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Warm up! Take out your grocery store assignment. You don’t have to write these answers out. 1.What grocery store did you go to? 2.What did you learn from.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up! Take out your grocery store assignment. You don’t have to write these answers out. 1.What grocery store did you go to? 2.What did you learn from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up! Take out your grocery store assignment. You don’t have to write these answers out. 1.What grocery store did you go to? 2.What did you learn from going to the grocery store? 3.How well do you think the grocery store you went to fit the information we have learned in class? 4. What was the hardest/most unpleasant part of the assignment? 5.Do you recommend I make students do this again next year? Why or why not?

2 Warm up! 1.Define: – Agribusiness – Globalized agriculture – Green Revolution 2.What two agricultural practices do you think take up the most land around the world? Why? 3.What is the difference between industrialized agriculture and labor intensive agriculture? 4.Would you expect to find more farmers in the United States or Chad? Why?

3 The von Thunen Model of Rural Land Use

4 If you were going to start a business involved in extensive land use, such as livestock herding, would you want your business to be close to a city, or far away? Why?

5 Created in the 1820’s Explain how land use goes from city to complete wilderness Main focus—Minimizing transportation costs and land costs in agriculture

6 Inner Circle—The City Inner market for trade and consumption of agricultural goods Central-place city—Central marketplace at the center of every society Land rent (cost) is the highest because people want to be close to where they shop

7 2 nd Ring—Labor Intensive goods Include crops that need constant tending, like garden vegetables and fruit Produce that require constant transportation Perishable goods— Because they rot quickly, they need to be close to the city Produce that do not take up lots of land (feedlots)

8 3 rd Circle—Forest Goods Because wood is so heavy and hard to transport, need to be fairly close to the city Wood has traditionally been needed for construction and energy

9 4 th Circle—Labor extensive crops Crops like wheat and corn are less perishable Also need lots of land, and land is cheaper far away from cities, so these crops can be further away from the city

10 5 th, Last Circle—Ranching and Livestock Least labor intensive, one shepherd and some domesticated dogs could take care of over 100 domesticated cattle Also, didn’t need the best land, like you do for more difficult crops to grow Land extensive, so need lots of land (cheapest land is away from the city) NOTE: This is where livestock are raised, not where they are taken for slaughter (feedlots)

11 Criticisms Doesn’t consider new technology that eases and lowers transportation costs (car, refrigeration) Von Thunen lived before globalized agriculture Doesn’t consider new machinery that lowers production cost – Forests now don’t have to be close to markets Food used for different uses now (fuel/ethanol)


13 Does von Thunen look like any other theory we’ve learned?

14 Similarities with relative location in von Thunen and Burgess models Both have a central CBD Both have intensive land use near the CBD, extensive as you move further away Both use land rent (cost) to explain location ONE BIG DIFFERENCE: – Burgess—urban land use – Von Thunen—rural land use What problems do they both have with their models?

15 Problems with both von Thunen and Burgess Both assume there is only 1 CBD Both assume transportation costs the same in all directions (terrain is the same) Modern transportation makes it easy to get all crops to the market quickly

16 AP Human Geography 1.How old is von Thunen’s theory? 2.According to von Thunen, how does the cost of land change the closer you get to a market place? 3.Why do labor intensive goods need to be closer to business centers? 4.Why are livestock ranching and grain farming in the last circles of von Thunen’s model? 5.Name and explain two criticisms of von Thunen’s theory.

17 Review Questions!

18 Rural settlement patterns in MDC’s vs LDC’s

19 Dispersed Settlement Pattern In MDC’s, rural settlements are very dispersed (spread out) Why?

20 In MDC’s, rural settlements are very spread out because MDC’s have lots of machinery, so only a few people are needed to farm a large piece of land. Has contributed to rural-urban migration.

21 Nucleated Settlement Pattern More common in LDC’s Associated with intensive subsistence agriculture Houses grouped together, with small scale agriculture surrounding the houses

22 Round Village Village with a corral for animals in the middle. Traditional or non-traditional?

23 Rectangular Survey System ( Township and Range) A grid based system for dividing up land Found in the United States because the federal government gave out land this way

24 Dominant Land Survey Patterns in the US

25 Walled Village Modern or ancient design?

26 Grid Village Modern, or ancient? Advantages?

27 Linear Village What is the central feature of a linear village? Why?



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