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Year 3 Scheduling.  June 25-29, 2012 ◦ Task trainers ◦ SIM Man ◦ On-line quizzes  June 28-29 ◦ Galveston students - EPIC ◦ Houston students - EPIC &

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Presentation on theme: "Year 3 Scheduling.  June 25-29, 2012 ◦ Task trainers ◦ SIM Man ◦ On-line quizzes  June 28-29 ◦ Galveston students - EPIC ◦ Houston students - EPIC &"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 3 Scheduling

2  June 25-29, 2012 ◦ Task trainers ◦ SIM Man ◦ On-line quizzes  June 28-29 ◦ Galveston students - EPIC ◦ Houston students - EPIC & St. Joseph ◦ Austin students – Austin orientation

3 Year 3 Clerkships Internal Medicine12 weeks Pediatrics8 weeks Surgery8 weeks Ob/Gynecology6 weeks Psychiatry6 weeks Family Medicine 4 weeks Elective period4 weeks December break4 weeks

4 OBGYN Clerkship Overview 2012-13


6 Charles E.L. Brown, M.D. Austin Medical Education Programs Arjun Shettigar, MD Clerkship Director Nicole Groote Clerkship Coordinator

7  North west Houston Medical Center : Dr. B Edwards, Dr. F Campbell  St. Johns Hospital: Dr. Fulcher, Dr. Griffis, Dr. Pilla, Dr. Abair, Dr. Nguyen, Dr. Rizzo

8  6 weeks clinical rotation (2 weeks Gyn / 4 weeks OB)  Gynecology Outpatient Clinics (approx. 32 hr work week)  Gynecology Inpatient Clinics and OR (approx. 48 hr work week)  Antepartum Service (approx. 48 hr work week)  L&D Night Call (approx. 24 hr work week)  Obstetric Outpatient Clinics (approx. 32 hr work week)  L&D Days/Postpartum Rounds (approx. 48 hr work week)

9  Learning objectives ◦ Medical student learning objectives ◦ ◦ Clinical cases  Specific ◦ ED2 cards ◦ uWise APGO questions ◦ H&P (triage & small group), EBM ◦ SOAP note

10  Wednesday lectures are mandatory (approx. 36 hrs/clerkship)  APGO questions  Team Learning  Faculty Small Group sessions ◦ Includes H&P

11  Clinical evaluations: 35%  Educational portion 25% ◦ TBL ◦ H & P completion ◦ APGO completion ◦ Final skills assessment  Shelf Exam: 40%

12  Maternal Fetal Medicine  Gyne-oncology  Reproductive endocrinology  Urogynecology  Gyne laparoscopy

13 YEAR 3 FM CLERKSHIP Objectives  Evaluate patients in the FM setting using the bio-psychosocial model  Evaluate patients across the age span on common problems seen in the FM setting  Demonstrate an understanding of health risk assessment, health promotion, and patient education in the FM setting  Demonstrate the skills and strategies necessary to acquire information to care for patients in a family practice setting  Demonstrate the ability to integrate basic science and clinical knowledge in the care of patients in the FM setting

14 YEAR 3 FM CLERKSHIP General Features  Clerkship Length: 4 weeks  Decentralized Community-based Rotation  Online Clerkship: (link from Dept. of FM website)  Email is our primary mode of communication with students. Check your email daily.  Clinical Encounter Logbook: All patient experiences should be documented. iPhone app available  Design A Case web-based cases, 12 cases assigned, DAC Quiz on Blackboard - important graded part of our clerkship  Grading: Faculty Evaluation 55%; NBME Shelf Exam 35%: Web cases & Web Case Quiz 10%; (Current AY10-11 Policy, for AY10-11 the Policy will be reviewed.)

