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Module 2: Translating Your Mission Into Social Targets.

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1 Module 2: Translating Your Mission Into Social Targets

2 Achieve Your Mission Through Balanced Performance Management Mission Performance Management Social Performance Financial Performance

3 Unbalanced Performance Management Mission Performance Management Financial Performance Social performance

4 Managing for Social Results Define desired performance Measure progress toward desired performance Use performance results to improve products, services, delivery channels & systems Set social targets

5 Apply This Module to Your Own Institution How would you answer these questions for your institution?  Do the majority of field-level staff know the institutional mission statement?  Does your organization periodically review the mission statement?  Are specific people held accountable for whether or not your institution achieves its mission?  Do clients know anything about your mission?

6 Step 1: Clarifying social goals Social performance starts with your mission. In order to be “mission led,” an institution must clarify the social goals found it its mission. The goals describe broadly what you want to achieve. Social goals reflect the needs of clients and address the social issues that affect them most. Goals usually state the: ▫ Target group ▫ Products and services that meet the needs of that group ▫ Change in clients’ lives

7 Example of goals in the mission Mission: To provide the rural poor with the tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty. Goals: ▫Target poor women farmers living in Malawi ▫Provide financial services that meet clients’ needs ▫Increasing household assets

8 Step 2: Translating goals to targets While social goals are statements of intent, performance targets provide measures for determining whether you’ve met your goals. Targets connect social goals to daily operations. GoalTarget Increase household assets Number of cows owned by client increases by at least 1 within 3 years. 20% annual increase in quantity of rice harvested

9 Types of Targets Social targets can refer to a result or a process. ▫The client retention target is a result target. ▫The satisfaction survey is a process target. GoalTarget Provide financial services that meet clients’ needs. Achieve client retention above 70%/year. Conduct client satisfaction surveys on a 5% sample of clients in 7 branches during Q1.

10 Example: Developing Targets MissionGoalsTargets To provide the rural poor… Target the poor living in rural areas. 75% of clients are living in rural areas. 70% of sample clients have a dirt floor upon entry into the program (poverty indicator). …with the tools they need… Provide financial services that meet clients’ needs. Achieve client retention above 70%/year. Conduct client satisfaction surveys on a 5% sample of clients in 7 branches during Q1. …to reduce vulnerability and improve quality of life. Contribute to smoothing income and improve living environment. A 25% sample of clients increase their savings balance by 20% over 12 months. 50% of sample of clients lay a cement floor within 2 years of entry into the program.

11 Credits This presentation is adapted from “Social Performance Management Guidelines,” available through the Imp-Act Consortium. Download the Guidelines at

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