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11/30 - 7 th Grade Agenda Chap 4 Review Chap 4 Study Guide – Without Textbook Class Reading p.138 – 141 HW: Reading & Note Taking p.83 – 84 Reminder: Chap.

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Presentation on theme: "11/30 - 7 th Grade Agenda Chap 4 Review Chap 4 Study Guide – Without Textbook Class Reading p.138 – 141 HW: Reading & Note Taking p.83 – 84 Reminder: Chap."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/30 - 7 th Grade Agenda Chap 4 Review Chap 4 Study Guide – Without Textbook Class Reading p.138 – 141 HW: Reading & Note Taking p.83 – 84 Reminder: Chap 4 Test on 12/1 & 12/2

2 Chap 4 Review

3 Photosynthesis What is Photosynthesis?

4 Photosynthesis Photosynthesis: The process by which a cell captures the e________ in sunlight and uses it to make f______. nergy ood

5 Chloroplasts Chl________ pigments inside chloroplasts absorb su________ and convert it into energy Chloroplasts orophyll nlight

6 Stomata C_________ D________ is absorbed through openings in the underside of the leaves called Stomata arbon ioxide

7 Autotrophs & Heterotrophs Which organisms in these photos are autotrophs? Which organisms in these photos are heterotrophs?

8 What is Respiration? What is respiration?

9 What is Respiration? During pho______________ plants capture and save en_____ in the form of car_________ (sugars and starches) tosynthesis ergy bohydrate

10 What is Respiration? After you e__, your body converts the carbohydrates into gl_______ (type of sugar) ucose at

11 Respiration: 2 Stage Process Stage 1: Gl______ is broken down into smaller molecules Stage 2: Mit________ takes the ox______ and glucose and converts it into ca_____ dioxide, w______ & energy ucose ochondria ygen rbon ater

12 What is the relationship between Photosynthesis and Respiration? Photosynthesis and respiration can be thought of as opposite processes Together these two process form a cycle that keeps the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide fairly constant

13 Fermentation provides en_______ from cells without using ox_______ ergy ygen

14 Alcoholic Fermentation: Y_____is used to break down s______ and produce carbon dioxide (making br_____ and be_____) east ugar ead er

15 Lactic Acid Fermentation happens when you over work your m_______ and your cells don’t get enough o_______ uscle xygen

16 Cell Cycle Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis ? ? ? ? ? ?

17 Interphase Stage 1: Interphase: Period before cell division occurs. –Cell is doing its J___ while growing (doubles in size) –Replicates (make a copy) its DNA ob

18 Mitosis : Prophase Prophase: Identical Chromatids p______. They are held together by a centromere air up

19 Mitosis : Metaphase Metaphase: Chromosomes line up in the m______ iddle

20 Mitosis : Anaphase Anaphase: The centromeres split and the chromosomes are pulled a______ part

21 Mitosis: Telophase Telophase: Each set of chromosomes are F___ away and a nucleus forms around them ar

22 Cytokinesis The cell membrane m______ inwards then pinches in two. This form 2 identical cells oves

23 DNA – Deoxyribonucleic Acid Nitrogen Based Molecules (4 Letters of DNA Alphabet) A pairs up with ____ G pairs up with ____ T C

24 Cell Cycle Facts Some cells divides every 2 hours or less Human Liver cells divides every 22 hours There are about _____ million cells dividing in your body right now!! Most cells divide but human b_____ cells never divide. 100 rain

25 Cancer What is Cancer Mutation: Damage to the DNA

26 Cancer Cancer begins when mu________ disrupt the normal cell cycle causing cells to di_________ in an uncontrolled way Eventually a tu______ (a mass of abnormal cells) forms. tation vide mor

27 Differentiation As cells differentiate, they become diff_____ from one another. errent

28 Stem Cells Stem Cells respond to specific needs in the body by becoming a spec____zed ce___ iali ll

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