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Заполнение некоторых разделов проектной заявки по конкурсу Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Capacity Building in Higher Education Сливинская Людмила Владимировна.

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Presentation on theme: "Заполнение некоторых разделов проектной заявки по конкурсу Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Capacity Building in Higher Education Сливинская Людмила Владимировна."— Presentation transcript:

1 Заполнение некоторых разделов проектной заявки по конкурсу Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Capacity Building in Higher Education Сливинская Людмила Владимировна отдел международных программ и проектов управления международных связей БГУ 05 ноября 2015 г. Минск

2 Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Capacity Building in Higher Education

3 D 1.1. Aims and Activities of the Organization Рекомендации по заполнению Макс. объем – 2000 знаков + 1000 знаков (0.5 A4 page). Что указывается: ✓ мероприятия/ достижения и опыт в области проектной тематики; ✓ необходимость сотрудничества в рамках проекта (анализ текущей ситуации, проблемы на национальном уровне - needs analysis), инновационный характер проекта и предполагаемые результаты для вашей организации; ✓ ресурсы, которые могут быть привлечены в проект (инфраструктура, полезный опыт, инновации, компетенции), в том числе в устойчивость проекта и распространение результатов (dissemination & sustainability); ✓ планируемая схема реализации проекта (формирование рабочей группы, контроль качества, распространение и устойчивость). Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Capacity Building in Higher Education Эразмус+. Ключевое направление деятельности 2. Создание потенциала в сфере высшего образования Project- oriented

4 Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Capacity Building in Higher Education Эразмус+. Ключевое направление деятельности 2. Создание потенциала в сфере высшего образования D 1.1. Aims and Activities of the Organization Please provide a short presentation of your organization (key activities, affiliations, size of the organization, areas of specific expertise relating to the project (max 2000 characters) SUGGESTED STRUCTURE 1. General Intro of your HEI: number of students, quality of staff (academic degrees etc.), key specialties, structure (units, spin-off companies, affiliated entities etc.). 2. International profile of your HEI: number of international projects implemented, memberships in international associations and consortia, number of courses offered in English, number of international students enrolled, statistics on incoming and outgoing academic mobility 3. Project-oriented description/ role of your HEI in the project +1000 characters

5 Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Capacity Building in Higher Education Эразмус+. Ключевое направление деятельности 2. Создание потенциала в сфере высшего образования D 1.1. Aims and Activities of the Organization 3. Project-oriented description SUGGESTED MODEL I. Background, resources available in your HEI (what has been done already) As of today in line with the national strategies/ internal policy the University is taking efforts in (topic of the project/ aims of the project) to be enhanced and promoted further by the participation in the project. Much has already been done in this direction: ✓ - ______________________________________________________________ II. Needs analyses (what is needed to be done, results expected) However, there is still a room for improvement, so the project will address the following specific needs/ the following results are expected: ✓ - _______________________________________________________________

6 Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Capacity Building in Higher Education Эразмус+. Ключевое направление деятельности 2. Создание потенциала в сфере высшего образования D 1.1. Aims and Activities of the Organization 3. Project-oriented description I. Background, resources available in your HEI (what has been done already) Project: Promoting University 3 rd Mission Description: BSU is taking efforts in promoting integration of knowledge and industry and facilitating technology transfer from the academia to the society. For today BSU infrastructure of innovative activity includes over 40 R&D Laboratories at the BSU Faculties, 7 R&D Institutes and 6 Innovative Companies (BSU Unitechprom (Technology); BSU Unihimprom (Chemistry); BSU Unidragmet (Metallurgy); IT Resources and Communication Center; BSU INKOS; BSU Aktiv). To boost cooperation with business and industry two joint centers aimed at knowledge transfer are running at BSU: EPAM Laboratory at the BSU Faculty of Mechanic and Mathematics and BSU-IBA Center for IT Competencies, (Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science).

7 Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Capacity Building in Higher Education Эразмус+. Ключевое направление деятельности 2. Создание потенциала в сфере высшего образования D 1.1. Aims and Activities of the Organization 4. Management of the project (how the implementation of the project will be arranged in your HEI) ✓ Work group is to be assigned from the staff members directly involved in activities covered by the project field (specify). ✓ Work group is to be responsible for performing WPs according to the project work plan and all necessary administrative, legal and ongoing management as required by the project. ✓ Internal quality assurance and on-going monitoring of work is to be ensured to provide efficient implementation of the project activities. ✓ Work group contribute to success of the project via dissemination of the project outcomes and effective use of the project deliverables as set in the respective WPs.

8 PROJECT WORK GROUP - Key Staff Members Рабочая группа по проекту: от 2-х до 5-ти сотрудников, ответственных за реализацию проекта Состав: 1.контактное лицо по проекту/ координатор проекта в университете/ менеджер проекта (Contact Person, Project institutional coordinator, Project Manager) 2.сотрудники, ответственные за реализацию мероприятий проекта *может быть изменен по ходу реализации Что указывается: ✓ должность; ✓ краткое описание основных компетенций, опыта работы в области проектной тематики; ✓ публикации по тематике проекта. !Be relevant, precise and exemplify your statements with proves! Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Capacity Building in Higher Education Эразмус+. Ключевое направление деятельности 2. Создание потенциала в сфере высшего образования - наличие конкретных примеров проведенных мероприятий, реализуемых проектов, выполняемых задач.

9 D.1.2. Operational Capacity: Skills and Expertise of Key Staff Involved in the Project Aliaksandr Rytau Position: Head of International Programs and Projects Office, BSU Department for International Relations. Role in the project: Project manager Не рекомендуется: Mr. Rytau is an experienced professional in the international project management and administration field. He has been engaged into implementation of several international projects. Long-term professional experience, communicability, ability to make a sound decision in an extraordinary situation – all these qualities will facilitate Mr. Rytau’s successful and efficient work in the project. Рекомендуется: Mr. Rytau has over 10 years experience in the international project management and administration field at BSU. His experience in project management includes: manager of tempus project QATMI (2008-2011), PICASA (2012-onwards), SUCSID, INURE (2011-onwards). Since 2009 his project activities include project and financial management, reporting, quality assurance, grant writing, support of international events, legal registration of projects in Belarusian public authorities and other legal project-related matters. Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Capacity Building in Higher Education Эразмус+. Ключевое направление деятельности 2. Создание потенциала в сфере высшего образования

10 Благодарю за внимание! Сливинская Людмила Владимировна Отдел международных программ и проектов Управление международных связей Белорусский государственный университет Ул.Ленинградская 20, кабинет 409 Тел.: +375-17-2095447 E-mail:

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