15 YEAR 3 FM CLERKSHIP: Distinguishing Features FEATUREGALVESTONAUSTINCOMMUNITY FACULTY NUMBER OF STUDENTS Max: 3Max: 48-13 MIX OF ROTATIONS Outpatient ROTATION SIZE/ COMPOSITION 1:1 with Faculty TYPICAL WORK HOURS 8 AM – 5 PM8 AM – 12 Noon 1:30 – 5 PM 8 AM – 5 PM NUMBER OF PATIENTS SEEN 10 – 14 patients per day SPECIAL POPULATIONS Faculty InterestsHIV+, Hepatitis CDependent on Site TEACHING SESSIONS Dependent on Faculty Advisor 12:30 – 1:30 PM Daily Dependent on Site OTHER ACTIVITIES 12 Web Cases

16  Online site preference form – must receive email from us to access (Target date: May 13)  Sites are available throughout the state  Site proposals encouraged – Family Physician must be Board Certified in FM & in good standing with Texas Medical Board  Provide lots of info when you fill out the online site preference – your geographic location, personal interests, languages spoken, etc.  READ YOUR E-MAIL!  This is an online clerkship, so if you aren’t online you’re left behind.

17 Year 3 Psychiatry Clerkship General Features 6 weeks  General Objectives ◦ To develop rapport with patients, ◦ To conduct patient interviews and develop history- taking skills ◦ To explain the rationale used in making a psychiatric diagnosis and developing a comprehensive treatment plan.  Grading Components/Weights ◦ Clinical Evaluation 35% ◦ NBME Shelf Exam 35% ◦ Team Based Learning 15% ◦ Logbook 10% ◦ Write-up 5%

18 Year 3 Psychiatry Clerkship Distinguishing Features FeatureGalveston Area St. Joe’s UTMBMainland Jester IV Webster/ UTMB Outpatient # of students 9-10 322-42-3 Mix of rotations Adult, Inpnt C & L, Outpt, Adult and Child Geriatric Inpatient and C & L Forensic Inpatient Child, Adult, Forensics Rotation size/ composition 2 rotations of 3 weeks each. All students will go to St. Joe’s. Houston students spend 3 weeks at St. Joe’s and 3 weeks at Jester IV

19 Year 3 Psychiatry Clerkship Distinguishing Features Austin Features Brackenridge Shoal Creek (SSC) # of students4-6 Primary Focus C&L (Consult Liaison) Adult & Child Inpatient Rotation Composition 5 wk C&L, 1wk Inpt @ SSC, 3-5 days @ Dell Children’s (C&L) 4 wk Inpt- (Adult/Child), 2 wk C&L (Brack or SMCA)

20 Year 3 Psychiatry Clerkship Distinguishing Features FeatureGalvestonAustin Brack Shoal Creek Both Austin Sites Typical work hours M-F 7-5 Variable by rotation 7:30-5:00 M,W, &F 8:00-5:00 T, Th Child Lectures Wed Day Calls at Dell M-F 8-5 (all sites) ALL STUDENTS: Have TWO call experiences per term—one at SSC and one at their primary site Have TWO call experiences per term—one at SSC and one at their primary site Are encouraged to visit the ECT suite Are encouraged to visit the ECT suite Have weekly psychiatry lectures Have weekly psychiatry lectures & quizzes Number of patients seen Variable with rotation 50-70 consults/month Medical students see all consults during the week Avg 6-12/day Students are active members of the team Special populations Psychiatric emergencies, substance abuse, severe mental illness, trauma related illness, mood disorders, personality disorders, med/psych Suicide attempts; substance abuse; delirium, dementia, traumatic brain injury, mood d/o, psychosis, PTSD, personality d/o, factitious d/o, malingering, psychiatric emergencies Mood & personality d/o, psychosis, child & adolescent d/o, substance abuse and withdrawal, suicide attempts & psychiatric emergencies

21 Year 3 Psychiatry Clerkship Distinguishing Features FeatureGalvestonAustin Brack Seton Shoal Creek (SSC) Teaching sessions TBL 9 sessions Weekly online quizzes 6 Design-a-Cases -Attendings give 1 formal lecture daily -Students present psychiatry topics to treatment team at least once/6weeks. -Students are taught psychological testing -Receive comprehensive psychiatry syllabus -Students work directly with Child Fellows & Attendings when taking day call at Dell Children’s (avg 3-4 days/term) -On line requirements same as Galveston -Students work directly with resident and attending physicians who give immediate feedback & teach in “real-time” -Students average 2 weeks of child psychiatry per term -Students can do C&L either at Brack or SMCA for 2 weeks -Students interested in psychiatry are encouraged to seek out additional learning opportunities during any “down time” such as attending outpatient clinic, groups, resident lectures, etc. -Students eat for free -On line requirements same as Galveston

