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Chap 22 Vietnam War. I. Vietnam (1962-1964) A. French influence 1.1954, Dien Bien Phu French surrender. (U.S. will take over) 2.1954, Geneva Accords,

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Presentation on theme: "Chap 22 Vietnam War. I. Vietnam (1962-1964) A. French influence 1.1954, Dien Bien Phu French surrender. (U.S. will take over) 2.1954, Geneva Accords,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chap 22 Vietnam War

2 I. Vietnam (1962-1964) A. French influence 1.1954, Dien Bien Phu French surrender. (U.S. will take over) 2.1954, Geneva Accords, divides North and South Vietnam (17 th Parallel).

3 B. Domino Theory 1. Eisenhower--- one falls they all fall C. 1962-3, Kennedy 1.Ho Chi Minh supported by China, USSR. (Viet Cong) 2.Ngo Diem supported by U.S.

4 D. Viet Cong 1.Lacking support Diem’s government falls. (Diem arrested and later killed)

5 E. Gulf of Tonkin incident 1. Aug 1964, North Vietnamese boats attack U.S. destroyer.

6 F. Gulf of Tonkin resolution 1. Aug 7 th Gives the president the ability to take all necessary means to repel any armed attack against the United States.

7 II. Vietnam (1965-1968) a.North Vietnamese supplied by Ho Chi Minh trail, through Laos and Cambodia.

8 1. Viet Cong = Defensive War Strategy “If we survive to fight another day they will get tired, and their own people will demand that the war be ended.”

9 B.U.S. involvement increase C. Taking sides In U.S. 1.Hawks supported war 2.Doves against war

10 D. Nov, 14-18 1965 La Drang Valley 1.1 st time regulars on both sides faced off Hal Moore in Command Joe Galloway Basil Plumley


12 Feb 2012, Basil Plumley, Hal Moore, Joe Galloway

13 October 10, 2012

14 E. U.S. confident 1. Better Weapons (M16) 2. Agent Orange Herbicide/defoliant sprayed on the jungles to make it easier to spot VC from the sky.






20 3. US govt. tells the public that we are winning. “That the VC are wearing down and progress is being made.” (Robert McNamara- Sec. of Defense and Gen. Westmoreland)

21 III. 1968 The War Changes (Credibility Gap) A. Tet Offensive (1968) 1.Jan 30 th, Vietnamese New Year. Viet Cong and North Vietnamese, launch massive attack South.

22 2. General Nguyen Ngoc Loan, kills suspected VC.

23 3. Major turning point in the war. Psychological victory for North proved nowhere in South was safe.

24 B. Atrocities (during Tet) 1.March 1968, My Lai massacre, Lieutenant William Calley orders killing nearly 400 children, women and old men.



27 IV. Student of a Democratic Society (SDS) A.Cal Berkley (free speech movement) 1.1964, 1 st anti-war demonstration.

28 b. 1968 (Political troubles) 1.Johnson decided not to run again. 2.Bobby Kennedy and MLK killed. 3.Democratic National convention turns to violence. 4.Nixon (Republican) wins election over Humphrey. 5.26 th amendment passed lowered voting age to 18.



31 V. End of the War a.“Peace with honor” 1.“Vietnamization” pull troops out 2.Changes draft to a lottery system 3. Begins secret bombing of strategic sites, into Cambodia.

32 b. Kent State(1970) 1.May 4 th, Protestors ends with four killed. Nine others wounded

33 c. American Withdraw 1. 1971- “Pentagon Papers” released by N.Y. Times – history of U.S. involvement in Vietnam. 2. January 1973 Paris Accords gave formal agreement of peace 3. 1973 War powers Act- requires 48 hour notice of troop deployment. Henry Kissinger

34 d. Results 1.U.S. assumptions of victory because of money, technology, were proved false. 2.April, 1975 Fall of Saigon, ends South Vietnam (U.S. airlifts over 7000 people out of the Capitol)



37 3. U.S. over 58,000 kia, 300,000 wia. Over 2500 MIA’s. 1 in 10 Vietnamese killed or wounded.


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