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Investigating the Past Archaeologists and scientists know some information about these people from artifacts and bones left behind.

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3 Investigating the Past Archaeologists and scientists know some information about these people from artifacts and bones left behind.

4 Date: 9/9/14 -Day 1 Block5 days 09-9-14 to 09-22-14 Benchmarks: * Objective(s):CC-LAFS.68.WSHT.1.3 Identify key steps in a process related to history/social studies). *LAFS.6.RH.2.5 Describe how a text presents information *SS.6.W.2.1 Compare the lifestyles of hunter-gatherers with those of settlers of early agricultural communities. *SS.6.W.2.2 Describe how the developments of agriculture and metallurgy related to settlement, population growth, and the emergence of civilization. Topic 3:PREHISTORY: EARLY HUMANS- 8000 B.C.-2000 B.C. Essential Questions: How did the process of human adaptation to the environment result in emergence of civilization? Bell Ringer: Now that you have completed chapter 2- Write about what you learned, found interesting, and want to learn more about. Agenda: 1. Bell Ringer 2. 3. Vocabulary continued 4. Ch.3- Chapter small groups of 3, 5. PowerPoint Closing Activity: Ch.3 Complete Lesson-1 Home Learning: Current Event #2, Preview Chapter 3 Pre-History Own your own- On copy paper create design for your two t-shit in option2 of Fairchild - BioBlitz & Adopt -a- Tree

5 Vocabulary agriculture, ancestor, anthropology, archaeology, artifact, Bronze Age, culture, decade, domesticate, Era, fossil, homo sapiens, Ice Age, land bridge, Neolithic, nomads, Paleolithic, paleontology, prehistory, social class, specialization, species, systematic agriculture, technology

6 When did the first man roam the Earth? How do we know?

7 Scientists believe that life began on the continent of Africa 3.6 million years ago……

8 NeanderthalCro-MagnonModern Man

9 Cro-Magnon man - early Homo sapiens (the species to which modern humans belong) that lived about 40,000 years ago.


11 Date: 9/11/14 -Day 2 Block5 days 09-9-14 to 09-22-14 Benchmarks: *Objective(s):CC-LAFS.68.WSHT.1.3 Identify key steps in a process related to history/social studies). *LAFS.6.RH.2.5 Describe how a text presents information *SS.6.W.2.1 Compare the lifestyles of hunter-gatherers with those of settlers of early agricultural communities. *SS.6.W.2.2 Describe how the developments of agriculture and metallurgy related to settlement, population growth, and the emergence of civilization. Topic 3:PREHISTORY: EARLY HUMANS- 8000 B.C.-2000 B.C. Essential Questions: How did the process of human adaptation to the environment result in emergence of civilization? Bell Ringer: In your own words explain how a land bridge is formed. Make sure to use complete sentences. Agenda: 1. Bell Ringer 2. 3. Vocabulary continued 4. Ch.3-1 continued, 5. PowerPoint Closing Activity: Ch.3 Complete Lesson-2 Home Learning: Current Event #2, Preview Chapter 3 Pre-History Own your own- On copy paper create design for your two t-shit in option2 of Fairchild – Bio-Blitz & Adopt -a- Tree

12 Vocabulary agriculture, ancestor, anthropology, archaeology, artifact, Bronze Age, culture, decade, domesticate, Era, fossil, homo sapiens, Ice Age, land bridge, Neolithic, nomads, Paleolithic, paleontology, prehistory, social class, specialization, species, systematic agriculture, technology


14  The Old Stone Age or the Paleolithic Era, was a period of time that lasted until about 12,000 to 70,000 years ago.

15 Man survived by hunting animals and gathering roots, berries, leaves, and seeds.

16 Old Stone Age (Paleolithic Era) people eventually began to hunt in groups. These antlers may have been used as a disguise during the hunt. Cave Art showing men hunting in groups



19 Man used stone, wood, and bone tools to survive during the Old Stone Age.

20 Bow found in Denmark Bone Harpoon Hand Axe Flint Blades used to sharpen tools

21 using a flint blade to skin an animal using a flint blade to butcher a carcass



24 There was another important development – the discovery of fire There was another important development – the discovery of fire.