22 St. Joseph Medical Center ∙ St. Joseph Medical Center in Houston requires each medical student complete a rotation application. ∙ All Galveston and Houston-based 3 rd year medical students will complete a 3 week Psychiatry rotation at St. Joseph Medical Center. ∙ Frances Dawe, UTMB Coordinator for Houston Programs, will email you the St. Joseph application, their parking application, orientation packet and the list of documents required by St. Joseph which must be submitted with your application. There will be a deadline to return the application and required documents.

23 List of Required Documents for St. Joseph’s Medical Center Application ∙ Applicant’s current Curriculum Vitae ∙ Photocopy of driver’s license ∙ Proof of current health insurance coverage ∙ Immunization Records ∙ Completed Confidentiality and Computer Agreement ∙ Acknowledgement form from their Orientation Packet

24 MS-3 Surgical Clerkship What to Expect Galveston and Austin Course Directors: William J. Mileski, MD John D. Bauer, MD

25  8 Weeks  Locations ◦ Galveston ◦ Austin ◦ St. Joseph Medical Center

26  Housing ◦ At home  Hospital ◦ UTMB ◦ Off-island  Evaluation ◦ Shelf Examination ◦ Clinical

27  General Surgery  Trauma  TDC  Vascular  Cardiothoracic  Neurosurgery  Orthopedic  Plastic Surgery  Burns  Urology

28  Core ◦ Rounds ◦ OR ◦ Clinic ◦ Trauma Call ◦ Grand Rounds ◦ Surgical Quality Improvement ◦ Surgical Lectures  Anesthesia Group Session  Autopsy Observation  Procedure Log Portfolio

29  Housing ◦ Provided  Hospital ◦ Seton-Brackenridge  Evaluation ◦ Shelf Examination ◦ Clinical

30  General Surgery (8 wks)

31  Core ◦ Rounds ◦ OR ◦ Clinic ◦ Trauma Call ◦ Grand Rounds ◦ M&M ◦ Surgical Lectures  Autopsy Observation  Procedure Log

32  8 weeks  Objectives are available on the web – especially learn H&P for different age groups, development, immunizations, fluids  60% clinical (7.5% each week), shelf exam 20%, MR 5%, observed H&P 5%, newborn  PE 5%, DAC 5%

33 Internal Medicine Clerkship General Features Clerkship Length – 12 weeks 4 weeks General Medicine Inpatient 4 weeks Inpatient OR Ambulatory Service 4 weeks Consult Service ( NOTE: rotations are subject to change as new opportunities become available) General Objectives Gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes to assess a patient with an acute or chronic problem; to develop a rational differential diagnosis; to develop a basic diagnostic and management plan; and be able to provide this information to the healthcare team and the patient.

34 Internal Medicine Clerkship General Features Clerkship Length – 12 weeks 4 weeks General Medicine Inpatient 4 weeks Inpatient OR Ambulatory Service 4 weeks Consult Service ( NOTE: rotations are subject to change as new opportunities become available) General Objectives Gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes to assess a patient with an acute or chronic problem; to develop a rational differential diagnosis; to develop a basic diagnostic and management plan; and be able to provide this information to the healthcare team and the patient.

