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SPREADSHEETS Principles of Architecture and Construction UNT in partnership with TEA. Copyright ©. All rights reserved. 1.

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Presentation on theme: "SPREADSHEETS Principles of Architecture and Construction UNT in partnership with TEA. Copyright ©. All rights reserved. 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPREADSHEETS Principles of Architecture and Construction UNT in partnership with TEA. Copyright ©. All rights reserved. 1

2 Starter/Bell Ringer Activity  Students, please take your jigsaw puzzle pieces and sit at your assigned individual work stations.  What’s on YOUR jigsaw puzzle piece? UNT in partnership with TEA. Copyright ©. All rights reserved. 2

3 This is what the Building Materials List will look like SAMPLE Materials List - Spreadsheets CategorySizeDescriptionQuantit y ExtraUnitPrice% Markup LaborEquipmen t TOTAL Cost SupplierCommentComment Manufacturer General GN197 1/8 high wall Siding-6" standard wood frame stud wall + ext. siding 830lin. ft$0.00 GN297 1/8 high wall Interior-4" standard wood frame stud wall330lin. ft$0.00 GN3heated ceiling area = refer. Sheetrock wall brd.4510.00sq ft$0.00 GN4heated floor area = refer. Flooring4510.00sq ft$0.00 GN5heated wall area = refer. Sheetrock wall brd.5710.00sq ft$0.00 GN6heated glass area = refer. window units840.00sq ft$0.00 GN7heated door area = refer. door units200.00sq ft$0.00 Subtotal:$0.00 Subfloor SF13/4" thickHickory2r(30)4510.00sq ft $0.00 SF22x12" 16" OCfloor joists4020lin. ft $0.00 SF32x6" 16" OCceiling joists4020lin. ft $0.00 Subtotal:$0.00 Framing F14x12"door/window header202lin. ft $0.00 Siding S17" wideSiding Tan1128764lin. ft $0.00 S24'x8'x5/8"Plywood-hrz241each $0.00 S3 house wrap74837sq ft $0.00 Subtotal:$0.00 Ext Trim EX11x7-36"door threshold10each $0.00 EX21x4-16ft+ext. door casing171lin. ft $0.00 EX37 inext. door jamb171lin. ft $0.00 EX41x4-16ft+exterior sill231lin. ft $0.00 EX51x4-16ft+ext. window casing492lin. ft $0.00 EX6116" widebetween window trim161lin. ft $0.00 Subtotal:$0.00 Roofing R1 gutter: Default Gutter472lin. ft $0.00 R2 roofing material65733sq ft $0.00 R34x8' sheetsroof sheathing211each $0.00 R42x6" 16" OCrafters - fir59630lin. ft $0.00 R52x8"gable fascia563lin. ft $0.00 R62x8"eave fascia472lin. ft $0.00 R7 metal drip edge1035lin. ft $0.00 R8 downspout20each $0.00 R9 ridge cap241lin. ft $0.00 Subtotal:$0.00 Insulatio n IN112x16x48" batts ceiling insulation844each $0.00 IN212x16x48" batts floor insulation844each $0.00 IN36x16x93" battswall insulation533each $0.00 Subtotal:$0.00 Flooring FL1 Medium-r(80)33617sq ft $0.00 FL213x13x1/4Sandalwood TV02462each $0.00 Daltile® FL3 Floor-C1(12)111sq ft $0.00 Subtotal:$0.00 Wall Brd WB14'x8'x1/2"Sheetrock362each $0.00 WB24'x8'x1/2"Sheetrock 1/2"121each $0.00 WB34'x8'x1/2"(wp) - sheetrock20each $0.00 Subtotal:$0.00 Windows W136x48double hung - medium-r(80)60each $0.00 W236x48double hung10each $0.00 Subtotal:$0.00 Doors D136x80x1 3/4Lext. 2 Panel 2 Glass10each $0.00 D2 handle: knob40each $0.00 D3 handle: lever (ext.)10each $0.00 D4 hinge: hidden50each $0.00 D530x80x1 3/8L2 Panel Door10each $0.00 D6 handle: knob30each $0.00 D736x80bifold-louvered20each $0.00 Subtotal:$0.00 Int Trim T11x4-16ft+interior casing - medium-r(80)1588lin. Ft $0.00 T21x4-16ft+window apron - medium-r(80)201lin. Ft $0.00 T31x4-16ft+sill - medium-r(80)201lin. Ft $0.00 T41x4-16ft+window apron40lin. Ft $0.00 T51x4-16ft+sill40lin. Ft $0.00 T61x4-16ft+interior casing121lin. Ft $0.00 T71x116-16ft+between window trim - medium-r(80)161lin. Ft $0.00 T85 ininterior jamb - medium-r(80)523lin. Ft $0.00 T91x4-16ft+base molding1417lin. Ft $0.00 Subtotal:$0.00 Fixtures FX160W32DStandard Tub [60W]10each$812.0 0 FX230W26 1/8DToilet10each$189.0 0 FX330W19DFree Standing Sink10each$170.0 0 Subtotal:$1,171.00 Total:$1,171.00 Notice that prices and “extra” quantities will be added. 3

4 Refresh your Vocabulary  As a Class, let’s refresh our memory on a few key words:  Building Materials  Estimate  Cost  Unit of Measurement  Percentage  Unit  Approximate UNT in partnership with TEA. Copyright ©. All rights reserved. 4

5 Piecing the data together  On your own, you will complete the following today:  Retrieve your Building Supply List from Chief Architect.  Export your Building Materials List to Microsoft Excel.  Edit your Building Material costs and quantities.  As a group, you will complete the following:  Share your data with the class.  Save and Print your finalized data spreadsheet. UNT in partnership with TEA. Copyright ©. All rights reserved. 5

6 End of Class Wrap Up and Summary  Does our Spreadsheet have any “holes?”  What was the hardest part of the “puzzle?”  Besides the Cost of Building Materials, what else can affect the overall cost of the project?  What about Equipment? Labor? Weather? Insurance? And more… what else can we think of? UNT in partnership with TEA. Copyright ©. All rights reserved. 6

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