25 Date: 9/11/14 -Day 3 Block5 days 09-9-14 to 09-22-14 Benchmarks: *Objective(s):CC-LAFS.68.WSHT.1.3 Identify key steps in a process related to history/social studies). *LAFS.6.RH.2.5 Describe how a text presents information *SS.6.W.2.1 Compare the lifestyles of hunter-gatherers with those of settlers of early agricultural communities. *SS.6.W.2.2 Describe how the developments of agriculture and metallurgy related to settlement, population growth, and the emergence of civilization. Topic 3:PREHISTORY: EARLY HUMANS- 8000 B.C.-2000 B.C. Essential Questions: How did the process of human adaptation to the environment result in emergence of civilization? Bell Ringer: Agenda: 1. Bell Ringer 2. 3. Vocabulary continued 4. Ch.3- Chapter small groups of 3, 5. PowerPoint Closing Activity: Ch.3 Complete Lesson-2- Home Learning: Current Event #2, Chapter 3-3 Pre-History Own your own- On copy paper create design for your two t-shit in option2 of Fairchild – Bio-Blitz & Adopt -a- Tree

26 Vocabulary agriculture, ancestor, anthropology, archaeology, artifact, Bronze Age, culture, decade, domesticate, Era, fossil, homo sapiens, Ice Age, land bridge, Neolithic, nomads, Paleolithic, paleontology, prehistory, social class, specialization, species, systematic agriculture, technology


28 Many Stone Age people were Nomads, or people who had no settled home.



31 How do scientists know about an early man who lived 3 million years ago? Lucy told them!

32 In 1974, a skeleton was found in Africa. The bones were those of a female, about 20 years old or so when she died. Scientists named her Lucy. About 3 million years ago, when Lucy was alive, she was about 4 feet tall and weighed about 50 pounds. Scientists suspect that she fell into a lake or river and drowned. Scientists are like detectives. They can tell a great deal from a skeleton, whether it's one year old or 3 million years old!

33 Scientists use many clues to help them put pieces of the past together. One thing they must know is the difference between a fossil and an artifact. Artifacts are remains of things that were made, not remains of living things. Fossils are remains of living things (plants, animals, people), not things that were made.

34 These early human-like hominids were taller and smarter than Lucy’s people, but they did not know how to make fire. When they broke camp, they probably tried to bring fire with them by carrying lit branches to use to start a new campfire. If their branches went out, they did without fire until they found something burning.

35 Name __________________________________Date _________________ Neanderthal: Old Stone Age New Stone Age Another name for the Old Stone Age: How long did it last? Another name for the New Stone Age: How long did it last? Ways that man lived or survived: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nomad: 7. Ways that man lived or survived: 1. 2. Agriculture: 3. Domestication: 4.



38 TThe New Stone Age or The Neolithic Era lasted until about 6,000 to 12,000 years ago.

39  During the Neolithic Era, people began to settle in one place.



42 MMan began to change his diet and eat grains and small animals.

43  Agriculture is the raising of crops and animals.  The development of agriculture began over a long period of time and in more than one place.  People no longer needed to travel great distances to gather food.

44  People learned how to domesticate plants and animals.  To domesticate means to train something to be useful to people.  Early people learned to care for plants such as wheat, barley, peas, and lentils.  The first farmers also domesticated wild goats, cattle, and sheep.

45 Man domesticated wild wheat. Ancient charred wheat grains are shown in the picture above.

46  Thousands of years ago, an ear of corn did not make much of a meal. (top)  It took thousands of years of careful breeding for ears of corn to reach their present size. (bottom )

47  People still used stone, bone, and wooden tools, but some new tools were added by using copper and bronze.

48 These early farming tools date back to around 8,000 years ago. The axe, bottom, was used for clearing; flint sickles, left, were used for harvesting cereal crops; a flat rock and rounded stone, center, were used for grinding flour; and perforated clay slabs, upper right, were probably used to ventilate bread ovens.

49 Many years passed. Another group of man was born. Scientists nicknamed this group “Upright Man”. Upright Man did know how to make fire. That changed everything! People began to cook their food, which helped to reduce disease. People collected around the fire each night, to share stories of the day's hunt and activities, which helped to develop a spirit of community.

50 These Stone Age people were about the same size as modern humans. Their tool-making skills were considerably improved. Their weapons included stone axes and knives. Because Upright Man could make fire, he was free to move about in search of food. He did not have to worry about freezing. He made warm clothes from animal skins. At night, he built a campfire to cook his food and to stay warm.

