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FREEDOM ENGLISH “Literature is no one’s private ground, literature is common ground; let us trespass freely and fearlessly and find our own way for ourselves.”

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Presentation on theme: "FREEDOM ENGLISH “Literature is no one’s private ground, literature is common ground; let us trespass freely and fearlessly and find our own way for ourselves.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 FREEDOM ENGLISH “Literature is no one’s private ground, literature is common ground; let us trespass freely and fearlessly and find our own way for ourselves.” – Virginia Woolf Ms. Casey’s Class Diamond Middle School 2016-2017 Who is Ms. Casey?!? Class Expectations 1. Come to class prepared, on time, ready to learn and with a positive attitude. Leave the rest of your day at the door! 2.Treat others with kindness and respect. I will not tolerate any less. 3.Show respect for classroom spaces by leaving the room in the condition we found it (or perhaps even improved!) and returning classroom materials. 4.Strive each day to create a learning environment in which we are motivated to voice our thoughts, questions, and opinions without fear of judgment. 1 Welcome to eighth grade English class! I am excited to begin our year together and to work towards becoming stronger thinkers, braver writers, ambitious readers and meaningful members of our school and our global community. In order to do this, we will focus on the following goals: -Engage in close reading of a text -Identify and examine the role of literary devices in a text -Provide textual evidence to support a claim -Strive to become clear, confident, and engaging analytical, persuasive and creative writers -Make connections to the text we read to help us enjoy it! -Broaden vocabulary and improve grammar -Have an excitement and passion for learning! That being said- I hope to have a FUN year together and to create a space where you feel comfortable expressing yourself. I want you to feel challenged, learn new things, advocate for yourself, share your idea, be willing to be flexible and understanding, and most of all be happy when in room 110. Expect to do things like: Snapshots, exit slips, Socratic seminars, online discussions, coloring, watching videos, talking to each other, listening, reading aloud, free writing, reading EVERYTHING WE CAN, laughing, and TONS more. Homework: This is an essential part of our class and will be assigned nightly. It must be done completely, neatly, and on time. Make sure to include your name, the date, and your class color at the top of the page. Nightly homework will be recorded on the white board and posted online. Late Assignments: It is very important to turn your work in on time. Both major assignments and nightly homework will lose points for each day that they are late (dependent on the point value of the assignment). If you do not have a completed assignment to turn in on the due date, you MUST submit a PURPLE SHEET and fill it out completely. This helps me keep track of how late work is/what is missing. This goes for online assignments as well. This policy will be reviewed in class. Hello! Academic Policies and Expectations You’re probably wondering what’s up with me, especially since I am NEW to the Diamond community! A few things about me- I grew up in a small town in Connecticut, where my parents and my dog, Allie, still live. I moved to Massachusetts to attend Lesley University and I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education and English Literature. Previous to this year I worked at Lexington High School and CRLS in Cambridge! CONTACT ME AT:

2 Grades What we are reading this year?? Of Mice and Men Animal Farm A Midsummer Night’s Dream To Kill a Mockingbird AND OTHERS! FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What do I do if I am absent? If you are unexpectedly absent from class the best thing to do is check the classroom website or Google Classroom to check in on what you missed. When you return to class you can find any work you need to make up in the “Absence Bin” and you have one extra day to complete the assignment. If you know you are going to out (especially for an extended period of time) it is helpful to let me know. Can I use my phone in class? No, you may not use your phone in class to Snapchat yourself with rainbows coming out of your mouth. There may be times when it is okay to use your phone, but if I have not deemed it appropriate then I reserve the right to take your phone for the block if I see it being used. What should I do if I need extra help? I want you to succeed in English and will help that happen in whatever way I can. Please either send me an email or speak to be before or after class to set up a time to meet. During this time, you can  Ask questions about topics we have discussed in class  Review essay drafts with me  Make up missed worked  Organize your planner/notebook If you’re concerned about anything, please let me know what is on your mind. If you ever need an adult to talk to, I am more than happy to talk about things non English related as well. What are the different places in this room?  THE Table  Reading Corner  “The Fridge”  Ms. Casey’s desk  Group work tables  Student desks 2 Ms. Casey’s Class Diamond Middle School 2016-2017 All assignments will be given a point value. Categories are not weighted. I find this to be the easiest way to understand the importance of each assignment. Nightly homework is usually worth 4 points, quizzes range form 10-20, and larger assignments such as writing, exams, and projects range from 50-100 points. In addition to a point value, larger assignments will receive detailed feedback via an assignment rubric. What if I have a question about a grade? It is my policy to not discuss student grades in class. If you have a question about a grade you received on a specific assignment, I ask that you take 24 hours to craft specific questions. After that time, you may send me an email requesting a meeting. If you have questions about your class grade, please email me to set up a meeting. Can I retake a test or rewrite an essay? Retakes/rewrites are available for essays and writing assignments on which students receive less than a 75%. They are due one week after the original essay due date/test date, no exceptions. What’s up with Google Classroom? We will be using Google Classroom on a regular basis. I will often post links, assignments, rubrics, and in-class work on our class page. Use it as a resource- it can help you stay organized and on top of work! We will spend time reviewing how to best use it! “Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow” – Anthony J. D’Angelo

3 PLEASE READ THE COURSE INFORMATION, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS SHEET TO MS. CASEY*. Students: Please sign below to signify that you have read the course sheet for Ms. Casey’s class and understand the policies and procedures. _______________________________ _____________________________________________ Student printed name Student signature Parents/Guardians: Please sign below to indicate that you have read the course sheet for Ms. Casey’s class and that you will help your student be accountable for the information. If you have questions about the course or your student’s work, please do not hesitate to contact me; email is the best way to reach me quickly. See the front of this sheet for my email address. _______________________________ _____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian printed name Parent/Guardian signature _______________________________ ______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian e-mail Parent/Guardian daytime phone number (please print) 3 Mrs. *****’s Class School 2016-2017 School Year Check all the statements that apply to how you would like to communicate with Ms. Casey about your student’s progress. I will, of course, call for major concerns or accomplishments, but I like to know how you’d prefer to communicate. _____I/We have internet access at home, so we will check Parent Portal to check on my/our student’s progress. I/We will contact Ms. Casey about any concerns we have. _____I/We plan to email Ms. Casey regularly for an update. _____I/We do not have internet access at home, but I/we would like to have regular contact with Ms. Casey. I/we will call for an update on a regular basis. _____Other: _______________________________________________________________________________

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