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All about the solders that have died and the story of the poppy!

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1 All about the solders that have died and the story of the poppy!

2 Over 10,000 solder were killed in both the first and second world war. Many of them were killed in Flounder fields where their bodies lade for months. In those months poppies grew up from the ground in flounder fields and made them a symbol of remembrance. Some people may say the red in the poppies represent the blood that the solders left when they died. Theplaces where some of the solders fought was in poppy fields, so that explains why many of the solders died there. In the war solders weren't the only people to of been killed. Civilians died also, therefore we remember civilians with poppies as well because they could of also died in flounder field or poppy fields.

3 Remembrance day is in November because the date goes back to the Napoleonic wars, where poppies were first plant to grow in the churned up soil of the soldiers graves in the area of Flanders fields. They first found out about the connection between the war dead and the red poppies about a century later after the world war 1.

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