35 IM Clerkship Grading Components/Weights 40% Clinical Performance Score 30% Shelf Exam 10% H&P and Logbook completion 10% Theme-Based Addendums to H&P’s 10% Challenges in Medicine essay

36 IM Clerkship Distinguishing Features FeatureGalvestonHoustonAustin Number of students 40 to 50 / term 5 to 10 / term 10 to 15 / term Mix of rotations 4 inpatient wks 4 consult wks 4 outpatient or inpatient wks 4 inpatient wks 4 consult wks 4 ambulatory wks 8 inpatient wks 4 ambulatory wks Patient mix Hosp – indigent, private and TDCJ Amb - private Hosp – indigent, private Amb - private Hosp – indigent, private Amb - private

37 Internal Medicine Clerkship Distinguishing Features FeatureGalvestonHoustonAustin Typical work hours 50-60 hrs/wk 4 days off / 4 wks 50-60 hrs/wk 4 days off /4 wks 50-60 hrs/wk 4 days off /4 wks Number of patients seen Avg 5-8 new pts per wk inpatient Amb / consult variable Avg 5-8 new pts per wk inpatient Amb / consult variable Avg 5-8 new pts per wk inpatient Amb / consult variable Call Every 4 th day until 10pm inpatient None on amb / consult Variable for St. Luke’s and St. Joseph’s. Every 4 th day on inpatient. None on ambulatory.

38 IM Clerkship Distinguishing Features FeatureHoustonGalvestonAustin Teaching sessions Variable Daily lectures Case-based Small group discussion format Special sessions Morning report Palliative Care Ethics case-based sessions Skillssessions Private practice exposure ECG, CXR, Harvey ECG, CXR, Physical Exam rounds with CMR

39  Three forms – Galveston, Houston, Austin ◦ Due April 4 ◦ What types of inpatient experiences ◦ Consultative vs. primary care ◦ Hospital location in Houston  Ambulatory preference – online ◦ More instructions to follow ◦ Same system used for Pediatrics as well

40 IM Clerkship Grading Components/Weights 40% Clinical Performance Score 30% Shelf Exam 10% H&P and Logbook completion 10% Theme-Based Addendums to H&P’s 10% Challenges in Medicine essay

41 IM Clerkship Distinguishing Features FeatureGalvestonHoustonAustin Number of students 40 to 50 / term 5 to 10 / term 10 to 15 / term Mix of rotations 4 inpatient wks 4 consult wks 4 outpatient or inpatient wks 4 inpatient wks 4 consult wks 4 ambulatory wks 8 inpatient wks 4 ambulatory wks Patient mix Hosp – indigent, private and TDCJ Amb - private Hosp – indigent, private Amb - private Hosp – indigent, private Amb - private

42 Internal Medicine Clerkship Distinguishing Features FeatureGalvestonHoustonAustin Typical work hours 50-60 hrs/wk 4 days off / 4 wks 50-60 hrs/wk 4 days off /4 wks 50-60 hrs/wk 4 days off /4 wks Number of patients seen Avg 5-8 new pts per wk inpatient Amb / consult variable Avg 5-8 new pts per wk inpatient Amb / consult variable Avg 5-8 new pts per wk inpatient Amb / consult variable Call Every 4 th day until 10pm inpatient None on amb / consult Variable for St. Luke’s and St. Joseph’s. Every 4 th day on inpatient. None on ambulatory.

43 IM Clerkship Distinguishing Features FeatureHoustonGalvestonAustin Teaching sessions Variable Daily lectures Case-based Small group discussion format Special sessions Morning report Palliative Care Ethics case-based sessions Skillssessions Private practice exposure ECG, CXR, Harvey ECG, CXR, Physical Exam rounds with CMR

44  Three forms – Galveston, Houston, Austin ◦ Due April 4 ◦ What types of inpatient experiences ◦ Consultative vs. primary care ◦ Hospital location in Houston  Ambulatory preference – online ◦ More instructions to follow ◦ Same system used for Pediatrics as well

45 Location # of Students Mix of Rotations Galveston Up to 28 - 36 2 wk inpatient 1 wk newborn 3 wk ambulatory 2 wks subspecialty Austin12 4 wks inpatient 1 wk newborn nursery 3 wks ambulatory Beaumont1 Based in an office Subspecialty with UTMB faculty, NICU Hospitalist work

