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Visualizing Hazus Flood Analysis Results with Interactive Web Maps Micaella Penning, MA Geospatial Analysis Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Visualizing Hazus Flood Analysis Results with Interactive Web Maps Micaella Penning, MA Geospatial Analysis Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visualizing Hazus Flood Analysis Results with Interactive Web Maps Micaella Penning, MA Geospatial Analysis Center

2 Outline Background of GAC and Hazard Mitigation Planning Why visualization is needed Flood Risk Analysis and Hazus-MH Web-based tools and Story Maps

3 Mn County Hazard Mitigation Plan Requirements Examples from Mn HSEM Mitigation Plan Review Tool The description, or profile, must include information on location, extent, and previous occurrences for each hazard. The plan must include the probability of future events for each identified hazard. Hazus-MH, GIS, mapping The plan must document how the public was given the opportunity to be involved in the planning process and how their feedback was incorporated into the plan. Public meetings, website

4 Use of Hazus-MH tool HSEM determined HAZUS-MH (FEMA) software should play a critical role in the risk assessments in Minnesota Initial step in identifying and quantifying flood risks throughout Minnesota

5 Hazus-MH Estimated Economic Loss for Scott County in a 100-Year Flood

6 Hazus-MH Estimated Economic Loss for Wright County in a 100-Year Flood

7 General Occupancy Estimated Total Buildings Total Damaged Buildings Total Building Exposure (In $1000s) Total Economic Loss (In $1000s) Building Loss (In $1000s) Agricultural9376$114,471$10,051$1,927 Commercial42625$92,429$5,860$700 Education130$35,832$0 Government1072$35,336$9,050$3,059 Industrial510$35,684$6,071$1,283 Religious/Non- Profit 551$25,066$723$107 Residential4,22674$321,581$11,147$7,513 Total5,815108$660,399$42,902$14,589 Census Block NumberTotal Estimated LossLocation 270239502001013$6,133,000Montevideo 270239501003036$5,319,000Montevideo 270239502001002$3,906,000Montevideo 270239501003042$2,967,000Montevideo 270239502001007$2,419,000Montevideo Hazus-MH Estimated Economic Loss for Chippewa County in a 100-Year Flood

8 Hazus-MH High-Loss Census block and 100-Year Floodplain in Delano, MN

9 Hazus-MH Estimated Economic Loss for Montevideo, MN in a 100-Year Flood

10 But, how do we ENGAGE the public? Maps and images that demonstrate scientific concepts Easy to read content Compelling stories Albertville, MN Wright County Total Economic Loss from 100-Year Flood Flooding near Waverly, 2002 (Jensen, 2002)

11 Integrating Hazus Output in Web Maps








19 Live Demo:

20 Integrating Hazus Output in Web Maps Live Demo:

21 Integrating Hazus Output in Web Maps

22 Esri Story Map Interactive Builder

23 Esri Story Map Gallery

24 Links Wright County Flood Hazards (Story Map Journal): Scott County Flooding (Story Map Journal): Wright County Flooding History (Story Map Tour): Scott County Natural Hazards History (Story Map Tour): Esri Story Maps: Geospatial Analysis Center Swenson College of Science and Engineering University of Minnesota Duluth 140 Engineering Building 1303 Ordean Court Duluth, MN 55812 Micaella Penning, GIS Specialist/ Research Assistant (218) 726-7466

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