51 About one million years ago, Upright Man began to slowly leave Africa. These early people began to populate the world. Scientists have found artifacts of their tools and weapons, which help us to understand how they lived, where they went, and how they got there. They did not need a boat. The Ice Age was here! They traveled across giant walkways of frozen ice, over what later would become vast rivers and seas.

52 One day, scientists found a new skeleton. This skeleton was from another group of early men. Scientists named this man Neanderthal man, after the valley in which the skeleton had been found. Scientists announced that these early men were dim- witted brutes, who walked with bent knees, with their heads slung forward on their big necks. Could these early people really be our ancestors?

53 But scientists had made a mistake! The bones were bent because they were part of the skeleton of an old man suffering from arthritis! Arthritis is a disease that bends and cripples bones.

54 Still, Neanderthals were different from other species of early humans. They were tall and smart, and used caves as their homes. They were great hunters. Considering how smart they were, and how advanced for their time, scientists are puzzled that the Neanderthals were one of the early species of man to die out. Many species of man died out in these early days. But why the Neanderthals? It is a history mystery.

55 Another group of early men stood out during this period. Scientists nicknamed this group “Cro- Magnon man”. Cro-Magnon man lived in Europe. This group did not live a life of constant struggle for survival because they worked together to provide food for their tribe.

56 These Stone Age people learned to cure and store food for the long winter. They used traps, which allowed them to catch food while they were busy doing something else. Fisherman used nets woven from vines and fishhooks. Some groups built rafts and canoes to catch bigger fish in deeper waters. They made clothing and jewelry. They invented the bow and arrow.

57 Cro-Magnon man did something rather unusual. For some reason, he drew paintings deep inside dark caves, on cave walls.he drew paintings His paintings were added to the paintings already on the cave walls, left by other Cro-Magnon men. Over time, a cave might accumulate hundreds of paintings. Colors used most often were brown, yellow/tan, dark red, and coal black.

58 Animals were well drawn and filled in with natural colors to give them even more shape and substance. They drew stick figures for hunters. They drew stencils of hands.

59 To reach the deepest part of the cave, where other paintings could be found, Cro-Magnon man had to crawl through the maze like tunnels of the cave, holding a spoon-like oil lamp to light his way, while carrying his carefully prepared paints.

60 It was quite dangerous. Cro-Magnon man had no idea if he might run into a cave lion. He might fall into a hole and die. There are many history mysteries. This is one of them. Why did he do it? Perhaps it was a coming of age ceremony, or perhaps it served a religious purpose. Maybe it was a sort of, “I was here.”

61 The existence of cave paintings was discovered by accident. Around 1940, during World War II, some kids were playing in a field in Lascaux, France. They stumbled across a cave entrance. It had been hidden by the tree roots. The walls were covered with cave paintings! Once people knew the paintings existed, they looked for more such caves, and found them.

62 We know about early Stone Age people because scientists have found fossils and artifacts that reveal traces of their life. Man went through many stages to evolve into the humans of today! Since this evolution covers roughly 3 million years, you might say it took man a long time to grow up!evolution

63 1.What is a hunter-gatherer? 2.What is a Stone Age? 3.Why was the ability to make fire so important? 4.How could early humans travel from Africa to Australia without a boat? 5.What did Cro-Magnon man paint on cave walls? 6.Why did Cro-Magnon man paint on cave walls? Questions


65 Another name for the Old Stone Age: Paleolithic Era How long did it last? 70,000 to 12, 000 years ago Another name for the New Stone Age: Neolithic Era How long did it last? 12,000 to 6,000 years ago Ways that man lived or survived: 1. hunting animals and gathering roots, berries, leaves, and seeds 2. hunting in groups 3. stone, bone, wooden tools 4. cave art 5. fire 6. Nomads: people that had no settled homes 7. used caves, animal bones, and skins for shelters Ways that man lived or survived: 1. Began to settle in one place 2. Agriculture: raising of crops and animals 3. Domestication: training of plants and animals to be useful to people 4. stone, bone, wooden, and metal tools Old Stone Age New Stone Age Name __________________________________Date _________________ Neanderthal: First species of man on Earth Cro-Magnon: the species to which modern man belongs

66 Learn More What do you think was the most important development of the New Stone Age? How did man utilize animals and plants for making tools and equipment?

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