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Influences on Food Patterns and Customs. Food Patterns are a reliable sample of traits, acts, tendencies, or other observable characteristics related.

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Presentation on theme: "Influences on Food Patterns and Customs. Food Patterns are a reliable sample of traits, acts, tendencies, or other observable characteristics related."— Presentation transcript:

1 Influences on Food Patterns and Customs

2 Food Patterns are a reliable sample of traits, acts, tendencies, or other observable characteristics related to food that is eaten by a person or group. Example: Turkey is the preferred meat at Christmas Food Customs are all the uses, practices or conventions, that regulate food habits

3 Geography and Climate What is available depends on the following features: 1.Landforms – flat, rolling, hills, or mountains 2.Soil Quality – sandy, rich, rocky 3.Water – freshwater, salt, abundance or lack of

4 Climate Different crops can be grown in different climate. Example : tropical, polar, Mediterranean, prairie

5 History Progress and development have had a major impact on food – consider the following eg. 1.Fire 2.Agriculture 3.Migration and travel 4.Industrialization 5.urbanization

6 6.Modern food processing 7.Science and technology 8.Improved knowledge of nutrition, health and wellness

7 Religion, Beliefs and Values Food plays an important role in many religious ceremonies Many societies and cultures developed special ceremonies that involve food and may have become part of their religion Can you think of any?

8 Judism Kosher Means that food is permiited or clean. Anything unclean such as pork or shellfish is stricly forbidden

9 Islam The month of Ramadan required mandatory fasting diuyrn sunlight hours

10 Culture Shared customs, traditions and beliefs of a large group of people Many cultures have a traditional way of preparing foods Some have strict dietary rules

11 Research Activity Select one of the following religions: Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, First Nations Find out how and what foods play a role in each of the following: A.Celebrations B.Ceremonies C.Food taboos or restrictions D.Food traditions E.Fasting or other food patterns prescribed by the religion

12 Create an electronic presentation or bulletin board to display what you have learned about food and the religion you chose

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