  So far, periods with bio-fouling can be identified by comparison of optical with acoustical backscatter  flagged data have to be discarded from further analysis  “filling” of data gaps using acoustical backscatter instead seems unlikely so far. Biofouling All “Clean “

14 SPM workshop, Bruxelles, Feb 24/25, 2016Rolf Riethmüller Recommendations Main critical points:  Pre-operation: Intercalibration of operated sensors (~yearly)  Operation: Biofouling – insufficient cleansing due to bad weather; scientifically sub-optimal location of observing system;  Post-operation: Thorough delayed mode processing often done to late to identify significant problems in due time Uncertainty estimations  bias, random errors of different steps:  better term is „degree of consistency“:  Samples and turbidity measurements ~30%; samples alone 5 % (SPMC > 50 g m-3) to 30 % (SPMC < 5 g m-3)  overall error: yet not determinded;  optical turbidity: good guess for random: 30%; bias ?????  acoustical Bsc: ????  representativeness / „scale of confidence“: Some campaigns made, but not yet analysed Recommendations for good practice (3 max.):  sufficient resources for maintenance, repair and surveys of setting  sufficient resources for real-time monitoring and prompt delayed mode processing  regular lab calibration and field (water sample) calbration 14

15 SPM workshop, Bruxelles, Feb 24/25, 2016Rolf Riethmüller 15 Fit: SPMC pred =-0.73+1.44Turbidity SPMC sample [g m -3 ] Turbidity [FTU] SPMC Turb [g m -3 ] SPMC ADV [g m -3 ]

16 SPM workshop, Bruxelles, Feb 24/25, 2016Rolf Riethmüller 16 std=46% mean=30%

17 SPM workshop, Bruxelles, Feb 24/25, 2016Rolf Riethmüller 17 std=33% mean=23%

18 SPM workshop, Bruxelles, Feb 24/25, 2016Rolf Riethmüller 18 Recommendations: fast delayed mode processing sampling and concommitant campaings regular (inter)calibration of sensors anti-fouling measures 2 independent parallel measurements

19 SPM workshop, Bruxelles, Feb 24/25, 2016Rolf Riethmüller 19

20 SPM workshop, Bruxelles, Feb 24/25, 2016Rolf Riethmüller Remote sensing: validation of MERIS SPMC-data ESA-algorithm

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