46 FeatureGalvestonAustin Teaching sessions Morning report 3xweek, lecture & didactic series 1xweek, Grand Rounds weekly, teaching rounds daily Morning report 3xweek, lecture & didactic series 1xweek, Grand Rounds weekly, teaching rounds daily Morning and noon conference daily; Daily teaching rounds & POS 2x/wk while on inpt; fluids/electrolytes lecture, Radiology conf q week Morning and noon conference daily; Daily teaching rounds & POS 2x/wk while on inpt; fluids/electrolytes lecture, Radiology conf q week Other details Inpatient on J10A or at Driscoll Children’s Hospital New Dell Children’s Medical Center of Central Texas

47  Commutable = less than one hour drive  Needing to feed your cat doesn’t guarantee a commutable site  We know life changes, but not usually last minute  This is a Pediatrics rotation, so the practitioner must be a pediatrician. And not your father, your uncle, etc.  Texas is big, there’s sure to be someone suitable in this state.

48  Be specific about your reasons for staying in Galveston  Rank all of the options  There ain’t no guarantees  If you pick Austin for General Medicine, you’re picking Austin for the whole 3 months


50 The Main Menu will be displayed. Select an option to Submit a New Site Preference.

51 Use the drop down arrow to select Clerkship and then select Term/Period. Make sure the Academic Year is correct. Click Next to continue.

52 The Site Preference form for the clerkship you selected will be displayed. Follow instructions to complete the form and then submit.

53 A confirmation page will be displayed for you. At the bottom of the confirmation page is a link to complete AHEC Student Biographical Sketch. Click on the link to access the AHEC form B-100.

54  Links communities with health science schools to improve the health workforce  Provide real-life community educational experiences for students

55 To make changes to your Site Preference Ranking, go back to the Main Menu and select the option to Edit/Update Existing Site Preference. To check the status of your Site Preference Ranking, select the option to View My Site Ranking/Assignments from the Main Menu.

56  Voluntary  Meets once per month  Free food  Regular mentoring  Important topics

57  The SP center is not ready to host OSCE’s  Previously held in FM, IM, Pedi  You should be prepared for a mid-year OSCE ◦ First week of Period 13  ICEE will be comprehensive ◦ Happens summer of 4 th year

58  Clerkships are an exposure to clinical medicine  Clinical medicine is a full-time occupation, stuff happens 24/7  All clerkships agree to the same policy: ◦ You work one day per weekend on average ◦ This includes holiday weekends, except Thanksgiving ◦ The clerkship decides whether you can pick and choose the day or whether it will be assigned

59  12 different sequence options  Submit preferences via MyStar  Deadline  Schedules released on  Track trade deadline  Open enrollment begins – students may enroll in electives –

60  Internal Medicine clerkship preferences Deadline Monday,April 4  Internal Medicine – ambulatory site preference Deadline Thursday May 5  Pediatrics – ambulatory site preference Deadline Thursday May 5  Family Medicine site preference Deadline Friday May 20 th

61  Electives (5 blocks needed to graduate)  Courses you may take as a third year student: ◦ Senior Neurology ◦ Senior Surgery ◦ Senior Emergency Medicine (selective) ◦ Acting Internship selective  Courses you may not take as a third year student: ◦ Basic Science/Humanities selective ◦ Ambulatory Community Selective

62 Request authorizations from your visiting student coordinator or student affairs office. You will then receive a “VSAS: New User Instructions” e-mail with login information.

63 Adding/Dropping Courses  Begins Thursday, May 5 th ◦ Electives  Electronic and paper-based options

64 Remember, C is for Complete  Without a properly completed, signed form, your registration is not complete!!!!!!!


66 R is for Research Readiness We gotta know that you have a plan, the permission to do the research, the resources to do it and appropriate oversight of your project.

67 B Form is for Before You Go We gotta know they’ll take you = B2 (Austin doesn’t need this) They might wanna know stuff about you= B1



70 Registration Errors  Participating in a course you have not added ◦ No credit  Failing to participate in a course you have not dropped ◦ Failure ◦ Withdrawal

71 Additional Items  Must take USMLE Step 1 prior to beginning 3 rd year coursework  Must take a course during your elective period, the December month, or both

72 Where do I Find 3 rd Year Scheduling Information? It’s all on the web:

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