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BATH IRON WORKS PROPRIETARY June 2016. 2 Who we are Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers Zumwalt Class Destroyers Full-service shipyard specializing in designing,

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Presentation on theme: "BATH IRON WORKS PROPRIETARY June 2016. 2 Who we are Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers Zumwalt Class Destroyers Full-service shipyard specializing in designing,"— Presentation transcript:


2 2 Who we are Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers Zumwalt Class Destroyers Full-service shipyard specializing in designing, building and supporting complex surface combatants for the U.S. Navy Bath Built is Best Built Majority located in Bath, Maine 75% union 6,100 U.S. employees Founded in 1884 General Dynamics subsidiary

3 3 Business and benefit issues ● Competitors have lower medical costs, fewer bargained employees Competitiveness Workforce Cost Management Issues Disease Burden ● 31%+ pre-diabetic ● 79%+ moderate to high- risk for obesity and/or hypertension ● Spinal and back disorders, bone and joint disorders ● Aging employee population ● New England stubbornness and independence

4 4 Fit for Life program Main ComponentIncentive $50/$100 value gifts On company time $200 in gift cards for meeting goals $300 cash reward Health coaching Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Salaried Health Improvement Program (SHIP) Biometric screenings

5 5 BIW’s Choosing Wisely Priorities l 5 Questions l Low back pain l Opioids/ chronic pain relief l Colon cancer screening options l Heart disease prevention, testing, & treatment Simple, streamlined communications

6 6 BIW’s Choosing Wisely Efforts 1. Digital Bulletin Board slides 2. Making Healthy Choices video rollout 3. Development of Choosing Wisely “rack cards” 4. Healthcare Bluebook

7 7 1. Digital Bulletin Boards l Rolled out in Spring 2015 l 11 locations around yard l Intranet homepage l Weekly rotation with 30 seconds each slide l Benefits/ Fit for Life gets 5 slides a week






13 13 2. Making Healthy Choices Video

14 14 Making Healthy Choices Digital Bulletin Board

15 15 Our iPad Winner

16 16 Employee voices from Making Healthy Choices video “That it is ok to ask your doctor the reason for specific treatments. I think the patient can feel at a disadvantage in these situations and it's good to have the background to ask ‘why’ questions.” “That some tests or procedures could actually have a negative impact on the patient.” “Sometimes the best treatment is no treatment.” “We (generationally) over depend on the ever expanding technology and decrease the use of common sense. These MHC series are making us more aware of common sense practices that need to be revitalized.” “I'll review those questions before going to my doctor appt next time.”

17 17 3. Choosing Wisely Rack Cards

18 18 4.

19 19 Lessons Learned l Multiple modes l Offer an incentive l Short, sweet and simple l Benefits of partnering with independent not-for- profit organizations

20 20

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