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City of Oakley Grant Proposal Diabetes  Diabetes affects millions of Americans. It can lead to complications of the kidney, heart, and respiratory system.

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Presentation on theme: "City of Oakley Grant Proposal Diabetes  Diabetes affects millions of Americans. It can lead to complications of the kidney, heart, and respiratory system."— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Oakley Grant Proposal Diabetes  Diabetes affects millions of Americans. It can lead to complications of the kidney, heart, and respiratory system.  Diabetes can be controlled by medicine but it can also, in many circumstances be prevented.  Most doctors agree diet and exercise are contributing factors in diabetes.  We are proposing a summer camp to help obese children get exercise and learn how to stay healthy. Summer Camp Garden

2 Diabetes Maintaining Homeostasis  Blood sugar levels should be between 70/100 mg/L  If blood sugar levels are to high insulin is produced and converts glucose to glycogen. If they are too low then glycogen is converted back to glucose.  The pancreas and the liver produce insulin and glucagon to convert glucose to glycogen. And visa versa. Feedback loops control Blood Sugar Levels.

3 Central Nervous System Central Nervous Systems  The CNS detects changes in the blood sugar levels (BSL) and sends messages to the liver or pancreas to create insulin or glucagon to regulate BSL.  The brain and the spinal cord send and receive messages between the liver and the pancreas. CNS detects BSL and maintains homeostasis.

4 How to spend the $1 billion  Summer camp for obese/diabetic children - $ to pay for building the camp, hiring staff, supplies, and travel expenses for less fortunate  Create a treatment facility for drug addicted person and his/her family to get counseling and get sober  Create a children’s book  Begin an across the country assembly tour to reach out to teens  Distribution of our brochure to high schools and clinics nationwide  PSA to be played during the Super Bowl  Anything else you can think up!!!

5 Presentation Should Include: 1. Symptoms (explain which body systems are affected and how) 2. Is there currently a cure 3. Treatments (for individual and/or for family) 4. Outcome/result of disease/addiction (prognosis) 5. How transmitted (genetic, contagious) 6. Who does it affect? are there any trends? 7. Interesting facts/pictures 8. How the $1 Billion Grant will be spent

6 Presentation Should Include: 1. Symptoms (explain which body systems are affected and how) 2. Is there currently a cure 3. Treatments (for individual and/or for family) 4. Outcome/result of disease/addiction (prognosis) 5. How transmitted (genetic, contagious) 6. Who does it affect? are there any trends? 7. Interesting facts/pictures 8. How the $1 Billion Grant will be spent

7 Presentation Should Include: 1. Symptoms (explain which body systems are affected and how) 2. Is there currently a cure 3. Treatments (for individual and/or for family) 4. Outcome/result of disease/addiction (prognosis) 5. How transmitted (genetic, contagious) 6. Who does it affect? are there any trends? 7. Interesting facts/pictures 8. How the $1 Billion Grant will be spent

8 Presentation Should Include: 1. Symptoms (explain which body systems are affected and how) 2. Is there currently a cure 3. Treatments (for individual and/or for family) 4. Outcome/result of disease/addiction (prognosis) 5. How transmitted (genetic, contagious) 6. Who does it affect? are there any trends? 7. Interesting facts/pictures 8. How the $1 Billion Grant will be spent

9 Presentation Should Include: 1. Symptoms (explain which body systems are affected and how) 2. Is there currently a cure 3. Treatments (for individual and/or for family) 4. Outcome/result of disease/addiction (prognosis) 5. How transmitted (genetic, contagious) 6. Who does it affect? are there any trends? 7. Interesting facts/pictures 8. How the $1 Billion Grant will be spent

10 Presentation Should Include: 1. Symptoms (explain which body systems are affected and how) 2. Is there currently a cure 3. Treatments (for individual and/or for family) 4. Outcome/result of disease/addiction (prognosis) 5. How transmitted (genetic, contagious) 6. Who does it affect? are there any trends? 7. Interesting facts/pictures 8. How the $1 Billion Grant will be spent

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