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By Dairo, F. A. S. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria.

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Presentation on theme: "By Dairo, F. A. S. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Dairo, F. A. S. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria

2  Ekiti State University was Established about three decades ago with Vision & Mission statements.  The Institution has produced over 50,000 graduates many of whom hold key positions in the Nigerian & global economy.  The dynamism of curriculum & particularly the present descent in the internal efficiency of pedagogy calls for a review to align with the Vision & Mission statements.

3  Vision- To be a 21 st century World-Class University producing graduates adequately equipped to handle contemporary socio-economic and environmental challenges through cutting- edge research in science, technology and humanities driven by Information and Communication Technology.  Mission- To provide a high quality educational experience shaped by outstanding teaching and research that benefit cultures, societies and economies.  The core values of the University is also clearly stated which are not the bone of contention for this submit.

4  At the moment EKSU has the following Units in which the academic programmes are resident; College of Postgraduate Studies College of Medicine - Has 3 Faculties Eight Faculties namely; i)Agricultural Sciences, ii) Art, iii) Education, iv) Engineering, v) Management Sciences, vi) Law, vii) Science and viii)The Social Sciences

5 S/NDepartmentsProgrammesOptions 1. Agricultural Economics & Extension Services (AEE) B. AgricAEE 2. Animal Production & Health Sciences (APH) B. AgricAPH 3. Crop, Soil & Environmental Sciences (CSE) B. Agric -Crop Production -Soil & Environmental Sciences 4.Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries Management (FWF) i. B. Agric Forestry & Wildlife ii. B. Fisheries Management i.Forestry & Wildlife ii.B. Fisheries Management Table 1 Departments and Programmes in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ekiti State University



8 Department/ Infrastructures Agricultural Economics & Extension Services (AEE) Animal Production & Health Sciences (APH) Crop, Soil & Environment al Sciences (CSE) Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries Management (FWF) Lecturer: student ratio1:261:171:101:13 Offices*Adequate Library Not Adequate ClassroomNone Laboratory space Not Adequate *Farm Not Adequate **Office Equipment Not Adequate Table 2 Programme, academic staff strength and infrastructures available in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences as at 2015

9 CHALLENGES SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS  Inadequacy of skilled Lecturers - inadequacies in terms of teaching ability, information communication and administrative understanding  Use traditional built-in mechanism (vetting by HoDs, External examiners  Quality assurance of courses t through online assessment or peer review system to ensure good curriculum delivery aught by lecturers  Need for further training in pedagogy i.e. how to teach and classroom management  Need for work ethics and professionalism  Lecturers must possess skills in the use of power point for teaching.

10 CHALLENGES SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS  Students’ Performance - The raw materials are quite very poor  Not Well Structured Time Table  Address quality from the foundation  Challenged through test to ensure learning  Conducting short quizzes in the class while teaching to determine level of understanding and communication  Record the quiz as component part of Continuous Assessment for students to take it seriously  Disproportionate allocation of contact hours on the time table

11 CHALLENGESSUGGESTED SOLUTIONS  Inadequate Lecture/Classrooms  No Teaching Aids/Instructional Materials -  Build more classrooms/Lecture theatre  Buy & train lecturers on the use of instructional materials

12 CHALLENGES SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS  Examination Conduct - latitude in registration exercise often time does not allow for proper preparation for examination. -Examination malpractice  Delay in grading & release of Results  Transcript processing  May change if the ICT is made very functional. Students should be made to register for examination online having met the 75% attendance  Provide adequate space & induction/councelling for students  Staff to be well informed on rules that guides examination & good supervision during examination  Grading of scripts must be concluded within 2 weeks after exams  Central Examination Result processing should be adopted  Digitalise the old examination records. Central e-processing of result will also help solve this age- long problem

13  Researches conducted in virtually all of Nigerian Universities are not demand driven rather it is promotion based.  The few that address such needs with breakthrough are not given adequate publicity.  Researchers are poorly equipped for the exercise even when fund is available  Poor infrastructural facilities, namely; electricity, water, poor transportation & communication system coupled with the challenges in the Nigerian socio-economic landscape greatly affects the quality of research  It is true research fares are organized, but follow up by investors for commercialization is poor  The remedies for all the above is just to do the opposite which means government & the researchers must rise to the challenges

14  The academic landscape in EKSU is seriously besiege with myriads of surmountable challenges if the system “genuinely” want the change.  There is need for level of enforcement of some policy matters to achieve the vision & mission of the Institution as a World-Class University.  Therefore, the University Management, teaching & non teaching staff and students should work in synergy to actualise the vision & mission of the Institution


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